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"Yes. Harder, Michael, harder."

He leaned back and pummeled her, slamming his rod so hard inside her his balls slapped her pussy. She gasped and cried out, bucking back against him in wild abandon.

His balls tightened up against him. "Fuck my cock, baby," he rasped, feeling the first contractions overwhelm him.

Arching her back she let out a low moan followed by cries of ecstasy as she came all over his cock, clenching him so tightly the sensations sent him over the edge. His release hit at the same time and he thrust once more, burying his cock as far as it would go as he pumped his hot come into her.

The spasms continued nonstop, stealing his breath, forcing him to hold tight to her hips until he had no more to give. He collapsed on top of her back, wrapping his arms around her waist and holding her as close to him as he could.

Dizziness overcame him. He was mindless, incapable of coherent thought or words. The orgasm had drained him both physically and mentally. When she dropped down on the mattress he slipped off and pulled her close to him, his hands roaming over her sweat soaked skin.

The scent of sex permeated the air, mixing with the smell of rain and her sweet scent, intoxicating him, lulling him into restful peace.

Never before had he been so caught up in the frenzy of fucking, only to follow up with a contented relaxation. Holding Serena in his arms seemed as natural as breathing. With other women he fucked them and when it was over he jumped out of bed and went back to his normal life.

With Serena, all he wanted was to be with her, hold her, inhale her scent. And once they got out of bed, he actually wanted to talk to her.

He swept his hands over her body as if he owned every square inch of her, delighting at the goose bumps popping out on her skin when he lightly trailed his fingers over her spine. She giggled when he cupped her ass cheeks and slipped his finger in the crevice there.

Despite knowing he should get up and drag them out of there, he couldn't quite fit his mind around any movement. Instead, he was content to hold her in his arms.

He never wanted to let her go.

Drowsy, he yawned, his thoughts centered on the spectacular woman who'd given everything to him.

She was amazing, he thought, his eyelids suddenly feeling heavy.

She was his.

"I love you Serena," he murmured, then sighed and drifted off.

Chapter Eleven

Michael's words stayed in Serena's head the rest of the night. They were all she thought of. He'd awakened after a short snooze and they'd dressed and headed back to their room for a hot shower and dinner.

Not once had he mentioned telling her he loved her. Nor had she asked him if that's what he'd really said.

Maybe she'd simply dreamed hearing the words she'd spent her lifetime longing to hear from a man.

But to hear it from him? No way. She must have been mistaken.

What if she hadn't heard wrong? What if he had admitted he loved her? How would that change things between them? Should she ask him to repeat himself? Perhaps she could ask him to put it in writing.

Yeah, right. That would be dumb. She rolled her eyes and imagined that conversation. She'd heard wrong. It was as simple as that. After all, when they'd returned to their suite, he'd bid her a quiet goodnight and gone to his room.

He hadn't asked her to sleep with him, hadn't held her in his arms all night long like she'd wanted him to, nor had he made love to her again.

She sighed and finished making breakfast, putting the eggs and bacon on their plates as soon as she heard Michael's bedroom door open. Her heart thrummed against her chest at the sight of him, each day bringing her closer to the knowledge that she'd fallen hopelessly in love with him.

And with every passing day the thought that their interlude was quickly coming to an end filled her with dread.

Unless she was wrong about that. Unless the declaration of love she thought she'd heard yesterday had, in fact, been real. She made up her mind to ask him--not knowing would drive her crazy. At least if she knew, one way or the other, she could either discuss their options for the future, or steel her heart against breaking when the time came to leave.

"Morning," she said brightly, placing their plates on the balcony and pouring a cup of coffee for Michael.

"Morning," he said softly, his expression wary.

Had he already realized his mistake? Was he looking for a way to backpedal from what he'd said?

"Sleep well?" she asked.


Dammit, this wasn't going well at all. They were back to square one, tiptoeing around each other like they'd been at the very beginning. Serena felt the loss of intimacy they'd shared, and didn't know what to do to get it back. After yesterday, this should be a time when they felt warm and comfortable around each other, not tense.

"What's on tap for today?" he asked between mouthfuls of egg.

"Um, not sure." They'd missed Simply Sex yesterday, although what they'd shared had been anything but simple. She rose to grab their schedule.

"Group Sex," she said, then frowned.

He raised a brow and grinned. "Sounds fun."

She looked up from the schedule to meet his hot gaze. This event included sex with other people. Swapping. Anything goes in a group format.

Less than a week ago it had sounded adventurous, thrilling, something she longed to try.

Today, it sounded like a really bad idea. She didn't want to have sex with anyone but Michael. Not today.

Quite possibly never.

But it appeared he was all gung ho over the idea, leading her to believe that she'd been mistaken in what she heard him say yesterday. Either that or they had completely differing views on what love meant.

Her appetite disappeared. She pushed the eggs around on her plate and took a few nibbles of bacon. Michael wolfed down his food as if he hadn't been fed in days.

No loss of appetite on his side, apparently.

Finally, she couldn't stand it. Good or bad, she had to know.

"Michael, I need to ask you a question."

He stopped, his fork midway to his mouth. "Yeah?"

"About yesterday..."

She saw him swallow, hard. Knew it then, even before she asked the question.

"What about it?"

"You said you loved me."

He looked at his plate and put the fork down, then grabbed his coffee and took a long swallow. Serena could swear she saw sweat bead on his upper lip. And were his hands shaking?

Why was the subject of love like a death sentence to men? She'd never understood that one. Not when she'd desperately searched her entire life for someone she could be compatible with--intellectually as well as sexually. And she'd found him, only to find him having a near breakdown at her mention of the "L" word.

"Never mind." She didn't want to know. Screw knowing. And screw him, too. She rose and took her plate to the kitchen. Michael followed.

"Wait. I want to answer your question."

She slipped the plate into the dishwasher and turned, leaning her hip against the counter. Crossing her arms, she said, "Go ahead."

He shifted on the balls of his feet like a kid who'd been caught with his hand in the cookie jar. Honestly.

"I said it, but it didn't mean what you thought it meant."

Oh, that was a good lie. "I see."

"No, I don't think you do."

She crossed her arms and got comfortable. This should be good. "Then why don't you explain it to me."

"Yesterday was...fantastic. Tremendous. The best day I'd had in a long time. I think you know that as well as I do."

She felt herself warm, despite her rising irritation still remembering the way they'd come together, the way his cock had felt buried to the hilt inside her. "Yes, it was nice."

"Well, with a guy, we sometimes mistake rousing passion for love, and say something stupid."

Now she was getting even more heated, only it was a warm blush firing her furnace this time. "Stupid.

Like "I love you Serena?" Stupid like that you mean?"

He jammed his hand through his dark locks and blew out a breath. "Something like that, yeah."

"So, you didn't mean you loved me when you told me you loved me."


"It just meant 'gee baby, that was a great fuck,' right?"

He scrunched his eyes shut and grimaced, then opened them. She refused to believe the regret she saw reflected in the pools of blue. "Not quite like that."

"No, it's exactly like that. Fine. I felt the same way. It was the best fuck I've ever had. So far this week." Leaving it at that she pushed away from the counter. Slipping past him, she made sure their bodies didn't touch.
