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“Aye, a kiss.”

“And nothing more. That is it.”

“You will demand more of me, I’m sure. It won’t be my fault that I don’t return you to the garden room for the rest of the night.”

“Does anyone else know that you came for me?”

He chuckled. “They would think me a beastly sort if I didn’t rescue my bonny mate from the clutches of those wayward wenches.”

“And have your way with me.”


She laughed. She never thought having her first ladies’ night out in Scotland could end like this.

He’d barely carried her to a guest chamber and set her down before he showered her with hard, lingering kisses, as if the hours they had been apart had been too much, his hands on her shoulders, holding her close.

And she adored him.

“You can’t do this at every ladies’ night party I have,” she said, the blanket she’d covered herself with slipping off her shoulders.

“Hmm,” was all he said as he quickly divested her of her red heart-patterned flannel pajama top and tossed it on the floor. Her matching pajama bottoms soon joined it.

He scooped her up and carried her to the bed, the navy curtains already pulled aside.

Red rose petals had been strewn all over the white sheets, and she smiled as he set her down on the soft, fragrant petals.

“Who did this?” she asked, not believing any of the men would have done such a thing.

“Calla and some of the other ladies snuck away and decorated the bed.”

“You all were in collusion.”

He smiled.

She couldn’t believe the women had been so sneaky. And here she thought they’d just returned to the castle to brush their teeth and the like.

He stripped before she could offer to remove his kilt. And then he joined her on the mattress and closed the bed curtains.

His eyes were like pools of midnight, fathomless, desirous, drinking every bit of her in as he ran his hands over her skin. She’d seen him naked so many times already—marveling at his gorgeous form every time. She didn’t feel shy about observing him like this. But it was his exploration of her naked body that made her want to pull up the covers.

He held himself so still, except for his fingers trailing down her breast, her waist, sweeping down her thigh. His touch, though gentle, ignited a flame deep inside her. She felt the all-too-familiar wet heat forming between her legs, the sign her body wanted him—was ready for him. Again.

As if he had finished taking his fill of her, he pushed her legs apart and separated her folds with his fingers, bringing her to life as he stroked her feminine nub, at the same time kissing her mouth. Slowly at first. And then matching her wildly passionate response. Their frantic heartbeats and rapid breathing were in sync. Their kisses verged on desperate as he rubbed his engorged cock against her hip.

She felt the flame roaring inside her, the need rising, and reached down and cupped him. He groaned out loud, and she smiled. But when she stroked his cock, his fingers stole into her wet sheath, and she wanted so much more. Him. Inside her. Now.

She was so close to coming. So very near the edge. She rolled her thumb over the top of his erection, and he groaned her name this time. He cupped her face, lined his body up with hers, and drove his cock between her legs. Deep, penetrating, hungry. Then he tongued her mouth as if he were the pirate pillaging her.

Primed, she came, shuddering with release.

Grant continued to drive into her, following her over the edge. She felt sexy and well loved, tired and satiated. She wanted to stay here with him the rest of the night, but she felt guilty, too, as he sank against her, just as blissfully sated.

She sighed. “Don’t you think I should return to the garden room and stay with the other ladies, since that’s the reason I’m here?” she said, curling up against Grant’s hot body. He smelled delectable—of the woods, whisky, and all male wolf. She didn’t make a move to leave him or the bed, despite what she’d said.

“Hmm,” he said, closing his eyes and pulling the covers over them. His arms wrapped around her in mated bliss.

“I should,” she insisted, her voice sleepy, and she closed her eyes. She luxuriated in the feel of him. The way his warm breath fanned the top of her head, the sound of his heartbeat settling down, his muscles hard and warm beneath her body, the smell of him—all earthy sex, male, spicy, and delicious.


“You’re ignoring me,” she said softly.

“You try to leave the bed, lass,” Grant said in a husky, satisfied voice, “and”—he kissed the top of her head—“you will not be successful.”

Hearing the smile and a hint of a challenge in his voice, she chuckled. She loved her alpha mate. And loved that he did not want her to leave the bed. As tired as she was, he’d have to carry her anyway.

“Wait until you fall asleep,” she said, smiling.

“Hmm,” he said and tightened his hold on her.


When they awoke much later that day to a knocking on the door, Colleen shook her head. Though she had planned to slip away to prove to him that he wasn’t in charge of her, she hadn’t wanted to be anywhere but with Grant last night. Then again, waking him later to insist he make love to her probably had proved she would have her way—at least in that regard.

Grant let out a tired sigh when the person knocked again at the door.

“Anyone still alive in there?” Julia called out cheerfully.

Colleen smiled.

“Aye, negotiations were tough but somehow we managed to work through them,” Grant said, smiling down at Colleen.

She kissed his mouth, glad she hadn’t gone anywhere this morning.

“Breakfast—late breakfast—is being served. Or would you rather take it in your chamber?” Julia asked.

“Downstairs,” Colleen said, afraid they’d never leave the bed at this rate, especially if they had breakfast in bed.

Grant ran his hand over Colleen’s breast, making the nipple rise to his touch. She softly groaned. “We’ll be down in a few minutes,” Grant said.

An hour and a half later—amusing Julia and everyone else—they finally made their appearance.

Chapter 21

After packing up around midday, Colleen and Grant returned to Farraige Castle. This time they also took Calla with them so that she could stay there until the wedding and reception were over. They hadn’t believed Baird would run them off the road in an effort to get Calla back on the way to Farraige Castle, but taking extra precautions, Ian had some of his men follow them there.

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