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But the metal handle felt real as I pulled open the driver’s side door, my heart beating fast in my chest. Immediately, I could smell that familiar mix of old leather, cigar smoke, and the lingering scent of ocean and sand you carry back with you from the beach that you always wish would last, but never does.

I loved that truck. It was the place my dad and I spent more time together than anywhere else, me on the passenger side, feet balanced on the dashboard, him with one elbow out the window, tapping the roof along with the beat on the radio. We went out early Saturday mornings to get biscuits and drive around checking on job sites, drove home from meets in the dark, me curled up in that perfect spot between the seat and window where I always fell asleep instantly. The air conditioner hadn’t worked for as long as I’d been alive, and the heat cranked enough to dehydrate you within minutes, but it didn’t matter. Like the beach house, the truck was dilapidated, familiar, with its own unique charm: it was my dad. And now it was back.

I eased the door shut, then went up to the front door of my house. It was unlocked, and as I stepped inside, kicking off my shoes as I always did, I could feel something beneath my feet. I crouched down, running my finger over the hardwood: it was sand.

“Hello?” I said, then listened to my voice bounce around our high ceilings back to me. Afterwards, nothing but silence.

My mother was at the sales office, had been there since five. I knew this because she’d left a message around ten on my cell phone, telling me. Which meant that either sometime in the last five hours my father’s truck had driven itself from the coast, or there was another explanation.

I went back down the hallway and looked up to the second floor. My bedroom door, which I always left closed to keep it either cooler or warmer, was open.

I wasn’t sure what to think as I climbed the stairs, remembering how many times I’d wished my dad would just turn up at the house one day, this whole thing one big misunderstanding we could all laugh about together. If only.

When I got to my room, I stopped in the open door and noticed, relieved, everything familiar: my computer, my closed closet door, my window. There was the SAT book on my bedside table, my shoes lined up by the wastebasket. All as it should be. But then I looked at the bed and saw the dark head against my pillow. Of course my father wasn’t back. But Caroline was.

She’d just stopped in for a visit. But already, she was making waves.

“Caroline,” my mother said. Her voice, once polite, then stern, was now bordering on snappy. “I’m not discussing this. This is not the place or time.”

“Maybe this isn’t the place,” Caroline told her, helping herself to another breadstick. “But Mom, really. It’s time.”

It was Monday, and we were all at Bella Luna, a fancy little bistro near the library. For once, I wasn’t eating lunch alone, instead taking my hour with my mother and sister. Now, though, I was realizing maybe I would have preferred to eat my regular sandwich on a bench alone, as it became increasingly clear that my sister had come with An Agenda.

“I just think,” she said now, glancing at our waitress as she passed, “that it’s not what Dad would have wanted. He loved that house. And it’s sitting there, rotting. You should see all the sand in the living room, and the way the steps to the beach are sagging. It’s horrible. Have you even been down to check on it since he died?”

I watched my mother’s face as she heard this, the way, despite her best efforts, she reacted to the various breaches of the conduct we’d long ago agreed on concerning my father and how he was mentioned. My mother and I preferred to focus on the future: this was the past. But my sister didn’t see it that way. From the minute she’d arrived—driving his truck because her Lexus had blown a gasket while at the beach—it was like she’d brought him with her as well.

“The beach house is the least of my concerns, Caroline,” my mother said now, as our waitress passed by again with a frazzled expression. We’d been waiting for our entrees for over twenty minutes. “I’m doing this new phase of townhouses, and the zoning has been extremely difficult. . . .”

“I know,” Caroline said. “I understand how hard it has been for you. For both of you.”

“I don’t think you do.” My mother put her hand on her water glass but didn’t pick it up or take a sip. “Otherwise you would understand that this isn’t something I want to talk about right now.”

My sister sat back in her chair, twisting her wedding ring around her finger. “Mom,” she said finally, “I’m not trying to upset you. I’m just saying that it’s been a year and a half . . . and maybe it’s time to move on. Dad would have wanted you to be happier than this. I know it.”

“I thought this was about the beach house,” my mother said stiffly.

“It is,” Caroline said. “But it’s also about living. You can’t hide behind work forever, you know. I mean, when was the last time you and Macy took a vacation or did something nice for yourselves?”

“I was at the coast just a couple of weeks ago.”

“For work,” Caroline said. “You work late into the night, you get up early in the morning, you don’t do anything but think about the development. Macy never goes out with friends, she spends all her time holed up studying, and she’s not going to be seventeen forever—”

“I’m fine,” I said.
