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He didn't know whether to thank or berate Merry for it. Alex didn't like the idea, but on the other hand, if his head was pounding as badly as this two days after the attack, he could only think he would have been suffering even worse these last two days had he been conscious. Still, he was awake now, and competent to make his own decisions, and he was getting up whether Godfrey got Merry up here to order him back to bed or not.

He was teetering on one leg and trying to get his other into the braies when Godfrey came rushing back into the room. Alex paused to send a glare the lad's way, and then gave up the task altogether to hold the braies in front of his groin as a herd of women followed a moment later. There were at least five of them. Merry and his sister, Evelinde, were at the head of the pack, but they were followed by both their maids as well as another woman he didn't recognize. Alex stared at the small crowd askance and thought they must have flown up the stairs to reach the room so quickly.

It was the last thought he had a chance to think. Alex was suddenly surrounded by women who proceeded to peck and poke at him, plucking at his braies, trying to get them away, tugging at his arm to move him back toward the bed, and each of them berating him at the same time in an incomprehensible babble that just made his head hurt worse.

Before he knew it, Alex found his hands empty and his bare arse back in the bed as the five angry women all fussed and tugged at the linens to cover him up, still berating him for thinking himself strong enough to be up and about.

It was deep male laughter from the door that broke up the party. Alex glanced that way, hoping for reinforcement, and froze as he took in the man in the doorway. This could be none other than the Devil of Donnachaidh. Alex had always thought of himself as a good-sized man. He was usually up to half a foot taller than those around him, but this man was taller still, and he suspected a touch wider as well. The top of Cullen Duncan's head barely cleared the frame at the top of the door, and he was wide enough to fill it from side to side with little room left over. Despite his size, the man moved with the grace of a panther, however, Alex noted as Cullen Duncan eased into the room, his eyes taking in the scene. Amusement still curved his lips, but there was a serious look in his eyes that suggested it would be smart to obey as he surveyed the women and ordered, "Out."

Evelinde apparently was not intimidated by her husband. She scowled at the order and hurried to his side, saying, "But Cullen, we need to speak with Alex and find out what is going on."

Much to Alex's amazement, rather than becoming annoyed, the Devil's gaze softened as it settled on his wife and the man smiled and bent to press a kiss to her lips before straightening to say, "I will talk to him and get to the bottom of it."

"But--" Evelinde began, and fell silent when he raised a hand for silence.

"I let ye talk to yer new sister. Now let me talk to me new brother." When Evelinde hesitated and then cast a worried glance to Alex, he added, "And I'll make sure he stays abed."

His little sister relaxed and beamed at the great behemoth as if he'd just said the most clever thing in the world, Alex noted with amazement. She even then ushered the other women out of the room, including Merry, assuring her, "Cullen will sort it all out for us."

Alex watched the door close and then turned his gaze to his new brother-in-law. He peered at him silently, considering what he'd taken in in the last few moments, and then announced with some surprise, "She loves you."

"Aye." Cullen grinned widely, and then his expression became more solemn and he added soberly, "And I, her."

Alex merely nodded. The mutual love was obvious, and it seemed all his worry had been for naught. He smiled wryly and sat up to swing his feet off the bed, only to fall back with a grunt of surprise as Cullen quickly closed the distance between them and pushed him back flat.

"Keep yerself in that bed, else ye'll be wrestlin' with me," the Devil growled. He then smiled crookedly and added, "I did promise me wife, and I doona break me promises."

Alex considered the man and briefly toyed with the idea of making him keep him there, but then gave it up. Any other time he might do so just for the fun of it--and to see who would win--but there was no doubt who would win at the moment. He wasn't at his best and his head was a bit sore, so Alex nodded and then shifted around to sit up in the bed when the other man straightened.

"Good. As much as I enjoy a good battle, ye're in no condition to be much of a challenge." Cullen moved to grab one of the chairs by the fire. He placed it next to the bed and settled on it to peer at Alex.

Several moments of silence passed as the two men sized each other up, and then Cullen asked, "How was Tunis?"

"Hot and bloody," Alex said dryly and then smiled when the man laughed.

They shared a smile, and then Cullen said, "I gather ye've a bit o' trouble at d'Aumesbery. I can sympathize, we had a bit o' trouble when I first got yer sister here, too. I'm glad to say 'tis all tended now though," he assured him, and then asked, "So, diya want to hear what's been going on here, or tell me what's been goin' on with ye first?"

