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“I’m grateful. I thanked him. But I don’t see the need for handfeeding him when he’s perfectly capable of feeding himself.” He pulls me to his chest as he lies down on his side.

I scoot up so we’re nose-to-nose. “Do you want me to handfeed you? Is that it?” I pet his hair. “I can stroke you, too.” I kiss his nose. “Give you all the special treats your kitty heart desires.”

His lips twitch, but he doesn’t break.

I scratch behind his ears. “Good kitty. The best kitty. My hero kitty.”

He rolls me onto my back. “Such a cheeky changeling.” He kisses me, then pulls back. “You know I will keep you safe, right?”

“I know.” I return his kiss and nibble his lip. “Don’t be mad that the unicorn stole your glory.”

“I’m not mad.” He wrinkles his nose.

“Okay. You’re not mad.” I nod, knowing full well he’s totally mad.

“I mean, he just gloats and gloats, is all. A true hero wouldn’t do that. He’s just a … a showboat. And I’m your mate. I think about you every second. My need to claim you is almost more than I can bear. And I need you to know that I will give my life for you. I can protect you.”

“I know.” I stroke his back and drop gentle kisses on him. “I know you can. I’ve never doubted that, and I never will.”

Back when Leander and Taylor were doing their mating dance, I used to think it was ridiculous that Leander would get so worked up. He would act a fool because Taylor was cockblocking their mating, and the need to claim her was frying his reasoning. He went from a fierce, logical king, to a jealous, possessive beast. But now, looking up into my wounded male’s eyes, I see the same haze. He’s struggling. Spires, I’m struggling. I’d like nothing more than to make the beast with two backs right here, and right now, but I can’t. Not yet. Instead, I soothe Gareth with kisses and affection, giving him the sort of love I’ve wished for my whole life. And what’s more, he returns it tenfold.

I gently coax him off me and snuggle with him under the glittering stars. When I doze off, I know I’m safe. And more than that, I know I’m loved.

“I hate these vines.” I eye them as we ride through the strange jungle. The dunes are far behind us, and we’ve been climbing up a steady incline for the past two days. One more day, and we’ll be at the end of the world, and hopefully, one with no deadly greenery. “I mean, what did these stupid vines want with me anyway? It’s not like they can eat me. What was their leafy plan?”

“Maybe they wanted to make you their queen.” Iridiel leans down to sniff the mare in front of us. Again.

I smack his side. “Keep your nose off her.”

“Don’t be a boner-buffer.” He flips his perfect mane as the mare looks back at him.

Chastain guffaws. “A boner-buffer. Why is it that unicorns are the cleverest, yet filthiest of all beasts?”

“Jealous?” Iridiel sneers.

Chastain shrugs. “You’re such beautiful creatures, but then you speak.”

I turn and look back at Parnon. He lifts his chin at me in acknowledgement. Ever since the vines attacked, he’s been more watchful of me. I know why. He already lost the two changelings he was closest to. If he lost me—well, I don’t want to think about it. I give him a little wave and turn back around.

“Generally, I’d be happy to rip the limbs off any male who watches you as closely as Parnon. But he’s different.” Gareth’s low rumble vibrates through me. “He’s afraid.”

“I know. He’s like this hulking hardass. But underneath, there’s so much pain.”

“Eldra and Nemar hit him hard.” Chastain gives a heavy sigh. “Hit us all hard, if I’m being honest. They were true friends, great warriors, and had hearts almost as big as Parnon’s. They were—” He stops speaking abruptly, emotion choking his words.

I blink a few times, fighting back the wetness in my eyes. Gareth squeezes my hands, the reins in my grip. I rest against him. Sorrow is a heavy load, one that can only lighten with time.

We ride for the rest of the day, the road winding its way through the low, twisted trees and the sea of greenery. The vines keep their distance, but I still give them dirty looks often. The sun has just set when a whistle from up ahead brings us all to a halt. It’s a warning sound from one of our scouts.

