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Slow down, Amber. It's just sex and sure, Will's likely going to make you come and it'll be great. But it's not like you're going to medal in orgasms or anything.

The only thing that was going to happen was that she'd get to finally eliminate the stupid virginity label tonight, so she could feel more . . . normal. She needed to remind herself that her world wasn't going to exponentially change just because she was going to have sex tonight.

But the way Will looked at her, as if she was the most beautiful creature he'd ever seen, made her feel amazing. She'd never been naked in front of a guy before, and it felt weird and kind of awesome at the same time.

"You're beautiful, Amber. Your body is perfect everywhere, from your long legs to your lush hips to your incredible breasts to your delicate fingers." He kissed her fingertips, then used his hands to touch every part of her body he'd just mentioned. His gaze lifted to her face as he cupped her breasts, circling his thumbs over her nipples. She'd long dreamed of what it would feel like to have a guy touch her like this, to feel a man's hands on her nipples. She'd touched herself plenty of times, of course, had even let guys feel her up over her clothes during make-out sessions. It had felt good enough.

Having Will's hands on her naked skin? Heaven. His hands were rough, his thumbs calloused and evoked quivering feelings that made her arch her back to silently ask for more.

He bent and put his lips over one nipple. She let out a whimper that turned into a moan when he gently sucked. And oh, that pleasure shot straight to her sex when he flicked his tongue over the bud. Her pussy quivered and she was afraid she might hyperventilate from all these sensations.

And he hadn't even made his way down south to all her good parts yet.

She hoped she didn't pass out when he did, because she'd hate to be unconscious during her orgasm.

He lifted up, bracing his hands on either side of her, then kissed her again, a deep, passionate kiss that left her head spinning.

Her whole world was spiraling and she wrapped her legs around his hips to center herself, but that only made things go more haywire because her sex made contact with his hard cock. And when he rubbed his jean-clad erection against her, she thought she might die. Or maybe climax just like that.

"Do you know how damn good that feels?" he asked, surging against her.

She raked her nails along his arms. "Yes. It would feel a lot better if you were naked and inside of me."

He smiled down at her. "Oh, we're not nearly ready for that yet."

"We're not?"

"No." He slid down her body, taking another taste of her nipples before kissing her stomach and hipbone. And when he kissed the top of her sex, nuzzling her pubic hair with his nose, she started heavy breathing again, the anticipation making her heart rate zip up fast.

She felt his tongue swipe up from her pussy lips and circle around her clit.

Oh, it was magnificent. Warm and wet and absolutely amazing. And when he put his lips around her clit to give it a gentle suck, it was everything she could have imagined, and more. He flattened his tongue against the bud, using slow, easy movements, easing her into the magnificent wash of his mouth and tongue, drawing her ever higher into ecstasy.

She felt like she was climbing, her orgasm right there, just out of reach. Will was in charge, holding her body like a master, taking her right where she needed to go. The higher she climbed, the more she moaned and whimpered, the faster his tongue and lips moved over her.

And suddenly she was there, crying out as her climax slammed into her, taking her breath, taking her sanity. She shuddered and said Will's name and maybe spoke in tongues. She wasn't sure, she didn't care. All she knew was it was glorious and exquisite and she wanted it to go on and on forever. This was nothing like giving herself an orgasm. It was so much better. It was a mind-blowing, perfect orgasm.

But finally, she came down from the euphoria, her senses returning to her. She realized Will was kissing her thighs, making his way up her body once again. And when his face hovered above hers, she cupped her hand around his jaw and brought him close for a kiss.

He tasted of her, and it left her in awe that he would do that for her--to her.

"That was amazing," she said. "Thank you."

He was still touching her, and despite that body-rocking climax, she still reacted to the movement of his hands on her. Her nipples hardened--again.

"You were amazing. Your body is amazing and you taste so damn good I could suck your pussy over and over again."

She shuddered out a sigh. This was just the beginning, and there was so much more to explore. "Now let me do that to you."

"Seriously?" He sat back on his heels.

She slid off the chair and straddled his thighs. "Of course. I want to learn how to do everything, Will. Not just fucking. And we have all night. Now off with your clothes."


WILL HADN'T EXPECTED THIS. HE WANTED TO MAKE this a good night for Amber. What he hadn't expected was to find a sensual, wild woman who just happened to be a virgin.

And now she sat on his thighs and said she wanted to give him a blow job.

