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I followed him out of the water, feeling confused. I hadn’t wanted to stop. He collected his clothes and mine, bundling them up tight. Then he took my hand again, leading me up the path to our shelter. By the time we were there, I felt hot tears on my face. So much had happened in the past two days, I felt overwhelmed, confused and vulnerable. Thousands of miles away from friends and family, no plane had even flown past our island today. This was a disaster.

“Shh.” He scooped me up, carrying me over to the life raft where we’d slept the night before. Gently, he laid me down, then climbed in behind me, spooning me against him. “I’m sorry, I wasn’t trying to take advantage.”

“No,” I sobbed, “it’s not that. I’m just…all jumbled up.”

“Of course you are.” He stroked my hair and held me and I cried a little more, getting the emotions out. It felt so good lying next to him, safe and cocooned against his warmth. His hand moved slow and reassuringly against my head, the other making a lazy circle on my hip.

“Of course you’re nervous,” he soothed me. “Of course you feel worried and tense. But I’m right here next to you. I’m going to keep you safe. Come here,” He pulled me even closer, my back against his warm, firm chest, my buttocks flush against his groin. At my hip, I could feel his long, hard, soli

d shaft. My eyes closed and I pushed back into him. It felt so good.

“That’s it, baby. Let it feel good.” His hand on my hip moved slowly, stroking down my thigh, dipping between them. “Let me make you feel good.”

I parted my thighs, giving him access. I sighed, arching my back, pushing against him, showing him how I needed it.

“I’ll take my time with you, Caroline.” He moved slowly, tantalizing me, easing his long fingers along my slit, working his way to my clit. “I won’t rush it. Just let me make you feel good tonight.”

He pressed down on my clit and I moaned, feeling myself grow slick for him. “That’s it,” he praised me, stroking my pussy, cupping my breasts, his tongue licking and sucking my neck. “That’s good.”

With his thumb, he pressed firmly in a steady rhythm, and I ground against him, craving his touch. He started working a finger up inside me, slowly, groaning at my slick heat as he found it.

“So wet for me, Caroline.” I closed my eyes and surrendered to it, his fingers rolling my nipple, his other fingers starting to fuck me. Two in me now, I rode him, picking up the pace, more urgent.

“You remember what I told you?” He breathed, heavy, against my neck. My skin was wet from his tongue and I shivered. “I told you I’ll take you. But only when you beg for it.”

I groaned at his words, feeling a deep quiver build up inside of me. Now he pushed his fingers in deep, pinning me against him. “I could take you now,” he whispered in my ear. I shuddered at the thought, my body yearning for him. I could feel him hard, insistent, pressing against my ass. He was so hard and so close. He could slide right inside me I was so dripping wet.

“You’d like that, wouldn’t you, my Caroline?” He pressed his hard cock against my ass, in between the crack and I pushed against it, working my buttocks against it, pumping him, dripping with need. He fucked me with his fingers, plunging two in, mashing his thumb against my clit.

“But it’s not time for that. Not yet.” He shifted slightly, still pressed up against me, still anchoring me with his hands, but no longer positioned just right. I whimpered slightly in protest.

He chuckled. “I like you so needy. But all in good time, my Caroline.” He dipped his mouth down to my throat and sucked me hard. I shivered and cried out, bucking against him. He drove his fingers back inside me, pulsing, in rhythm.

In a low, husky growl, he told me, “Right now what I want you to do is come for me.”

I came apart at his words, calling out as spasms shot through me, my orgasm rushing up and overflowing my senses. Screaming, pulse after pulse raced through my core. My eyes drifted closed as I sank into him, my head nestled on his arm, feeling so cared for, so protected. His fingers still in my pussy, he pulled me to him.

“Sleep now. I’ve got you.”

With the steady beat of his heart, the feel of his fingers still on me, in me, claiming, I drifted off. I’d never felt so possessed, so safe and secure as I did just then, lying with Colt stranded on a deserted island.



She looked so gorgeous, like a ripe, luscious fruit, lying there asleep and completely naked. I could still see a slight glisten along her pussy from her orgasm the night before. I’d kept my fingers down there a long time, nestled in deep, the feel of our connection so intense. In her sleep she’d sighed and pressed against me, pushing down against my fingers. She felt so slick and ready, so hot and needy and restless for release even in her slumber. The temptation to give her another orgasm, and then another had been strong. But I held back.

I could be strong enough to do that for Caroline. We’d already survived a plane wreck and a water landing, topped off by getting marooned on a deserted, uninhabited island. I didn’t need to add sexual assault to her list of woes. But if I could get her heated up enough, I’d be more than happy to take care of her needs.

The way she’d melted against me last night, all supple curves and sighs¸ she was like a dream come true, a fantasy sexual playground. Even the sound of her voice and the soft curls of her hair felt sensual. And when it came to her sweet, rounded curves, the swell of her buttocks, the dip of her waist, the mouthwatering mounds of her breasts with those big, fat nipples so sensitive and aching for my attentions? Caroline drove me crazy.

