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"I'm sure it is," Suzette reassured her. "Or they'll bring in whoever does or tell Richard so he can. They certainly won't just leave the body lying about here forever."

Lisa grimaced at the very idea, and sighed. "I do wish I was not so squeamish about such things."

Suzette shrugged idly as she paced to the window and glanced out. "Everyone has their flaws, and as they go, yours is not so bad. It isn't often you run into blood. Imagine if you fainted at the sight of pastries or something."

Lisa chuckled at the ridiculous idea as she'd intended, but then they both fell silent and glanced toward the door as it burst open and Daniel hurried in. Robert was on his heels, but Suzette's attention was on Daniel as he hurried across the room. The man was looking very pleased.

"It's done, they've gone," he announced as he paused before her and reached to pull her into his arms.

"That's good," Suzette said, peering up at him uncertainly. The man had seemed to be pushing her away and trying to make her behave since she'd met him, so she was a little surprised to find herself in his arms and to see his head lowering as if he meant to kiss her, right there in front of Robert and Lisa.

He didn't kiss her, however, not on the lips at least. Instead, his head moved to the side at the last moment and he pressed the kiss to the side of her neck below her ear and murmured, "The blackmail and murder are resolved and there's nothing more to keep us here. You know what that means."

"Gretna Green," she sighed, tilting her head a little to the side as he pressed butterfly kisses along the column of her throat. The gentle caresses were sending shivers down her back and raising desire to fog her mind, so it was a minute before his words sank in, and then she stiffened and said, "The murder is resolved too? Was Freddy the murderer as well as the blackmailer?"

"No," he murmured against the flesh covering her collarbone.

"Who was it then?" she asked with a frown.

Daniel straightened, a smile curving his lips when he saw her expression. "God, I love it when you get that annoyed look. It just makes me want to kiss you."

"Daniel," she growled, but his response was to kiss her, right there in front of Robert and Lisa . . . and her father, she realized as he cleared his throat in a very loud, intrusive manner to announce his presence.

Daniel released her to glance around and give the man a completely unrepentant grin. "Are you coming with us to Gretna Green?"

"Of course," he said, and while his voice was solemn, there was a twinkle in his eyes that suggested he was not displeased.

Daniel then turned his gaze to Lisa and Robert in question, who both nodded at once.

"Daniel," Suzette said, poking his chest to get his attention. "Who poisoned George?"

"I'll tell you on the way," he promised, catching her hand and heading for the door at almost a jog.

Suzette laughed a little breathlessly at his eagerness, but didn't protest or try to pull free as he led her into the hall. Once there, however, he released her hand and started toward Richard and Christiana, who were by the stairs.

"Richard, now that the blackmailer is caught and the identity of the murderer found, there is no reason to delay. We are heading for Gretna Green at once."

Richard groaned, but then straightened and said, "Certainly, we shall leave first thing in the morning."

"The morning?" Daniel asked, and Suzette wasn't surprised at the displeasure in his voice.

Richard nodded. "Well, the women will have to pack and--"

"The chests are still packed from this morning. At least mine is," Suzette interrupted and then glanced over her shoulder to Lisa as she, Robert and their father also stepped into the hall.

"Mine too," Lisa assured her.

Suzette glanced to Christiana next. While her older sister hesitated briefly, she did nod in the end and admit, "So is mine."

Richard immediately ducked his head to whisper something to her. Christiana whispered back, but the couple paused and turned their attention to Daniel again as he asked, "Richard, is your carriage still out front? I don't recall you sending your driver to the stables."

"I didn't," Richard admitted. "I wasn't sure we wouldn't need it again."

"Mine is still out front as well," Robert announced. "They just need to be loaded."

"Excellent." Daniel clapped his hands with satisfaction. "Then we merely need to have mine prepared and brought around, load them up and we can--damn," Daniel paused to mutter, "I forgot my carriage is presently out of commission. I will have to rent one for the maids."

Suzette bit her lip with frustration. There always seemed to be something to delay or interfere with their getting to Gretna Green. She was beginning to think someone had cursed them.

"We can use mine," Lord Madison announced. "It is out front."

Suzette beamed at her father. Everything was going to be all right. This time, surely, nothing would interfere with their traveling to Gretna Green and getting married.

After three days of travel, Suzette shouldn't have been so confused when she opened her eyes to find herself in yet another strange bed. However, it took a full moment before she recalled that she was in yet another inn room she was sharing with Lisa, and on the way to Gretna Green. The moment she did, however, Suzette was suddenly wide awake. It was the fourth and final day of their journey. They should arrive at the village of Gretna Green by dinnertime that day and moments later would be married. Afterward, they would have a celebratory meal with everyone, and then she and Daniel would finally consummate the marriage and be husband and wife.

The last thought took some shine off the smile that had been blossoming on her lips. It wasn't the finally being husband and wife part that dimmed her happiness, but the consummation itself. Suzette wasn't looking forward to it, and really wasn't pleased at the idea of her wedding night being spoiled by it being her first time. While Christiana had answered her question as to whether it hurt the first time or not with a weak, "A little perhaps," Suzette was not convinced. It had been obvious that Chrissy was distressed at discussing the subject, but had that been because it was such a personal matter, or because she didn't wish to scare Suzette by telling her the truth? Christiana had certainly changed the subject quickly at that point, and Suzette couldn't forget what she'd read about streams of blood and enough pain to make her faint.

She really wished she and Daniel had done the consummating part before now. Unfortunately, they hadn't been left alone since leaving London. Her father was taking his duty to guard her innocence until marriage very seriously during this journey and had enlisted her sisters as well as Robert and Richard to aid in the chore. Neither she nor Daniel was ever alone. Even when sleeping. They had taken three rooms at each of the inns they'd stopped at, one for Richard and Christiana, one for Lisa and Suzette and one for their father, Robert, and Daniel to share. Suzette didn't mind sharing with Lisa, but knew Daniel found staying with Robert and her father something of a trial. It seemed both men snored, and hogged the bed they shared.

Suzette smiled faintly at the idea of him crowded between the two men each night, an effort by her father to be sure he didn't slip out to meet her, she suspected. Tonight, Daniel would not have to share with them, however. He would be sharing with her . . . and there would be streams of blood and pain.

Sighing, Suzette shifted the blankets aside and slid out of bed to quickly dress. She had finished with the task and was brushing her hair when Lisa stirred awake and then sat up to glance around.

"What are you doing?" she asked around a yawn.

"Getting ready to go," Suzette said with a laugh. "You'd best get up and start dressing. Christiana will--"

"Dear God," Lisa muttered, dropping back in the bed. "We are not leaving early today, remember? We are leaving later, mid morning they said. We get to sleep late today."

Suzette paused in her brushing. "We do? Why aren't we leaving until mid morning?"

"I don't know," Lisa muttered, rolling on her side. "Father just said to go ahead a

nd sleep late today, we wouldn't be leaving until mid morning." She glanced over her shoulder in question. "Did he not tell you?"

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