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He kisses me, first my lips and then when I open, his tongue comes in sweeping through my mouth, stoking my fire like a bellows at a forge. I grip his shoulders and shove my hips into the air.

His hand creeps higher and higher until his fingers are but a hairsbreadth away from my aching center. When he wrenches his mouth away from mine, I’m completely gratified to see his breathing is harsh and short. “Your thighs are soaked, sweetness. How long have you had this problem?”

Since I laid eyes on you, I thought but I didn’t say anything.

“How long?” Grant does not accept my silence.

“Too long,” I admit with a gasp because he’s pressed his full fingers against me and it’s all I need to go off. His fingers are longer, stronger, provide more pressure and coverage than mine ever will. I roll my hips in an effort to get something—anything—inside me.

It works because the tips of his blunt fingers dip into my core and I cry out. He clamps a hand over my mouth and then shoves one finger straight up inside me with my panties. There’s pain there as he rips through my hymen and takes my virginity with his finger. I’m struggling against his hand, not because I’m in pain but because I want more.

He controls the pace and shallowly finger fucks me with one digit. My hand flails out seeking him. He grabs it and places it on his dick. It’s enormous. Like four or five of his fingers. How will it ever fit inside me?

I moan and this time it’s one of distress. He lifts his hand from my mouth. “What’s wrong?”

“You’re too big,” I tell him.

He chuckles. “That’s right, sweetness. I’m a big boy, but you’re going to take it. Want to know how?”

I nod fervently.

“Because you were made for me. Now I’m going to fuck you with my finger one more time while we watch Tommy and Jaycee. Then we’re going home and I’m going to teach you everything I know and then some. You with me, sweetness?”

I squirm. “But what about Judge? Don’t you think this is wrong?”

“You let me worry about Judge. You worry about how many times you are going to come tonight.”

He drives home with me seated on his lap, grinding against him. I come twice more rubbing up against that steel hard length inside his jeans. He half carries me, half pushes me inside the house to my room. He slams the door shut. Judge is at the clubhouse tonight where he’ll be until the early hours probably doing what Tommy and Jaycee are doing. What Grant and I will be doing.

Panting, he presses me to my knees. “I’ve gotta come too, sweetness. You want it in your mouth or you want me to jerk off.”

“My mouth,” I say immediately.

He reddens in excitement. This time he’s the one who is trembling as he unbuckles his pants. “Take me out,” he says.

I reach inside his underwear. There’s a wet spot on the cotton and as I pull his dick out I see the cause. The tip is weeping. Curious, I stick my tongue out and swipe it across the tip. He groans and his dick bobs its head in approval.

“Do you like my taste?” he asks and there’s a hint of vulnerability in his voice.

“It’s salty,” I answer. “I don’t dislike it.”

“You’ll learn to crave it,” he says, his blue eyes dark as night. “Put your hands around the base and lick from the top of the head down to your fingers.”

I do as he tells me. He slams his head against the door once or twice. I keep licking until he gives me further instruction. Taking a deep breath, he continues, “Open your mouth and suck on it like a straw but not too strong.”

I do as he instructs. His hand curves around my head to cup it as I swallow as much of him as I can. It’s not very much, the tip and maybe an inch more but he seems to love it. His hand comes around to my cheek where he must feel his dick inside my mouth. It’s getting me so excited that I have to touch myself.

“This turning you on, Chels?” he says, his voice stretched thin as if he’s in pain. I nod, not wanting to take his dick out of my mouth. I want this to be so good for him that he won’t be able to look at another girl. “God. God.This feels so goddamned good. I knew it would be like this. Knew it.” He pulled out of my mouth. I tried to follow him as he moved away.

“Wasn’t I doing it right?”

“Any righter and I’d be coming down your throat, but Chelsea, sweetness, I gotta be in your pussy before I die.” He shucks the rest of his clothes and pulls me to my feet. “This time is going to be quick but I can go all night the next round. ’Kay?”

I nod. “I trust you, Grant.”

He closes his eyes and breathes deep a few times to gather some control.

“Raise your hands.” His words are a harsh command but he means no insult. From the ruddy slash of color across his cheekbones and the heaving of his chest, I can tell he’s almost at the end of his tether. I put my arms up and in two seconds, he’s got me down to my bra and panties. “You’re a fucking tease,” he groans dropping to his knees. He pushes my breasts together and mouths one and then the other over the lightly padded cotton. “You walk around in your tight tanks and your itty bitty pieces of string you call panties tormenting me daily. I have wood nonstop.”

From some unknown well of courage, I reach behind my back and loosen the hook. He groans at the sight of my unbound breasts. The first touch of his tongue against my nipple has me crumpling at his feet. He joins me on the floor.

“Like I said, this first time is going to be fast but you’re going to love everything else tonight.”

He rolls a condom on his hard, frighteningly large penis and carries me to the bed, where he tosses my panties aside. A little roughly, he fingers me with one digit and then another. The stretching of my virgin skin is painful and a cry escapes me.

“Shh,” he whispers. “It’ll be all right. I’m going to make it all right for you.”

His fingers scissor apart

as he tries to prepare me for that big dick of his. When he presses the blunt ahead against my tight entrance, I panic and press at him with my palms.

“I don’t think I’m ready,” I say. “It’s never going to fit.”

“Baby, baby,” he croons. “It’s going to fit. It’s how you’re made. You’ll stretch to accommodate me. It’ll be good. Doesn’t this feel good?”

His fingers find my button, the one I always press when I’m ready to go and it does feel good. It feels fucking amazing. I was right. It is so much better when it’s his hand rather than mine.

“Yes,” I admit with a sigh. Relaxing and arching into his touch, I encourage him. “That’s good. Don’t stop.”

“Don’t you worry. I’m going to take care of you.” He pushes his penis a little farther in, all the while playing my button like it’s an instrument. He strums and plucks and squeezes and then does it all over again. All the while he pushes inside me.

“You all the way in?” I ask timidly, feeling fully stretched.

He half laughs, half groans. “Not even a half.”

He leans down and starts kissing me again. And with his mouth on mine, I forget a lot of things because it’s so erotic having his tongue inside my mouth. He’s invading me, not allowing me to hide or protect even the smallest, most private parts. As he kisses me, plays with me, thrusts against me, my lower body gives like he said it would and there’s a flood of lubrication. Finally, the wiry hair of his body is scratching up against mine and I know.

“You’re inside me,” I say with wonder.

He raises on one arm and brushes my hair out of my face. “I am, and Chels,” his face darkens, “no one gets in here but me. Not ever. Hear me?”

“I hear you, Grant. So long as your dick doesn’t go near another girl, I won’t let anyone touch me but you.”
