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Surrendering myself entirely to instinct, a logical first step before surrendering to another person I figured, I put slipped a finger into my hungry little pussy. Not nearly enough, I tried another. Nope, not yet. My fingers weren’t big, but they were long, and they were almost all the way in there. Right up to the third knuckle. Already crossed like I was really hopeful. I had to do that to get both in there because of the limited space. Yet my starving little pussy still wanted more. Moving in the tiniest of increments, I slipped a third finger deep inside me, somehow getting it in as far as the first two. It felt huge with all three of them bunched up together like that, making what felt like one big thing. I laughed out loud, remembering that ‘thing’ was what I thought a cock was called until well into my teens.

“Cock,” I said in an act of defiance. It felt good. So good, I couldn’t really stop.

“Cock, cock, cock, cock, fuck, pussy, anal tits, cock, cock, cock!”

All the sinful words I was always forbidden to say coming out like a mantra. A prayer to an earthly deity of fun and pleasure. There was a time I would have blushed but I only laughed louder. A gleeful celebration of liberation as I started to pleasure myself for the second time. Going much farther than in the first, both literally and figuratively. All three fingers pumping deep inside me gradually increasing in speed. I angled my wrist ever so slightly and a new world of pleasure open up before my as my fingers brushed up against my clit with each and every movement.

As I moved and the pressure went through me like nobody’s business, my mind turned back to cocks. Simon’s in particular. I’d never seen it of course but could impinge. I could definitely imagine and I did. Each stroke of my fingers becoming a thrust of his beautiful cock in my head. It was like I could see him onto of me. Looking down with his warm blue eyes. Warming my soul as he tended to my pussy. Giving me all the pleasure I’d never know I’d wanted but craved like life the second I knew it was possible.

In my head I wrapped my legs around him as he moved, taking hold of his shoulder. Trying to make it, so he couldn’t pull out. Not that I had any reason to think he was entertaining any such notions. Better safe than sorry I figured. Fairly sure I just might have died if he stopped before we had reached our conclusion.

Simon kissed me as he fucked me, working his huge cock deep in my tight virgin pussy, filling me with pleasure. What would turn out to be a massive orgasm already building inside me. As with Simon’s cock, I could really only guess what it would feel like to have him cum inside me. Another thing I was suddenly and deeply desperate for. Nonetheless, it happened at the same time as my real-life orgasm.

It was a warm, thick rush, filling me up inside. The warmth though through every bit of me making it feel like it was coming up from the core of me. I could have woken a hibernating bear with the sheer, ecstatic volume of my wail as I hit the apex of my orgasm. I had taken the fancy panties off a while ago and was glad. It was far from a dry orgasm and I would have hated to have to take the lingerie into the dry cleaners. Not least because I wouldn’t be able to wear it to work the next day.

I crashed back down on the bed, having contorted up into some interesting shapes during my ecstatic exaltation. Physically pent but cosmically happy, I managed to get the rest of the lingerie off and then convince my still shaking legs to go all the way over to the dresser, so I could put away for the morning.Chapter Twelve - SkyeIt was a dilemma to be sure. Showered, shaved and fed, I stood naked before the bed where the lingerie had been laid. I did have a long coat if that was what the note had meant but still really couldn’t imagine doing such a thing. Even though it might be fun. There were girls I knew who were rumored to have done such things when I was growing up. Even though it was usually put as to reflect some sort of moral failing, I had to admire them.

Staying with my still nervous nature, I decided to play it safe. I put the lingerie on true enough and then put together the most plain, and modest, outfit I could to wear over it. Not want to give any indication as to what lay beneath. Except to the very generous sender, who I still held a lot of hope was Simon, even though there were a few doubts knowing at the back of my skull like teething rodents.

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