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Chapter Eight

"It seems your Mrs. Morgan took her carriage north and sailed from Dover," Smithe announced, lifting his tea to his lips for a sip before continuing. "The ship was heading for Calais. I have passage booked for myself and two of my men leaving tomorrow morning.

We will search for her, follow if she traveled across land from there, or question her if we find she is still in Calais. "

"Good," Robert murmured, thinking this could all be done and dusted quickly if Mrs. Morgan was staying in Calais. The sooner they found out who the suitor was, the sooner he could handle the man and get the hell back to his own life and stop being tortured by watching Lisa with her gaggle of gentlemen callers.

After having to witness her dancing with nearly every other single man in London last night, not to mention being forced to stand by and watch Findlay paw and kiss her out on the terrace, Robert didn't think he could stand much more of this job he'd given himself. He'd rather hoped that today Daniel or Richard would be here to keep an eye on her so that he could go visit his mistress and work off some of the excess energy and frustration that was presently building in him.

However, none of them had expected this turn of events and today, like yesterday, Richard and Daniel already had prior engagements, meaning Robert was once again on duty. Even Christiana and Suzette were away again at one of the charity teas they had taken to aiding in. Not that he would have left Lisa with just the women to watch her, but their presence in the parlor would have meant he could at least avoid it himself and simply watch from the office with that door open to be sure Lisa didn't try to slip out with her admirers for another phaeton race or some such thing.

"Of course, I doubt Morgan stayed in Calais. Paris is much more likely a place for her to set up trade again," Smithe commented. "I suspect traveling to Calais was just a red herring to try to lead us off the trail. "

Robert sank back in his seat with a sigh. Paris was a large city and Mrs. Morgan wouldn't exactly be flaunting her presence. She wouldn't want to be found. It could take days to track her, days he would rather not have to wait and watch over Lisa.

"But I shall return as quickly as I can, either with the information of who paid her to kidnap Miss Madison, or the lady herself," Smithe assured him.

"Yes, of course. Thank you," Robert said grimly. The man could only do as much as he could do. Wishing it was otherwise wouldn't make it so.

"Don't thank me, my lord, until I bring back what you want," Smithe suggested calmly. "Then you can thank me with coins. " Robert smiled faintly. "Of course. Speaking of that, you will need a draft to cover your expenses. "

"Yes, I will," Smithe said simply and suggested a sum that seemed reasonable to Robert. He quickly wrote up the draft and slid it across the desk to the man, then stood to see him out.

This time when he returned to the parlor and opened the door, Lisa and her admirers were all still present. Forcing his shoulders up and a bland smile to his lips, Robert slipped inside and positioned himself unobtrusively beside the largest flower arrangement in the room. It was one of several. While Pembroke had brought her pastries, Tibald and the other men had all brought collections of flowers. The room was positively awash in fresh, colorful blooms.

But the loveliest flower in the room was Lisa. Rosy-cheeked and beaming under all this attention, she held court, smiling and laughing, teasing and chattering. He didn't think he'd ever seen her look quite so happy or adorable. She positively shone under the admiration of all these men, drawing every eye and even more appreciation from her callers.

"I was hoping to arrange for a ride down the river for this afternoon since you mentioned enjoying that. But, I fear I couldn't arrange it all on such short notice. " Pembroke's words caught Robert's ear, drawing his attention to the conversation taking place. "However, if you would be pleased, I have managed to rent a boat for the day after tomorrow to take a large party up the coast for a picnic. "

"Oh, how lovely," Lisa said, clapping her hands happily. "Who all shall be there?"

"The invitations are being prepared and delivered as we speak," Pembroke said. "I have invited everyone here, of course. " His expression was tight as he nodded toward the other men in the room and it was obvious, at least to Robert, that he hadn't been pleased to do so. "As well as your sisters and their husbands, Lord Langley," He nodded at Robert who had thought his entrance had gone unnoticed. "And I have invited several other single young ladies who are making their debut this year to add to the numbers. "

And to hopefully keep the other men occupied, Robert supposed with amusement. Though he doubted that would work. In his opinion, no woman stood a chance next to Lisa. All these other women would do was make her value even more obvious. But bully to Pembroke for trying it, he thought.

"That sounds lovely," Lisa said happily and the men all murmured their agreement, though a little less enthusiastically, he noted, and guessed they were wishing they'd thought of it.

