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"No!" Nicole spun on Hayley. "You're lying about the competitions and you're lying about the drugs. If you can hold your breath so long, then you killed Serena. Killed her and drugged Maya."

"Why? What possible reason--?"

"Jealousy. You hated Serena because she was better than you in swimming and singing. You hated Maya because everyone thinks she's special."

"Yep, we're all jealous," Sam said. "All except you. Right, Nic? Which is good, or else you really wouldn't want to hear about Daniel and Maya."


"Daniel and Maya," Sam walked toward her. "Who do you think comforted Maya when she thought Rafe was dead? Who do you think got really close to her on that long walk through the woods?"

"What?" I said. "If you mean--"

"Oh, Nicole knows what I mean. Gotta hand it to you, Maya, you played the grief card perfectly. Completely blindsided poor Daniel."

"What?" I stared at Sam. I could see Rafe hesitating, looking confused. Confused and hurt.

"Don't lie, Maya," Sam said. "I saw you and Daniel together that night. Awfully chilly to have all those clothes off, but you seemed to be keeping warm just fine."

Nicole flew at me then, her face twisted with rage. She knocked me flying. Rafe and Sam jumped in to pull her off, but she grabbed my hair and wrapped it around her fingers, yanking, hitting and clawing with her free hand. I managed to grab her by the hair and yanked her off me. She yowled and kept coming, clawing and hitting, not caring that hanks of her own hair were ripping free as they held her back. Finally, I pinned her. I could feel the shift coming, my skin pulsing, my face changing. She could see that and still she kept fighting. I got my hand around her throat. Then the door slammed open and two guards raced in.

I backed off Nicole fast. They hit her with a needle, but she wouldn't stop trying to get me and they had to haul her out.

"You bitch!" she shrieked back at me. "You think what I did to Serena was bad? Just wait until I get ahold of you." They

dragged her away, still spewing threats.

I stood there, doubled over, catching my breath. Hayley helped me straighten and led me to the sofa, then sat beside me.

"Are you okay?" she asked.

I gulped in breaths as the shift slowly reversed.

Hayley looked up at Rafe. "I don't know what Sam was talking about, because I never saw anything happen between Maya and Daniel."

"Because nothing did." I pushed up and advanced on Sam. "I don't know what game you're playing, but nothing--"

"Oh, of course, nothing happened," Sam said. "Like you'd watch your boyfriend die and jump the next available guy." She turned to Rafe. "And if your boyfriend thinks for a second that was possible, he doesn't know you at all."

"You caught me off guard," Rafe said. "I just didn't know what the hell you were playing at. I didn't think Maya did it."

Only he had thought I did. Or at least, he'd entertained the possibility. I'd seen it on his face.

"I think it's clear what I was playing at," Sam said. "Setting off Nicole. It worked, didn't it? When it comes to Daniel, she's got a few screws loose. More than a few. Now everyone's seen it, and she confessed to killing Serena, so it's all good."

"All good?" Hayley said, standing. "Not only did you just accuse Maya of messing around with Daniel, but you've convinced Nicole that she did. Nicole. The girl who murdered Serena because she was dating Daniel. The girl who tried to murder Maya because she's friends with him. And that's all good?"

Sam sputtered and spewed excuses, but I could tell she hadn't thought it through. Now I was trapped in a house with someone who truly wanted me dead.

The door opened again. In walked Nast, followed by Moreno, a guard, and a woman I didn't recognize. Moreno was talking, as usual. "Look, I know you're in charge, sir, but Calvin asked--"

"I don't give a damn what Calvin asked for. I told him to control his daughter."

Nast headed for me. Rafe moved closer.

"Get out of here, boy," Nast said. "Playtime's over. Take them"--a dismissive wave at Sam and Hayley--"with you."

They made no move to leave. Nast didn't seem to notice, just continued bearing down on me.

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