Alex was silent for a moment, thinking that it was a fair trade and he just might come to like this man, and then he suggested Cullen tell his troubles first. He listened silently as his new brother-in-law spoke of what had gone on when Evelinde had first arrived at Donnachaidh. The man didn't pull any punches or hold back anything, admitting to faults and his own blindness in some matters without mercy for himself. In fact, he was incredibly honest about all that had occurred, and Alex found his eyebrows flying up several times as the story progressed, and then lowering with concern. But then it was done, and it was his turn.

He could do no less than return the favor, and Alex was just as blunt and open about all that had occurred since Merry's arrival at d'Aumesbery. Cullen listened silently in return. When Alex got to the part about going outside to relieve himself and someone clubbing him over the head, that was where he fell silent. He didn't remember much after that; vague recollections of being dragged through the woods, Merry falling on him, her voice anxious, and then a pain-filled and nauseating trek back to the tent.

Cullen informed him of what Merry had told them, helping to fill in the holes, and then paused to rub his jaw thoughtfully before saying, "'Tis no' yer wife dosin' ye."

"Nay, of course not," Alex said promptly, but was aware of a touch of relief sliding through him at the man's words.

Cullen merely smiled knowingly, and added, "Ye'd be forgiven fer thinking so since it only started after her arrival and since she's benefited from the dosing."

"Benefited?" Alex asked dryly.

"Well, some would think it a benefit to have a man chasin' after ye like a bull stud."

"Not if the bull was relentless and chased after you until you were both sore and aching," Alex said dryly.

"Mayhap no', but she's still no' the one behind it. She cares about ye."

"Does she?" Alex asked, and then felt his face flush as he heard the eagerness in his own voice. The idea that Merry might care for him was a pleasing one, and one he hadn't even dared hope for up until now. They had got off to such a bad start with her thinking him a drunk for so long...

"Aye, she does. I think she even loves ye, though she doesna ken it yet. Fer now, she's just at that mother bitch stage."

Alex stared at him blankly. "Mother bitch?"

"A bitch with a litter."

"Oh!" Alex relaxed. "You mean a dog."

"Aye. We call female dogs bitches," Cullen said, and then scowled as he added, "Ye're me dear wife's brother, I'd hardly be insultin' ye or yer wife with name callin'."

"Nay, of course not," Alex said with amusement because he suspected the man would insult anyone he pleased if he did not like him, though probably not in front of Evelinde if he thought it might upset her, but Evelinde wasn't here now to be upset. To change the subject, he asked, "So by mother bitch stage you mean she is protective of me?"

"Oh, aye, she is that," Cullen assured him, the smile returning to his face. "S

tewart isna far from here and we've had occasion to meet ere this. Merry can be a right shrew when it comes to her father and brothers, but she's a good lass, and it's nothing less than they ask fer."

Alex nodded, he'd come to that conclusion rather quickly himself.

"But she wasna overprotective of them, mostly exasperated from what I could tell. But with you, she's showin' the same caring as she did with her ma. Maighread was a good woman and Merry loved her dearly. She was like a mama wolf around that woman, not lettin' anyone or anything bother her could she help it and tendin' her like a mother with a bairn rather than the other way around." He nodded and then said, "She's the same with you. Rode in here next to yer wagon, shoulders straight, a mean look in her eye, and her sgian-dubh at her waist where 'twas handy. Demanded to see me at once and didn't even bother with a greeting ere she asked me to see to it that ye were placed in a safe room with guards at the door and Godfrey at yer side until she could sort out who was tryin' to kill ye."

Alex's mouth softened as he imagined the scene.

"She had Evelinde all aflutter," Cullen added with a laugh and shake of the head and then said more seriously, "I didna like that too much. Evelinde's had enough to upset her recently, but what can ye do? Merry was lookin' out fer ye. She's a good woman."

"Aye, she is," Alex said with a smile. He certainly hoped Cullen was right and Merry did care for him. The more he got to know her, the more he was sure he could come to love his wife, and it would be painful not to have that love returned.

"So, ye need to figure out who wid want ye busy beddin' yer bride all night long," Cullen said suddenly. He thought for a minute and then asked, "Is there anything ye normally do o' a night that bedding yer bride has kept ye from?"

"Sleep," Alex said dryly.

"Then mayhap that's what 'tis. Keep ye tired and reduce yer concentration and ability to think so ye're an easy target. Although..." he added thoughtfully.

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