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The tremble seemed to start from the very core of her. Like an internal earthquake, our bodies so close I could feel every shiver and shake as though they were mine. Releasing a second torrent of cum deep inside her, I gently eased out, stroking her pussy with my fingers as she slowly recovered.

Back in reality I came into a rag I had ready after the mug incident. I tended to only make the same mistake once. Recovering my equilibrium, I reviewed my list, as was my habit, and couldn’t find a single revision.Chapter Sixteen - SkyeI couldn’t quite move properly. Not at first anyway. My nerves had recovered from the previous night’s activities but my muscles hadn’t. Forcing myself to get up off the couch, I gathered the scattered clothes and went up the stairs to my room. Dumping the stuff in the laundry pile I looked for something to wear.

Getting my bra on, I decided not wear panties. The decision was partly practical. I couldn’t imagine having anything close to me down there. Though it was also for experience. I’d never really gone ‘commando’ before and was curious as to what it felt like. Not dumb enough to go walking through a winter wonderland with my nether regions unprotected, I wigged into some comfy yoga pants before pulling a woolen skirt up over it and putting on my socks and a sweater. I didn’t look particularly fashionable but I would be warm, which was much more important in New York in December.

Doing up my Nordic hiking boots, I cocooned myself into my Russian style overcoat and set out into the polar vortex in search of the bus stop, feeling a lot like Robert Falcon Scott.

Even on such a dread day, the bridge looked beautiful. Even with the stalagmite like icicles hanging from it, ready to perforate any boat that happened to pass at the wrong time.

I’d really thought I’d made it. The bad news hitting as bad news so often did, when I least suspected it. Just as I was stepping down off the bus into a passing ice flow. I’d been so caught up with Simon and discovering previously unexplored dimensions of my sexuality I’d neglected to get a present for my Secret Santa recipient. Determined to fit in with the office culture I set off in search of something. Finding a local drug store, looking until I found a blank greeting card at thrice the price of the highest grade Hallmark back home.

The expensive bit of cardboard tucked safely in my pocket, along with its included envelope I trudged to the café. Fueled but a small hot chocolate with whipped cream, I got out my best pen, still nowhere near the beautiful pieces Simon used, I composed a poem. Playing it safe, I stuck to inoffensive and mostly generic winter and wilderness imagery, rendered with poetic flourish. Even with the slight set back I managed to make across the street to the office with ten minutes to spare. Sam had the book ready for me to sign as I got to the security desk. I nodded and he winked. It was good to have allies.

I got past Inga without a peep and set about my mission to get the poetical card on my target’s desk without him noticing. I was still pretty so the attendance at the farm barely passed a smattering. Mostly keeners who were also there as a stop gap. The permanent employees more on-the-dot types outside of Inga. I was beginning to wonder if she ever actually left her desk. I’d never actually seen her legs. Could she have been an urban mermaid of some kind?

I shook the silly thought out of my mind and set about sneaking my way to the cubicle without anyone really noticing. My poetic stylings safely on the desk of my intended audience, I went to my own cubicle to see what Simon had in store for me.

Shock held me paralyzed. There was nothing. At lest not what wasn’t supposed to be there. The space in front of the computer where the first three gifts had been empty as the feeling in my stomach.

Explanations spun in my head. The most logical if upsetting, was that he regretted what we had done. To be fair there was an age gap, and he was in a position of power. Thought the gap wasn’t that big, I was old enough to make my own decisions and everything we’d done had been complete consensual. Simon going a long way to build my trust in him. Despite the short time we had known each other I trusted him completely, knowing he would never harm me.

Just as I was trying to think of how I was going to live without him if Simon really was gone from my life when another notion hit me. What if he hadn’t come into the office at all. This potentiality was more than enough to drive me to get the current book finish and the analysis is typed up.

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