Gareth tenses and wraps an arm around my waist, the other going to his sword.

Chastain tucks his light hair behind his pointy ears, then cocks his head to listen. The jungle has been eerily quiet ever since we entered it, but now it carries an unsettled feeling. The silence a presence, one that watches and waits.

Iridiel stamps a hoof, and I stroke his mane. “Calm,” I whisper.

“Something’s coming.” Chastain draws his sword, as do all our companions. “Something big.”

Parnon’s heavy steps come from behind as he walks to the front of our company, his fists already up.

Iridiel lifts his nose, then exhales hard. “Trolls.”

“Trolls don’t bother travelers.” Chastain slides from his unicorn and joins Parnon. “They keep to themselves, for the most part.”

“They aren’t alone. Someone is controlling them.” Iridiel sniffs again. “High fae.”

“I know of only one whose magic can control others in such a fashion.” Chastain brandishes his sword, aggression in his stance. “Zatran.”

The ground begins to tremble, the vines retreating as thumping sounds push through the humid air.

Gareth kisses my crown, then slides off Iridiel.

“Hey.” I make to follow him, but he grips my thigh.

“Stay here. I need to know you’re safe.” Turning to Iridiel, he says, “Keep her out of danger, and I’ll give you the entire stock of waterberries we have left.”

“That’s a good deal, but do you think we could bargain for me mounting that sweet kitty you turn into when—”

“Iridiel!” Gareth’s tone is almost as thunderous as the footsteps coming toward us.

“Fine, waterberries. Deal.” He snorts as magic sizzles between them.

“I will return.” Gareth stalks toward the front of our little caravan. “Blade and hand-to-hand fighters to the front! Magic wielders, form a circle around the unicorns and the wagon.”

“What? Shouldn’t the magical ones go do some easy damage?” I absentmindedly stroke Iridiel to dull my worry. Gareth takes the lead, his sword high and his body taut. Thick muscles and his mane of dark hair—he is lickable. Spires, th

at male can light a fire in me even in times of ridiculous danger. Like now, with the ground rattling from heavy troll feet.

“Trolls are immune to magic,” Iridiel answers.


“Don’t they teach you changelings anything?”

“Well, no.” I lean forward, trying to see through the gloom. “Slaves aren’t allowed to read, and there’s no school unless you count sewing lessons or learning in the kitchen.”

“And they say I’m a beast.” He snorts, but I can feel a tremor rush through him.

“We’re safe.” I pat him. “Gareth is going to go on a murder spree. You’ll see.”

“Good, maybe that’ll get rid of some of his sexual frustration.”

“He’s not the only frustrated one.” I can almost make out figures through the trees, and the sound of tearing branches rips through the thudding sounds.

“I know. You two should definitely fuck. I’ll watch. Maybe join in a little. We’ll have a good time.”

“Ugh, unicorns.” I keep running my fingers through his off-limits mane, though. His filthy talk can’t hide his fear, and petting him helps assuage some of my own.

“Forward!” Gareth cries and takes off at a run.

“Running with a sword. Huh. Seems dangerous.” Iridiel can’t seem to stand still, his hooves stamping.

“Calm down.” I feel it, too, though my fear is more of a worry for Gareth.

He and the warriors disappear into the night, and shortly after the sounds of battle erupt. Roars that have me covering my ears shake the nearby trees, and the sound of cracking branches multiplies.

The mare whinnies and starts backing up. “They’re going to kill us and eat us.”

“Whoa.” I reach out and touch her flank. “Whoa, sweetheart. We’re safe. We’re fine. Steady on.”

“Yarinna, love.” Iridiel nips her backside with his teeth. “Calm down.”

“I can’t.” She backs up some more despite my petting and Iridiel’s soothing words. “I don’t want to die.”

“Come here, love. Give me some horn.”

“Now?” Despite her skeptical tone, she pauses. “Like, right now?”
