Page 76 of In Bed with a Rogue

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“Damnation!” He jerked the marquess to the side in one last effort to take him down and they both stumbled into the tea cart.

The porcelain pieces fell one after the other and shattered on impact with the wood floor. A feminine screech made them both jerk upright and spin toward the door. Miss Kendrick stood in the threshold, her fists punched to her hips.

“Gus, what the devil are you doing?”

Helena came up behind her sister. Sebastian mouthed the word go, but she stared at him in bemusement. Did the stubborn chit ever listen?

“I was going to ask you the same, Lavinia.” St. Ambrose wrenched free and dusted off his trousers. His gaze landed on Helena. “Lady Prestwick, are you here with Thorne?”

Sebastian winced. They were in a pickle now.

Miss Kendrick lifted her chin. “She most certainly is. Now why are you attacking my guest? I’ve never seen you behave in such a manner.”

A young girl with eyes as big as Helena’s padded into the parlor. Bare feet stuck out beneath her white night rail. She cocked her head to the side to study Sebastian. “Do we have an intruder?” She was strangely calm about the situation.

Miss Kendrick hugged her. “No, my darling. Lord Thorne is not an intruder.”

“What is he doing here?

Sebastian offered a slight bow. “I’m sorry we frightened you. You are Gracie, are you not? My name is Sebastian.”

“I wasn’t frightened.” The girl’s smile was identical to Helena’s. “It is nice to meet you, sir.”

Miss Kendrick smoothed a hand over Gracie’s honey-colored curls as Helena watched with a pained look. “Lord Thorne brought a visitor to see you,” Miss Kendrick said. “Do you remember hearing about your oldest sister, Helena?”

St. Ambrose sucked in a sharp breath, his gaze shooting to Miss Kendrick, then Helena. Gracie turned assessing eyes on Helena too.

“Yes, she was the best sister any girl could want and she loved me very much. She died when I was a baby.”

Tears pooled in Helena’s eyes. Sebastian went to her, unable to stand by while she suffered. She sank against him. Her trust was welcome and he silently vowed to never betray it.

Miss Kendrick pulled the girl in front of her and rested her hands on her shoulders. “There was a mistake. Our sister didn’t die. She is here now. Gracie, I would like to introduce you to Helena, Lady Prestwick.”

She tilted her head back to look up at Miss Kendrick. “Should I curtsy like I do with Lord St. Ambrose?”

Helena swiped a tear as it fell on her cheek. “Heavens, no. I am your sister. No one curtsies to one’s sister.”

The girl smiled. “I’m not very good at it anyway.”

St. Ambrose came forward and ruffled her hair. “You do a very fine job of it, but your sister has a point. I don’t want you to curtsy to me either.”

Her smile widened showing matching dimples. “But you aren’t my sister.”

The marquess chuckled, the remaining tension melting from his posture. “Well, I’m family, so that should matter.”

Miss Kendrick’s lips thinned. Apparently, she didn’t agree he was part of their family, but she didn’t contradict him.

Edith tentatively peeked into the parlor. “I have that brandy for Lord Thorne, and I poured one for Lord St. Ambrose too.” She lifted two tumblers into the air as if presenting a peace offering.

“Thank you, Edith,” St. Ambrose said. “I apologize for startling you earlier.”

She ventured into the room, handed a glass to Sebastian then the marquess, and made a quick exit.

“You are supposed to be in bed,” Miss Kendrick said to Gracie. Her chide was gentle and she made no move to send her away despite her words.

“I was in bed until the noise woke me. I want to visit with Helena.”

Miss Kendrick kissed the top of her head. “I’m sure she would like that.”

The girl grabbed Helena’s hand and urged her to the sofa. Sebastian hung back to allow them time without him getting in the way.

Miss Kendrick gestured to St. Ambrose. “May I speak with you in the foyer, my lord?”

He followed her and mumbled an apology to Sebastian as he passed.
