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Her spluttered surprise was drowned out by the activists declaring their win. Silly people. I wasn’t going to re-create that eco-resort in their town. It couldn’t be done. I’d consider a way to adapt the ideas, perhaps.

But what was definitely going to happen was me fucking my woman all over that eco-resort in Fiji. Amidst the excitement, I turned to Caroline. Her eyes were still wide with shock. I leaned in and whispered in her ear.

“I can’t wait to take you to Fiji. You’ll have to pack a bikini, but not much else.”

She made a little surprised gasp, as if she couldn’t believe I was really saying what I was saying.

“Don’t worry,” I assured her. “I’ll rub you all over with oil. I’ll make sure you’re good and ready by the time I take that bikini off.”

She swallowed. I smiled. It was a brilliant plan.



He wanted to take me to Fiji? I didn’t even know where Fiji was. I’d been on the website for that resort plenty of times over the past week, but I’d never looked on a map. It wasn’t as if I thought I’d ever actually go there.

“Do you think you’d like coming with me?” he asked, standing so close I could feel his body heat. Why did I find even the collar on his shirt sexy? It stood out so white and crisp against his neck, just waiting for me to grab it and wrinkle it up in my hand as I clutched at him.

“Come with you?” I repeated, so distracted and agitated I couldn’t think straight. The room was a rush of celebration around us, with the activists high-fiving their big win. It wasn’t as if he’d signed anything, guys, I wanted to remind them. But maybe they didn’t see the gleam in his eyes when he’d invited me to the resort. Maybe what they pictured was all business, him taking notes on a clipboard. “Perfect sunset and beach? Check. Private villa? Check. Complete romantic seclusion? Check.”

I pictured something entirely more X-rated.

“I think you’d like coming with me.” Oh, the way he said coming. His mind was definitely in X-rated territory, too.

“I can’t go to Fiji,” I said, standing up, picking up my backpack. I really needed to upgrade my bag. Something sleek and adult with a little gold trim. This backpack had seen better days, way better.

“You have to go, Carrie!” Nora looked at me, all earnest environmental concern in her wide brown eyes. “Think of the lichen.”

“Yes, think of the lichen,” Colt echoed, carnal intent in his dark brown eyes.

I had to get out of the room. It was too small. He made it feel that way, all tall and handsome and way too good at turning me on. He didn’t even need to use his hands. He’d given me an orgasm over the phone a few days ago.

I shouldn’t be thinking of that right now, though. I ran my hand through my hair, trying to shake some sense into myself. I honestly had not seen this coming.

That resort in Fiji looked incredible, but it was an outrageous impossibility to imagine replicating it on our cool, foggy coastline. The resort relied almost entirely on solar power and served all locally grown food. Which was fine when you were in a sunny tropical climate surrounded by mangos, coconuts and fresh, fat fish. But Southern Oregon? Was fog power a thing? I didn’t think so.

I’d figured Colt would laugh at our outrageous recommendation. Not suggest that he and I tour the resort in person. He followed me out and stood next to me in the parking lot, frowning down at my car.

“Don’t hate on my ride.” I defended it, standing in front of the most rusted-out spot. My car had taken a licking and kept on ticking.

“It’s not safe,” he insisted.

“Colt!” I threw up my hands. “You’re…” At a loss for words, I searched for the right way to express my exasperation.

“Incredible at giving you orgasms?” he offered, a wicked smile on his lips. He had really nice lips, a dark raspberry color. I loved raspberries.

“No, that wasn’t what I was going to say.”

“Amazing in bed?”

“Well, I don’t know that yet.” I blushed as soon as I’d said it. Why had I added the word yet?

“I like how you said yet.” He picked up on it instantly. “Because you know it’s going to happen.”

“No, Colt.” I shook my head. He needed to slow down. “I have a store that I run. I’ve never taken a vacation.”

“That’s why you need a vacation.”

“I don’t have anyone who could run things reliably for several days.”

“It will have to be at least ten. The flights alone eat up two days. And I’m going to need at least a week, minimum, to do some eating myself.”

I brought my hand to the bridge of my nose, partially to try to hide my response. We’d had phone sex, after all, and he’d made me come while telling me how much he’d enjoy feasting on me. But I was not having this conversation in a parking lot outside the to

wn’s Chamber of Commerce, that much I knew for sure.

“I can’t decide this right now.” I moved to open my car door.

“You don’t even lock it?” he asked, watching as I swung it open.

“What, you think someone’s going to steal this car?” I arched my eyebrow. That would be one stupid thief.

“Good point.” He returned his attention to me, reaching out to take hold of my hand before I climbed into my car. “Give it some thought, Caroline. I’d love to take you to that resort. We’d have our own private villa. Nothing to do each day but enjoy the sun, sand, and water. The food and wine. And each other.”

Temptation’s name was Colton Kavanaugh. His thumb brushed against the inside of my wrist. My heart fluttered.

“I’ll call you later,” he promised, letting go of my hand. “I can set up a meal delivery service for your sister!” he called out right before I shut the door.

For a man who’d only known me a little over a week, he knew me well. After the shop, Zoe was next on my list of reasons why I’d never taken a vacation. I’d always been looking after her, supporting her, helping her along. But she was 21 now. Time was a funny thing. I still thought of her as the gawky 13-year-old she’d been when my parents had declared their independence.

“We need to do this,” they’d explained, as they’d moved to their clothing-optional artist’s colony.

But 21 was legal drinking age. Zoe been able to vote for a few years now. Surely she could manage for a week by herself?

But could I manage? A whole week with Colt. The thought of lying next to him in a bikini while he rubbed me with oil. I might have so many orgasms it would be hazardous to my health.

The second I got home my phone rang. I picked up without looking at the caller.

“Have you decided yet?” Colt’s voice melted me through the phone.

“I only just got home!” I put my keys in a basket on the counter top, smiling at his relentlessness.

“Have you ever been to Fiji before?”

I rolled my eyes. “What do you think?”