Much to his relief the visitation ended shortly after that when Findlay suggested they should leave Lisa to rest before she had to prepare for that night's ball. There was a general, if disappointed, murmur of agreement from the other men and they all began to slowly gather their things and make their departure.

Robert stood silently by while Lisa saw each man off with a smile and assurances that she'd enjoyed their company. While Findlay was the first to suggest it might be time they left, he was the last to actually leave, dallying until an annoyed Pembroke finally shuffled out the door.

Lisa wasn't the only one to turn a curious gaze on Charles Findlay once the others had left. Robert eyed him suspiciously, sure the man had hoped he would leave them alone for a moment, but Robert had stood by and watched him grope Lisa last night and that was enough. He wasn't doing it again, he decided grimly, and simply raised an eyebrow at Findlay when he glanced his way expectantly.

Apparently coming to the realization that he wouldn't be left alone with Lisa, Findlay smiled wryly and then reached into his inside coat pocket as he approached her. His expression was somewhat chagrined as he pulled out three slender books.

"I didn't wish to give these to you in front of the others," he admitted, offering them to her.

"Oh, Charles," Lisa breathed, taking the books as if they were the finest jewels.

Robert immediately scowled at her use of the man's first name, but neither of them noticed.

"I wasn't sure what you enjoy reading, and I haven't read any of these myself, but a friend assured me you should like them," Findlay said uncertainly, and then frowned and added, "I hope you haven't read them yet. "

"No," she said at once, quickly checking each title to be sure. Lisa then glanced up and beamed, before simply throwing her arms around him and hugging him tightly. "What a wonderful man! These are the perfect gift. "

"Oh, well," Findlay chuckled faintly and let his arms slip around her back. He started to tighten his arms around her as well, but then his eyes suddenly shot to Robert and he eased his hold and then stepped back, releasing her. "I should be going. You probably do wish to rest before having to prepare for tonight's ball. "

"Thank you," Lisa said sincerely, clasping the books to her chest as she walked him from the room and to the front door. "I shall start reading one right away and tell you what I think tonight. "

"I'd like that," Findlay assured her. "And perhaps we could go for a picnic sometime later in the week and you could read to me. Or I could read to you. Or we could take turns reading to each other. "

"That sounds lovely," she agreed with a grin.

The hell it did, Robert thought irritably. He and Lisa used to do that when they were younger - taking sandwiches and a blanket, enjoying lunch by the river between their homes and then reading aloud to each other. It had all seemed innocent enjoyment then. It didn't with Findlay inserted in his place.

"Check your calendar then and tell me tonight when you will be free an

d I shall have my cook arrange a basket for us," Findlay suggested, opening the front door.

"I will," Lisa said, her expression becoming more solemn. For some reason that was more disturbing to Robert than her obvious pleasure had been. It sounded to him like a vow, as if she were agreeing to more than a simple picnic. He got the feeling Findlay had just taken the lead in her husband hunt . . . and the thought disturbed Robert more than he cared to admit. While she had so many men to choose from, he didn't really have to consider someone winning her heart, but now . . .

He scowled at Findlay as the other man brushed a hand down Lisa's cheek in parting and then turned and started up the walk. Lisa watched him go briefly, then closed the door with a happy little sigh and immediately charged upstairs, clasping her books to her chest like treasure.

Robert stood in the empty hall for a moment, a frown curving his lips. Lisa hadn't even glanced his way before rushing upstairs. It was as if she'd forgotten he was even there. Which was what he wanted, he reminded himself firmly. She was supposed to move on. He had no desire to marry anyone. If he were interested in marrying, she would certainly be at the top of the list, but he just wasn't. The Langley men didn't do well in marriage, he reminded himself firmly. It was better she had her hat set on someone else. Robert just wished he was actually glad she had.

"Oh dear, maybe we should cancel and not attend the Kittriches' ball either. "

Lisa lifted her head from the basin she had been bent over for the last several hours and shook her head miserably. "No. It's okay. You go ahead. Suzette and Daniel are expecting you. Besides there is nothing you can do for me here. I shall just - " Hang over the basin tossing up my guts, she finished silently in her head as another round of heaving claimed her. Dear God, her sides ached horribly from the retching and there was nothing left to bring up but bile and still her stomach insisted on heaving.

"Oh dear," Christiana murmured again, rubbing her back sympathetically. "And all you had to eat today was the pastries Lord Pembroke brought?"

Lisa nodded miserably and sagged as the latest round of heaving stopped.

"Did you not even break your fast?" Christiana asked with a frown.

