Page 76 of Woman of the House

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After we returned state side, we all sold off our apartments and bought a bigger one at One57, the building where Sloane lived. Our apartment is so big that I sometimes lose myself in here—all right, all right, I’m exaggerating. But at three thousand square feet, I have to brag about it, don’t I? I mean, nine rooms? I feel like a princess.

“Let’s drink!” Sloane cries out, grabbing three glasses from the cupboard and lining them up on the counter. He fills them up, grabs one and then pushes another toward me. I just look down at the glass, hesitant, and then push it back to Sloane.

“I can’t,” I tell him, a smile creeping up on my lips. I guess now’s the time to let them know. Now, don’t look at me like that; I just found out this afternoon, and I’ve been thinking about how I should tell them. In the end, though, I guess I don’t need to be fancy about it, despite all of our money, we’re simple people, and that simplicity makes us happy.

“What? We’re celebrating! You have to drink,” Drake protests, downing his glass with one single gulp. And then his eyes widen. He takes one step back, looking at me as if I suddenly caught fire. “Holy shit.”

“What? What is it?” Sloane asks, looking from me to Drake with a confused expression on his face. Smiling, I place my hand on top of my belly.

“We’re having a baby,” I whisper, and Sloane grows so pale I think he might pass out.

“A baby? Like, you mean… You’re pregnant?” he mutters, his eyes widening as much as Sloane’s. “Gimme that,” he says, reaching for my abandoned glass and emptying it on the sink. Despite his bad boy persona, Sloane sure as hell can be the kindest man. “No more drinking for you.”

“And more for us,” Derek says excitedly, pouring himself another glass and laughing. “A baby! Jesus, can you imagine it? We’re going to be parents!”

“Parents,” Sloane whispers, more to himself than to us, allowing everything to sink in. I figure he never saw himself as a father, but the silly smile he has on his face right now tells me that he’s as happy as I am.

I smile inwardly, happiness flooding through me as I take in their reaction. I was a bit worried, you see? But that was me being silly. I was worried that they’d asked the dreaded ‘who’s the father?’, but I should’ve known better: they couldn’t care less about who’s the father. And, as far as they are concerned, they're absolutely right about that; they’re both the fathers of this child, and I know they’re both going to love him the same.

“Oh,” I cry out as Sloane sweeps me off my feet and picks me up from the floor. Carrying me in his arms, he walks out of the kitchen and then looks back at Drake over his shoulder.

“You comin’?” he asks him, “We need to celebrate.”

“I’m coming,” Drake replies with a grin, following us to the master bedroom. Sloane lays me down on the mattress gently—perhaps a bit too gently—and they both lay down by my side. I kiss Sloane and then Drake, and then I let a bright laugh slip out from between my lips.

My God, I’m so happy right now. And to think that just over a year ago my life was a complete mess: fighting my mother, trying to secure my company… And now, just look at me! I have more money than I can count and a multi-million dollar apartment!

But that’s almost insignificant, you know? Because I don’t care about money, wealth, or luxury. I’m not my mother, after all. There are only two things I care about in this world: Drake and Sloane. Well, three things now, since we’re having a baby.

Our family just keeps growing.

And so does our happiness.
