Page 22 of In Bed with a Rogue

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Interest lit Lady Ellis’s gray eyes, and Helena had the impression the countess was taking her measure. “It is a pleasure to meet you, Lady Prestwick. I’ve heard much about you.”

Before Helena could wonder what tales Olive had been spreading, a handsome gentleman with dark blond hair approached. Lady Ellis linked arms with him. “Anthony, this is Lady Prestwick.”

Helena could only assume the gentleman was Lord Ellis, given the lady’s familiarity. His blue eyes were kind and warm just like his wife’s. Olive introduced Lady Ellis’s husband and everyone exchanged pleasantries.

Even after the duchess excused herself, and Olive left to attend to her hostess duties, Lord and Lady Ellis remained at Helena’s side.

“Have you met anyone interesting in London?” the lady asked.

Helena blinked. “Interesting?”

She nodded, her dark curls bouncing slightly. “Yes, I found quite a few interesting gentlemen are in Town for the Season. Has one in particular caught your eye?”

“Uh…” Words abandoned Helena.

Lord Ellis smiled fondly at his wife. “Subtlety has never been your strength, love. Do you not recall our conversation in the carriage about minding our own affairs?”

“I recall it, but we never reached an agreement.”

“I am fairly certain we did, Gabrielle.”

She patted his arm and batted her lashes at him. “Now, dear husband, you mustn’t argue with me, or Lady Prestwick will think you are a terrible bore.”

He laughed and the affection in his gaze warmed Helena’s heart. She had no idea there were married couples who behaved this way. Lord and Lady Ellis seemed to genuinely enjoy one another’s companionship.

The orchestra began to play a waltz.

Lord Ellis smiled at Helena. “I believe that’s my cue to whisk away my meddling wife. I will keep her occupied while you find a place to hide.”

“Anthony!” Despite Lady Ellis’s protest, she beamed at him. If ever a love match existed, Lord and Lady Ellis were living proof. The countess took Helena’s hand between hers. “It was lovely to meet you, Lady Prestwick. I hope we can speak again soon.”

“I would welcome your company anytime, Lady Ellis.” Awkward questions and all. The countess seemed the most genuine person Helena had met in London. It was refreshing.

She bid the couple a good evening then sought out a quiet place to think. No sooner had she turned her thoughts back to solving the problem of gaining access to her sister than a rich baritone interrupted.

“I thought they would never leave.”

Helena’s heart slammed against her ribs. She didn’t need to turn to know the baron had come up behind her. The air was heavier, more electrified when he was near.

“Lord Thorne, I didn’t expect to cross paths with you this evening.”

He moved closer, his body heat saturating her back and yet causing a chill to race down her spine. If she shifted an inch, their bodies would come in contact.

“The ballroom isn’t our usual rendezvous location, is it, angel?” he whispered, his breath whisking across her nape.

She could barely swallow. Pretending a calm she didn’t feel, she tossed an amused look over her shoulder only to come up short. His mouth was entirely too close. And tempting beyond reason.

An image of Sebastian Thorne’s elegant fingers grazing her cheek, sliding down her neck and along her collarbone before cupping her breast, and his lips nibbling the slope between her neck and shoulder made her legs tremble.

Blast! If she swooned, she would never forgive herself.

“What is it you want, my lord?” Her voice had grown husky.

A small smirk played upon his lips. “I want my curiosity satisfied.”

She returned her attention to the dancers and shuffled a step forward to create a little distance between them. “I don’t take your meaning.”

“We both know what you have been up to, Lady Prestwick. You don’t want me to spell it out in front of witnesses. The ton does enjoy a good scandal, but not as much as I relish denying them pleasure.”

She wheeled around to face him. If she’d had doubts that he had been the one to warn her of the footpad’s attack, they were eradicated looking into his intense brown eyes. He knew her secret, or at least he knew one piece to it. How long he would keep it, she didn’t know. Perhaps she could buy his silence.
