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Let us repeat that, in case you missed it. You have read over 1 million of our words. It’s a staggering thought to know that you have loved these books enough to make it this far. We are so humbled to be given this opportunity. And make no mistake, these books exist because of you. We planned to end them at 4 simple books. There are 10 because of your love for these characters and our words.

So thank you from the bottom of our hearts. Thank you.

To our mom. You have been the superheroine behind these stories. You read them before anyone, you put on your proofreading cape and catch so many ugly mistakes, all while dealing with our crazy deadlines. But even more than that, your love and support have championed us far beyond the start of this series. From the moment we began writing stories, you have encouraged all our fantastical dreams. We never doubted that we could get here, even if we knew it would take immense amount of persistence and work, and that’s because you instilled in us the belief that we could do anything. Be anything. It’s a gift you have given us, and one that we will never take for granted. So thank you. Thank you for being our very own Rose Calloway.

To Jenn, Lanie, Jae, and Siiri. Words cannot describe how much the four of you mean to us. Every day we are blown away by your commitment and love to the Fizzle Force. Thank you so much for running, organizing, and putting your energy into it. We honestly do not know what we’d do without you…maybe have minor panic attacks. You calm us, listen to us, and fill this world with dazzling, brilliant color. You all are very magical in our eyes.

To Alice Tort & Olivia Danieli. We extend our biggest thanks for your help with the French and Italian. This book wouldn’t glow nearly as bright without the translations, and we owe it all to you.

To Kimberly. You are a super agent, and we’re so grateful to have you on our side. You may not know this, but we believe in fate. All things happen for a reason, and you’re our biggest proof. Thank you for reading our books; we’re still amazed that you love them.

To the Fizzle Force. We really want to name every single one of you by name, but I think we’d need a bigger book—and this book is already mammoth. We may not name you specifically, but just know that we know who you are, we love you, and you mean the absolute world to us. There is something strong and mighty in the Addicted series fandom. It’s kindness and love and power, such great power, all wrapped together. Even if you’ve never spoken to us and just lurked around, we love you all the same. Because you’ve read our books. You’ve made it here. Thank you for sticking with one long series. One giant ride.

This may be the end of the series, but it’s not the end.

We’ll keep writing. We hope you’ll keep reading.

And just know that these books will never go away. There’s over 1 million words of Lily, Loren, Connor, Rose, Ryke & Daisy. That’s more than a lifetime.

We won’t officially say goodbye because as J.M. Barrie’s Peter Pan said, “Never say goodbye because goodbye means going away and going away means forgetting.”

Until next time.