Lisa shook her head. "I was late rising today and only got below just before Pembroke arrived with his offering. " She grimaced and admitted, "I'm afraid that made me gobble them up like a greedy child. I probably just had too many. "

"Eating too many shouldn't make you this violently ill," Christiana muttered, rubbing her back again as Lisa once more began to retch.

"Oh Christiana, go," she said wearily as the latest round eased. "Once my stomach settles enough to allow it, I am just going to lie down and rest. "

"But I hate to leave you alone like this," Christiana protested unhappily.

"She won't be alone," Robert announced from the door.

Lisa glanced to the side unhappily to see him crossing the room to join them where she knelt on the floor beside the bed, her head hanging over the water basin Bet had brought her. Part of Lisa flinched at his seeing her like this. Another part just felt too weak and poorly to care.

"I shall stay with her until she sleeps and then keep an ear out in case she is sick again," Robert assured Christiana, nudging her out of his way so that he could replace her in kneeling at Lisa's side. "You go ahead. Richard is downstairs and the carriage is out front waiting. Go have fun. I shall take care of Lisa. "

"Are you sure?" Christiana asked uncertainly.

"Positive," Robert said firmly, beginning to rub Lisa's back as Christiana had been doing. It wasn't nearly as soothing when he did it however, Lisa noted as he said, "Go ahead. I will send a message if she gets worse or doesn't improve. "

"Very well then," Christiana said with a sigh. "But do send word if she worsens, and try to get some liquids down her throat if you can. Well, once she seems capable of keeping them down," Christiana added dryly as Lisa began to heave again at the very suggestion.

Despite her distraction, Lisa heard a heavy sigh from her sister and then her footsteps left the room and faded as she walked away up the hall.

"Go away," Lisa mumbled the moment she was sure Christiana was gone.

"No," Robert said simply, and held her forehead as she heaved again. Once her stomach eased in its violent rebellion, he asked, "So Pembroke's pastries are the only thing you've eaten?"

"Heard that, did you?" she asked irritably.

"Yes," he said, brushing her hair back from her cheeks and turning her face so he could look at her. Lisa just sighed. She knew she must look horrid, but was too exhausted and feeling too weak to care. However, whatever he saw made Robert frown and it was something to do with her eyes. She was too exhausted to even ask what it was.

"Was Pembroke going to the ball tonight?" Robert asked quietly.

Lisa frowned, but then shook her head. "No. All the other men were asking me to save them a dance, but when I glanced to him to see if he wanted me to as well, he said he wished he would be there, but had a previous engagement. "

"A previous engagement, huh?" Robert asked grimly.

"Hmm," she said wearily and found herself leaning against his shoulder, her eyes closing. All she wanted to do was sleep, but she was afraid that shifting back into bed would bring on another bout of heaving and she was desperate to avoid that. Her stomach and ribs were already screaming in pain from the activity so far. "Poor little Lisa," Robert murmured, running his hands over her hair gently. "You feel like hell, don't you?"

She nodded, not bothering to open her eyes and felt him press a kiss to the top of her head, but couldn't even find the energy to be pleased at the affectionate gesture. Who cared anyway? It was an innocent caress, brotherly even, she supposed wearily as consciousness began to slip away. She stirred and murmured sleepily when he gathered her in his arms, but when she felt the soft bed beneath her, Lisa let herself drift off again. Sleep was definitely preferable to heaving anymore and she was desperate to avoid more heaving.

Robert straightened from laying Lisa in bed. He pulled the covers over her and peered down at her silently. Even sick she was still lovely. The bruising around her eyes and the pallor of her skin didn't detract much from it. And while she was wearing a loose white sleeping gown that looked ages old and comfortable rather than actually attractive, it didn't hide the curves he'd seen so clearly when she'd been wearing that see-through creation Mrs. Morgan had put her in.

"Has her stomach finally settled?"

Robert glanced around at that whisper to find Bet crossing the room to his side to examine her mistress. He nodded in answer, and whispered back, "Hopefully it's done and won't start up again. " "Aye," Bet agreed on a sigh. "She's been miserable with it for hours. Started almost as soon as she got up here to the room. " "Right after the men left," Robert murmured.

"Yes, thank goodness," Bet whispered. "She would have been doubly upset if it had started while they were here. "

"Hmm," Robert murmured and turned to head for the door. "I will be in Richard's office. Call me if she starts up again or anything else happens. "

"Aye, my lord," Bet responded quietly, settling in the chair beside the bed to watch over her mistress.
