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“Why not?”

“Well, I will have to get back to my real job at some point.” She looked at me, seeming excited. “But I could see if I could get more time off.”

I squeezed her hand and gave her a smile. I knew this wasn’t just a fling for me. I still didn’t know what my plans were post-games, but I hoped she’d be in them.

“Tori will flip out.” She shook her head, telling me about her friend who was also going to be at the games. She’d mentioned her briefly before. I guessed they’d known each other since high school.

“You’ll be meeting one of my old friends, too.” I told her how Liam would be there, for the last few days of the swimming events.

“How do you know him?”

The question was simple, and I could keep the answer that way, too. I could shorten it up and just tell her we’d hung out together as kids during summer vacations. But this was Emma, and I wanted to get to know her. Which meant her also getting to know me. That shouldn’t be so hard, right?

“So, Liam.” I threw out my napkin, all that was left of the ice cream cone. I started with when we’d met, both ten years old, me a bored kid biking around the island of Naugatuck with too much time on my hands. Liam had been out painting a fence for a retired woman who hired him to do odd jobs. One thing led to another, and I’d spent the rest of the afternoon painting the fence with him.

“Wasn’t that a Tom Sawyer story?” she asked.

“That’s right.” I dimly recalled reading that one in middle school. “But didn’t he trick his friends into painting the fence for him?” She nodded. “So it was like that, only Liam isn’t a jerk.”

She laughed, and I explained how we’d quickly fallen into the habit of hanging out nearly every day, sometimes down at the firehouse with his dad, sometimes doing odd jobs, kicking it at the beach nearly every afternoon. The next summer Ian had joined us, and the following summer Jax.

“Then, the summer we were 14?” I paused, rubbing the back of my neck, feeling itchy already and I hadn’t even started talking about it. “We all almost died.”

She looked up, silent and listening.

“You’ve probably heard about the accident?” It had been covered widely, though thankfully no one had picked up the whole story. But there was enough intrigue there. Journalists loved referring to my traumatic near-death experience.

“I don’t know much about it,” she replied.

“The four of us were on a boat and, basically, we were idiots. We got caught in a storm, where we shouldn’t have been.”

“Why? Did you not know how to operate the boat? Hadn’t there been any warning about the storm?”

I exhaled, heavy. In an ideal world, I’d sit right down and tell her all about it, start to finish. But I couldn’t. I’d signed a hell of a lot of papers promising not to ever do that.

“A lot went down that night. I can’t really talk about it, but what I can say is I owe my life to Liam.”

“Why can’t you talk about it?”

I shook my head, regretting that I’d started. “Sorry I brought it up.”

“No, Chase, don’t be.” She reached her hand out to mine again. There, that was better. Hand in hand again, I instantly felt lighter.

“Anyway, you’ll meet Liam in a week,” I continued.

“I’ll have to thank him for his good deed.”

After more strolling and, yes, more eating by me—we passed a donut shop with a “fresh baked” sign flashing in the window—we headed back to the hotel.

Shyly, in front of her door, she asked, “Wanna sleep over?”

Leaning down, I agreed, “You know I do.”

“You have to be up at six tomorrow morning,” she reminded me as I followed her inside her room. It was already past midnight.

“I know.” Damn those Olympics and all the training that went along with them.

“And we did have an agreement.” Now she sounded more reluctant. Was she regretting our no sex clause? That would be cool. But I didn’t want her to feel pressured.

I took her hand and pulled her toward the bed. “We’ll just sleep tonight, Emma.”

I went into my room to wash up and when I came back she’d changed into a T-shirt and boy shorts. Her breasts, free of her bra, pressed tantalizingly against the thin cotton. She climbed into bed and I turned out the light.

“Let’s get some sleep,” I murmured to her, pulling her close against my body. She felt so good tucked against me, like we were made for each other.

“Are you sure this is OK?” she asked, and I knew what she meant. Was I OK only doing this? “I know it’s kind of insane.”

“We have all the time in the world after the games,” I reassured her, stroking her hair. She snuggled into me, her plush little round ass up against my cock. I breathed deep, inhaling her scent, nuzzling her soft hair. She made a quiet sound of contentment, a sigh as I stroked her hip.

In the dark, under the covers, just the two of us, I did want more. And I told her. “I want to feel you come again, Emma.”

“Oh!” She gasped, sounding a bit nervous. “Really?”

In response, I slowly moved my hand along her hip, at the waistline of her shorts, then slipped it down. Her pussy felt so wet and hot and sweet, already slick for me. I loved that I affected her as much as she did me. I was ready for her at a moment’s notice, all the goddamned time. It about killed me to know I got her wet without even so much as a touch. My sweet Emma, so slick and slippery for me in the dark.

“Can I make you come, Emma?” I whispered, pressed against her, starting to work her pussy. She groaned and pushed her ass back into my cock, giving herself to me. In the shadows together, the sound of her breathing, sighing, moaning filled the room. Every shudder, every hitch in her breath, the urgent sounds in the back of her throat, she surrounded my senses.

She grew close, bucking against my finger, needing to come. With my free hand I cupped her breast, grabbing it, pinching her taut nipple. She threw her head back against my chest and I could just make out the outline of her figure, her erect nipple, my hand in and out of her pussy.

“You’re mine, Emma,” I whispered, feeling her start to shudder. “Tell me.”

“I’m yours, Chase,” she instantly responded, no hesitation, all eager and giving.

“Mine,” I growled, thrusting my fingers i

n her, pressing directly on her swollen clit, demanding her orgasm. She came, full and sweet, crying out into the darkness, my name on her lips.

Together, we slept. And we only woke up once. I’d fallen asleep with my hand still nestled between her legs. At some point in the middle of the night, things started up again. It might have been her moving against my hand, pressing against me, or it might have been my fingers circling, teasing out her pleasure. However it started, we both awakened to find her well on her way to another orgasm.

“One more, Emma,” I whispered to her in the darkness. “One more for me, baby.”

And she gave it to me, so slick and warm, shuddering against me and almost sobbing it felt so good. I nuzzled into her.

“That’s it, Emma. You come so nice.” She shuddered one last time, my words coaxing even more pleasure out of her. And with a sigh, we both fell again into a deep, peaceful sleep.


“Carter! Dial it back!” I could hear the voice of one of my coaches barking at me poolside. I could even see him hustling along with his ever-present clipboard, flapping his arm along with his jaw. I got his meaning. But what he didn’t understand was that I was dialing it back.

My pace felt effortless. I’d never felt like such a rocket in the water, as if I could swim forever. I didn’t know how to explain it, but I guess that had been the plan all along, after years of training to reach peak physical conditioning at this exact moment. All the puzzle pieces were falling into place and I felt like Superman. Or Aquaman, I guessed, that would be a more appropriate reference.

Somehow, though, I felt like Emma had something to do with it, too. Being with her, it felt just as effortless, like we clicked into place. I’d never experienced that before. We still didn’t know each other all that well, and I knew I was at least partially if not fully to blame for that. I kept my cards close to my chest. But time would fix that. Being with her felt so right. My mind felt more at ease, more focused, less restless, even as she now occupied space in my mind.

Funny, I’d always thought of relationships as distractions. Now that I’d met someone amazing, it didn’t feel like it was taking me off course at all. It felt like I was truly finding it for the first time.
