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"I talk to myself sometimes. Make mental notes of things I need to do."

"Uh huh. And what are those things you need to do?"

"Work things."

"What kind of work is that, Dax?" But before he could answer, she hit him with another question, the one that had been burning inside her for days. "Wait. Don't answer that. First, who or what are you?"

He opened his mouth to speak, then closed it. Opened it again, closed it again. Jammed his fingers through his hair. Finally he sighed and asked, "Are you hungry?"

That wasn't the answer she was looking for. But now that he'd mentioned it, her stomach growled. "As a matter of fact, I am."

He motioned her into the kitchen and pulled the lid on a box, setting out plates and filling them with shrimp and what she could only assume was vegetables.

"What do you eat?" she asked.

"Well, we don't have cows down here so there's no red meat," he said with a half-smile. "But we eat small shrimp and other fish, along with sea vegetables that won't be familiar to you."

He set a plate in front of her and joined her, watching as she took a bite of a long, green crispy substance. A tangy flavor burst into her mouth and she turned to him in surprise. "It's delicious! What is it?"

"It's like plankton. Loaded with vitamins."

Vegetables of varying colors, from purple to green to red, lined her plate. Some were round, some star-shaped, some flat like a piece of bread. All the flavors were different from sweet to salty. The shrimp, of course, tasted just like it did above the water. By the time she emptied her plate she was stuffed.

"That was fabulous. Thank you."

"You're welcome." He cleaned the plates at the sink and handed her a glass of blue liquid.

"What's this stuff?" she asked, swirling the liquid in the glass.

"Think of it as sea tea."

She sipped it, grinning at its sweet taste. "Yummy."

"Thought you might like that."

Satiated, at least as far as her hunger, she knew it was time. "Dax, about those questions I had..."

He lifted his shoulders and nodded. "Come with me and we'll talk."

She followed him to the sofa. It felt just like the one in her apartment back home in Texas. Dax turned to her and grabbed her hands.

"Okay, let's start with your first question, who or what am I. I can tell you I'm as human as you are."

"Not possible. You can breathe underwater."

His lips curled in a smile that took her breath away. "So can you."

"That's different. You did...something to me. How did you do that, anyway?"

Dax laughed. "One question at a time. I'm human, with an added capability for underwater survival."


"Biology." He picked up a strand of her hair and let it slide slowly between his fingers. "You know about biology, right?"

Oh no. This time she wasn't going to let him distract her with sex, despite her body's response to the quickly heating look in his eyes. She gently slapped his hand away from her hair, rewarded with his soft chuckle. "Yes, I know plenty about biology. Now tell me about you. Are you a subspecies of humans? How long have you lived under the water? Are there more like you, and if so, where are they? And what is your purpose down here?"

He blinked, then smiled. "Damn, you're smart."

"Don't compliment me. Answer my questions."

"Kiss me first."


"You heard me. Kiss me first and I'll answer a question."

"That's not fair."

His eyes widened. "I had no idea you thought my kisses were that bad."

"That's not what I meant at all and you know it. You...distract me."

The heat in his gaze melted and moistened her. Her body thrummed to life in anticipation of his mouth, his touch. Dax leaned in and ran his hand over her hair, his touch igniting the fire he'd started with just one look. "Distract you, do I? I like that. Now do I get that kiss?"

"No." Though she really wanted to. Her body was near demanding she lean forward and press her mouth against his. But she remained firm.

"Aw, c'mon, Isabelle. Just one little kiss?"

Oh, hell. "Fine," she said, intending to brush her lips against his and then hit him with more questions. But when she leaned toward him, he reached out and pulled her tight against him, fitting his mouth over hers in a kiss that surely raised the temperature of the water outside the glass enclosure.

His breath, tasting sweet from the blue tea they'd had, enticed her mouth. He swept his tongue inside and claimed hers, teasing with sensuous strokes until her heart pounded against her chest and her insides turned to complete liquid.

She was falling, spiraling down in the sensations of his mouth, his touch on her body. Her pussy moistened in anticipation, her breasts tingling as they brushed against the fine hairs of his chest.

The warning bells clanged. She had to stop or she'd never get her questions answered, and she wasn't going to let it happen. Not this time. She placed her palms on his chest and broke contact before she fell under his spell again.

"No, Dax. We have to talk."

"I was talking." He leaned forward and kissed her neck, sending shivers throughout her body. "Didn't you hear what I was telling you?"

Isabelle tried not to groan, but a whimper escaped as his lips seared her skin. "Umm, yes, but it wasn't in answer to any of my questions about your origin."

Oh, that felt nice. His lips moved down over her collarbone, his tongue leaving a moist trail of sizzling fire.

They shouldn't be doing this. But, frankly, right now she didn't care. All she knew was his mouth was heaven and she'd rather die than have him stop. Then she remembered, again, those burning questions that filled her mind, and realized Dax was once again stalling.

Isabelle pushed him away and stood, needing some distance between them to clear her head and calm the sensory overload caused by his kisses.

Dax arched a brow. Did he feel the same way that she did? Was his mind filled with passion and lovemaking rather than thoughts of explanations and revelations? Or was he purposely doing this to avoid answering her questions?

Chancing a glance at his shorts, she saw the evidence of his erection straining against the material.

Desire flooded between her legs and she wanted nothing more than to jerk his shorts down, stroke his hot, hard cock and suck him until he erupted.

Her desire must have shown on her face, because he stepped forward, grabbed the straps of her swimsuit and yanked them down to her waist. He leaned down, capturing one nipple in his mouth.

She cried out with the searing ecstasy of his mouth on her aching bud, forgetting her questions, forgetting her desire for any knowledge other than knowing what it felt like to have his hard shaft plunging between her legs in these indefinable depths.

She needed his possession of her. Like a ravenous shark she dropped to her knees, tearing at his shorts until they pooled at his feet. With a greedy hunger that shocked her, she took his length into her mouth, cupping his balls and feeling his life force pulsing against her throat. He threw his head back and groaned, threading his fingers into her hair and holding her still while he pumped his cock once, twice, three times in succession against the back of her mouth.

She looked up at him and experienced a sense of feminine power that thrilled her. His head was tilted slightly back, his eyes closed, his body coiled tight with tension, jerking slightly each time she took him in her mouth.

Isabelle dug her nails into the flesh of his naked buttocks. She pulled back slowly, licking the tip of his shaft, loving the salty taste of his fluid.

"Damn, Isabelle," he choked, then looked down and watched her suck him. The juices of her arousal coated her pussy as their eyes met and held. She took him deep, then quickly, using her mouth and her hands to pleasure him.

"Enough," he said.

Dax pulled her up and kissed her, his body quaking with tense passion. "I want to see your body, all of it." He quickly discarded her swimsuit and scooped her up in his arms, then effortlessly swam through the archway of his home and into the open sea. Water rushed into her lungs again and yet her breathing never missed a beat. If she hadn't been filled with the desire to make love with him, she'd have questioned how that could happen.

Where was he taking her? Why outside? Why not in his house where it was dry?

Oh, screw the questions. Isabelle had only one question on her mind right now. How long would it take before she could get Dax inside her?

Chapter Eleven

Isabelle's heart beat swiftly against Dax's chest as he carried her outside his lab. Her arms were wrapped tight around his neck, her body tense with anticipation and an equal amount of the raging desire coursing through his body.