Maybe he was dead and this was heaven. If so, he was a damn happy dead man.

She tugged at his shirt. "Let's start by getting this off. You're wearing way too many clothes."

He liked that she wasn't shy. He'd never been with a virgin before, and he supposed he had an expectation that a virgin would be shy.

Amber wasn't. She helped him pull his shirt over his head. He tossed it onto the chair.

"Oh. My. God," she said, smoothing her hands over his shoulders and chest. "You have tattoos."


"I mean, I saw the ones on your hands, but I never--" She stared at them, then lifted her gaze to his. "They're beautiful, Will. Tell me about them."

He had a rocking hell of a hard-on and she wanted to talk about his tattoos? Now?

He brushed his thumbs over her nipples. "How about I give you the tour later?"

"Oh, right. Sure." She paused, letting her fingers map a trail down his right arm before bringing her focus back to his face. "Promise?"

"Absolutely promise."

"Okay, then." She slid off his lap. "Get on the chair. Oh, and lose your pants."

Now they were back on track. He got up and unzipped his jeans, letting them drop to the floor. He drew down his boxer briefs, sucking in a breath as he watched the way Amber stayed transfixed on his erect cock. She didn't look away, didn't seem at all intimidated. Instead, her lips curved in a way that he took as one hell of a compliment.

"Wow," she said. "That's impressive."

He took a seat on the chair. "Thanks."

She grabbed a pillow from the sofa, came over to the chair and dropped the pillow on the floor between his feet, then kneeled on it. She slid her hands over his thighs, using the tips of her fingernails to tease his skin. She moved between his legs, and when her belly brushed against his cock, he shuddered in a breath.

Man, he enjoyed that body contact.

She rubbed her breasts against his chest, then kissed him. He grabbed a handful of her hair and held onto her head, making sure she wasn't going anywhere as he explored the inner recesses of her mouth with his tongue. Her answering whimper infused him with the need to explore her all over. He wanted to push her to the floor and lick her again, then slide inside of her and pump until he released all this need he felt for her, until he came, hard.

But it was her turn to explore, to learn about his body, so he was going to have to wait.

She smoothed her hands down his arms, over his chest, lingering at his nipples. He sucked in a breath as she teased them a bit before snaking her fingers over his abs.

She lifted her gaze to his.

"You have an amazing body, Will. You must work very hard to keep it in shape."

"I skate a little now and then."

She laughed, and the low, throaty sound she made shot right to his balls. "Skate a little, huh? That must

be how you ended up with these powerful thighs."

Her exploratory trek continued over his legs. He liked her hands on him. They were soft, smooth and a little bit of torture having her touch him everywhere but his cock.

But when she slid her hands between his thighs, his cock twitched. She wrapped her hand around it and damn did that ever feel good.

"Yeah, I like that," he said.

"Tell me how."

He showed her how to grab it at the base and stroke upward. "Like this. Don't be afraid to squeeze hard. You won't hurt me."

She gave him some pressure, and he cupped his fingers around hers, showing her exactly how much he wanted and how.

"Oh, yeah, that's good. So fucking good."

He wanted her mouth on him, but he let her have the lead. It wasn't long before she bent and took a swipe across the head of his cock with her tongue, then lifted her head and smiled up at him.

"Salty. Did I ever mention I love salty things?"

He gripped the arms of the chair and tried not to shoot his load right then.

She had such a sweet innocence, but there was fire and desire in her eyes. And when she put her lips over his cock head and flicked her tongue over it, he thought he might die.

She was making sounds as she slid her mouth down the shaft, and Christ, he might not survive this.

He thought she'd be clumsy, maybe even turned off or quit halfway through, but in reality she was killing him. She was eager and a goddamn expert at blow jobs for someone who'd never done it before. Her tongue was everywhere, she included her hands, and even played with his balls. It might be a learning experience for her but to him it was fucking torment. She had great hands and the sweetest mouth he'd ever felt on his dick.

"That's it," he said, giving her guidance. "Squeeze my cock with your mouth. Suck it, Amber."

She also took direction really well because she squeezed his cock head between her tongue and the roof of her mouth, then drew his shaft in slowly until he thought he might die.

Sweat beaded down the side of his face as he fought to keep from exploding in her mouth as she expertly wound her tongue around his cock head before engulfing him once again.

It was all he could take.

"Amber, I'm gonna come."
