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“Viper,” Halo said, the need in his voice music to my ears as his hips arched up, meeting nothing but air.

I flipped open the lube and coated my fingers with the liquid, and then I leaned down over my man’s body.

“I got you, Angel,” I said, massaging his entrance in circles with the pad of my finger. As I pushed inside him, he let out a long exhale that relaxed his muscles, giving my finger an easier slide. After a few strokes, I added a second finger, stretching him and getting him good and ready for me.

Halo’s chest rose and fell as his jaw clenched tight. Sweet torture, that was what the angel was feeling right now, and I’d made him wait long enough. I removed my fingers and grabbed hold of my cock, positioning it at his entrance, but before I moved any further, I looked over all that smooth, naked skin on display and the way Halo’s curls splayed out across the mattress, framing his stunning face.

He’s mine. Somehow this beautiful man had chosen me, and, miracle of all miracles, I’d chosen him back. Despite telling myself for years that I didn’t need anyone, I’d somehow fallen without warning for Halo. He’d hit me with the force of a speeding train, and now I was powerless to stop what had been inevitable since the first time I laid eyes on him.

With that final thought, I pushed inside him, letting my body take over telling him how much he meant to me. I dropped my hands to the mattress on either side of his face as I filled him up, and the hitch of his breath as I went balls deep had me grinding my teeth to keep from exploding right then and there.

God, he felt good. Better than good—he felt fucking amazing, and for a moment I stilled, unable to move just yet, or this would all be over too fast.

I dropped my head to his shoulder, breathing him in. I was sure it would be weird to say I’d missed his scent, but goddammit, I had. He was everywhere even when he was gone, and even if there hadn’t been a party tonight to use as an excuse to see him, I would’ve found some other way, because living without the angel was not an option.

“Viper. Look at me.”

I lifted my head, my eyes connecting with Halo’s, and the look in them had my stomach bottoming out. There was so much emotion contained in that gaze that I could barely breathe, and then Halo’s hips rose up off the bed, taking me even deeper. A shudder rolled through me, and my eyes slammed shut.

“No. I want your eyes on me.” Halo rested his hand on the side of my neck, and when I opened my eyes, he pushed his hips up again. Message received: he wanted me to move, and he didn’t want to break our connection.

I pulled out of him slowly and then thrust back in, keeping my gaze on him. Like this, I could watch his face as I stole every ounce of pleasure from his body, but that wasn’t the only thing I’d stolen tonight.

As I rocked inside him, angling my hips so the head of my cock rubbed up against his prostate, I put my hand on his chest, right over his heart. The smallest flicker of surprise crossed Halo’s eyes at the move, but then it was gone, a deep satisfaction replacing the emotion as he placed his hand on top of mine and squeezed.

Fuck, why did it feel like my chest was on fire? Like someone had a scalding grip on my heart, and it would burst at any moment? Was this what it felt like to love someone? To share a connection so powerful it could devastate you while also making you feel more alive than you’d ever been?

“Are you scared?” Halo’s eyes searched mine as the steady pace of my hips stuttered and stopped.

I blew out a breath and answered honestly. “Angel, I’m scared shitless.”

A chuckle left him, that smile lighting up the room. “Then we’ll be scared shitless together.” He laced our fingers where they rested on his chest and reached for my hip with his free hand, urging me on, before gripping his cock.

This time when I began to move, it was slow, sensual, and nothing like any of our previous encounters. When we weren’t looking at each other, I was leaning forward, my tongue exploring his mouth as he opened to me. There was always a time and place for a rough, hot fuck with my angel, but this was so much more. It wasn’t just a joining together of our bodies anymore. Halo belonged to me now, heart, body, and soul, and even though that was an entirely new concept in my world, I knew he’d steer me right if I fucked up somehow.
