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“I think I lost my neutrality a while back,” she said.

“I think you’re right.” I pulled her against me, turning her, pushing her back up against a wall. She let out a little breath as I kissed her neck, held her body against mine. “I think you lost it the second you let my tongue touch your skin.”

“Vince,” she whispered.

“Don’t say anything.” I let my lips brush against her cheek. “I don’t feel like discussing this anymore. You know what I want.”

She let out a little whimper as I kissed her.

Goddamn, that kiss was heaven. I’d been needing it, dreaming about it, yearning for it for so long. I let my tongue bask in her taste, in the golden delicious glow of her body. I grabbed her hips and pulled her tight against me, and she let out this little gasp, this little moan that made my cock stiffen against my jeans.

“Come here,” I said, tugging her away from the wall. We walked down the hallway and I stopped outside of a door, pulling it open.

“Wait,” she said. “We shouldn’t be in here.”

“This is my house,” I said, and pulled her into the room after me.18MonaVince closed the door behind us, turned something on the handle that clicked, and reached up to hit a light. The dark room filled with a gentle, soft glow from several lamps placed around the space, and I stood with my mouth hanging open for a few moments.

A pool table sat in the center of the space, the felt a bright blue, the wooden frame richly carved with ivory and gold inlays. Several large, heavy brown recliners were lined up on the left side of the room, and a huge bookshelf stuffed with leather-bound books covered one entire wall. A complete bar was on the opposite wall, with actual stools and a huge assortment of bottles and taps. There were cigars lined up along the top of the bar, and the room smelled like old tobacco and worn-in belts.

“What is this?” I asked.

“Game room,” I said. “My father likes to bring his rich scumbag friends in here, impress them with his cigars and liquor, then kick their ass at pool and take their money.”

“He hustles people in pool?”

He laughed and shrugged. “I guess so. Never thought about it that way.”

“He pretends like he’s so frail,” I said.

“That’s true,” he said, and pulled me against him. “But it’s all an act, my darling. You’ll see that most of this bullshit is just for show.”

“What about you?” I asked, reaching up to touch his cheek. “How much of you are just for show?”

Another brief glimpse of that pain, deep behind his eyes.

“What you see is what you get with me,” he said. “Nothing special there.”

“Yeah,” I whispered. “You’re right. Nothing special.”

He pressed his lips against mine again and I let out a little purr. I couldn’t help myself, all the stress and fear I’d been feeling the last day crumbled and poured from my chest as he pushed me deep into the room. I stumble back as he kissed me, let him slide my blouse up over my head and toss it on the ground, let his lips kiss my neck.

There was a strange frenzy mixed with an odd tenderness to the way he touched me, like he wanted me so badly he couldn’t slow down, but he was afraid to hurt me. I got that sense whenever he was around me, like he wanted to show me what he could do, but he was afraid it would go too far.

I wanted him to go further.

I was in this. I was embracing it.

This was my future and I knew it. I didn’t want to turn my back on what I was becoming, and if that meant fucking Vince in his father’s game room, if that meant tasting him and letting him taste me, I wouldn’t stop.

I couldn’t, didn’t want to.

I needed him more than I realized.

I moaned as he palmed my breasts, took off my bra, licked my hard, pink nipples. I felt the pool table behind me, and he lifted me up, sitting me down on top. I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him as he teased my chest.

His hands felt incredible as he moved them down between my legs. He kissed my neck, my shoulders, my nipples.

“This is why you stay,” he whispered. “This, right here. This pleasure, this taste. You pretend like you’re here for the story, but I think you want to live the story, Mona. I think you want to be a part of the story.”

“I don’t know what you mean,” I moaned as he unbuttoned my jeans and tugged them off. I watched him peel them down my body and toss them onto the floor before I hopped off the pool table and grabbed at his shirt.