But I’d loved the crazy, all night long, hard as a fucking rock, my cock practically weeping pressed against her yielding ass. Knowing how much she’d love it if I took her made it all that much more difficult to resist. But I’d wait until she begged for it. The waiting made it that much better. I just sure as fuck hoped she begged for it today.

The day sure started out lucky. I’d found her backpack. I’d woken before she did and headed out to see what kind of rainwater we’d collected overnight. A couple more plane parts had washed up on shore, as well as a soggy, black mass that I instantly recognized as her treasured possession. It didn’t even look that much different than it had before it had spent two days floating around in the ocean.

“Morning, beautiful.” I awakened Caroline with a kiss, placing the backpack down before her, proud of my find.

She gasped and rubbed her eyes as if wondering if she were making the whole thing up. “How did you—? Where?”

“It washed up.” I sat down and helped her unzip it. She shook out the contents, spreading it out along the life raft. I told myself to focus on the potentially life-saving items that might be in her backpack, but instead my gaze focused on her rosy nipples, so full and lush. I’d never seen nipples so sexy. I couldn’t wait to get my mouth on them again.

She’d packed her toiletries in her backpack. A toothbrush and toothpaste, Hallelujah. Wallet, passport and cell phone, typically essential items now rendered absolutely useless. She grimaced as she took out her Kindle. Not so much reading on that any more. Nor was her camera going to capture any more moments. You never knew how dependent you’d become on electronics until you got washed up on a beach without any of them.

My cell phone was usually like an extra appendage, permanently attached to my body while awake and only a reach away while asleep. The thought of not having access at all would normally make my skin crawl. How quickly things changed.

I wanted us to get rescued, of course I did, but having time with Caroline, just the two of us, completely undisturbed? It was a dream come true. Because even our stay at the resort would have been filled with calls I had to take, texts and emails that required immediate attention. Here, I was completely absolved. Others had to take the helm because I simply could not. What a novel concept.

“Oh my goodness!” she exclaimed, removing something pink and ruffley from the backpack.

“What’s that?” It didn’t look like much, maybe an eye pillow? She wouldn’t need it. I planned on giving her enough orgasms today that she’d pass out completely sated for the night.

“It’s my bikini!” She pulled out a tiny triangle of a bottom. Well, now.

“I am so glad you deemed that an essential item.” I could already feel myself growing hard at the thought of her in it. “You will definitely need to wear that today. Unless you choose to stay as is.” We could go jungle naked. I’d have no problem with that. I wouldn’t mind stripping, especially if she stayed the same way.

She looked down, suddenly seeming to realize that she was completely naked. She drew up her knees and wrapped her arms around her legs, tucking into a ball. But she seemed to consider it. “I have been hot in my jeans.”

“Yes, it’s much more practical for you to go naked.” She gave me a look. “Or wear the bikini.” If you could even call those tiny triangles a bikini. I didn’t know what had possessed the Caroline I’d been getting to know, who seemed to favor loose T-shirts, jeans and sneakers above all else, to purchase such a scandalous item. But I was looking forward to getting better acquainted with that side of her.

“I’m going to wash my hair!” she declared, grabbing her toiletry bag. “Would you…?” she asked, hesitant.

Right. She still felt shy about the full-frontal. I nodded.

“I’ll go look around and see what I can find for breakfast.” I headed off into the island, already getting a feel for the terrain. We’d joked yesterday about me accessing my inner caveman, but you know what? I felt it, that strong urge to protect and care for my woman. Catching fish for Caroline? Seeing her licking her fingers? I’d liked that. There was a primal satisfaction it brought, one I’d never felt in the boardroom even after a victorious new acquisition or IPO.

I knew Caroline felt scared and vulnerable. Honestly, I might feel more of that if she weren’t with me. But with her, I felt consumed with the need to keep her safe. More than safe. I wanted to shower her with tropical fruits, catch her the freshest, fattest fish I could, bathe her in warm lagoon waters. Cover every inch of her body with licks and kisses until she moaned and panted and quivered.

Until they found us. And a crazy part of me hoped that would take another couple of days. We hadn’t been discovered yet, but I still felt nothing but confidence regarding our imminent rescue. The archipelago had hundreds of islands so it made sense they weren’t exactly sure which one to look on, especially if our plane had drifted in the currents. But the waters weren’t stormy, the skies were clear, and, hell, Caroline was right. I was filthy rich. They’d keep looking until they found us.

But what an island to get marooned on! I guessed it was about four miles long, and maybe only a mile wide with a rocky, dense jungle center. March was the end of summer in this part of the world, so the water was warm and we could expect plenty of rain to replenish our drinking supply. I found countless fruit-bearing trees and busied myself gathered coconuts, mangoes, papayas, pineapples and bananas. I wanted to take Caroline out to explore it all with me. She hadn’t seen anything yet.

One of the nets the fisherman had left behind also worked well as a carrying sack, and I harvested a ripe fruit bounty. I returned, spilling my cargo at Caroline’s feet like a treasure hunter. But the real jewel was her. Hair slicked back, in nothing but a string bikini barely covering her curves, she looked better than any Bond girl ever had rising from the sea.
