Page 18 of Odalisque

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Constance had wanted to see him play out of curiosity, but had never imagined how it would move her. She’d pictured some handsome, polished showmanship, her lover at the piano. Some entertaining motion to watch while she drooled over his arms and his abs. What she had gotten was a musician who played so well, who felt the music so deeply, she really could almost hear it. She could “hear” the loud parts and soft parts just from how he played them. She could imagine the majesty of Debussy’s cathedral just from the expression on Kai’s face.

No, Constance. No emotional attachment.

“Are you okay?” Kai asked, closing the keyboard lid. “I didn’t mean to upset you.”

Constance realized she was frowning. She circled her fist over her heart. “I’m sorry. No…it’s just… It was beautiful. So special, how you explained it to me.” But could you please stop making me fall so hard for you? “Thanks for trying to help me hear the music. You came really close. How long have you played?”

He waved a hand. “Since I was a kid. But I don’t want to change the subject. I wish there was something I could do to help.”

“Help? You mean, help me hear?”

He nodded. “I’m sure you’ve been to doctors, tried hearing aids and everything. But isn’t there some kind of surgical thing? A Coch--”

She finished the spelling for him. “Cochlear implant?” Kai nodded. “I wasn’t a candidate.”

“What does that mean?”

She blew out her breath in frustration. “If there was a way to help me, it would have been done by now.”

“But you went to military doctors. Moved around a lot, right? How do you know you got the best care? Let me take you to a specialist--”


“Maybe there’s some new, cutting edge research--”


“I have more money than I know what to do with, Constance. Money can sometimes buy things you don’t expect. Let me try to help you at least--”

“No.” This time when she made the sign, she snapped her fingers hard. He still didn’t shut up. Constance left the dais and went to the kitchen for the notebook. She returned, writing as she walked. God, she had to make him understand that there wasn’t any hope of her hearing. Ever.

Kai, I appreciate your offer but please accept the fact that there’s no way to change me. There’s not enough money in the world to make me hear the way you hear. There just isn’t. It’s okay.

He stared at the notebook and frowned. “This is really hard for me, you know. I like to fix things.”

She shook her head. “You can’t fix me. I’m sorry if that upsets you.”

Kai looked on the verge of giving in, but then he turned those eyes on her, those deep pools. “Please, please, please, just see one specialist. For me. Just one visit. Please.”

He took her three days later. It was marvelous what money could buy. A morning appointment with a well-known leader in the field who was certainly booked solid for months. She would have done anything to spare Kai the disappointment of the doctor’s frank evaluation. Well, she’d tried to explain to him.

Kai was subdued on the way home. Constance sat beside him in the backseat, unaccustomed to being clothed. She was also unaccustomed to Los Angeles, the soaring skyline and crowd of humanity, the snarled roads and belching traffic as far as the eye could see. Kai stared out the window, lost in his own thoughts. He seemed so sad. She reached over and put a hand on his thigh. He gave her a half-smile, grasped her hand for a moment, and then threaded his fingers through hers.

She loved his fingers. She didn’t know why. They were so long and yet so well shaped. Each knuckle had a little sprinkling of dark hair. She stared at his hands and felt an ache in her chest. She was falling in love with him, no matter her convictions. No matter that it was against the code.

It was only the newness of it all. The devotion of a slave for her Master. She reminded herself in her weak moments that theirs was a temporary arrangement by agreement. Kai had paid a million dollars more or less for the convenience of having her go away at some point. He could get tired of her next week and send her away. He was rich enough to buy another girl. He was rich enough to do whatever he wanted. She turned his hand over and spelled his name against his palm.


He leaned down and touched his lips to hers, a chaste, sweet kiss that inevitably turned darker. He tilted his head and kissed her more deeply, then slid his tongue across her lips. He smelled like aftershave and sunshine, and tasted like honey. You’re in love. Idiot.

She pulled away and started signing, just to get her mind off that train of thought. “Thank you for trying to help me. It’s kind of you to care so much.”

He pursed his lips, looking partly annoyed and partly amorous. “Of course I care. But you’re perfect as you are. I shouldn’t have pushed the issue.”

She unbuckled her seat belt and moved closer to him, resting her head against his shoulder. She got another noseful of sunshine and the scratch of light stubble against her forehead. “You know, my other senses are more powerful because I’m deaf,” she signed to him. “I taste and smell and feel things more strongly.”

He seemed amused by that. “Really? How do you know you taste and smell and feel things any more strongly than anyone else?”

She made a face at him. “I do. I know I do. I notice more anyway. Like the way your skin feels a couple hours after you’ve shaved. The way leather seats smell different from fabric seats in hot cars. I notice the way each variety of orange tastes a little different.”

He put a hand on her fingers, stilling her. “There are different varieties of oranges?”

Constance giggled. Kai smiled back and nudged her over in the seat. “Buckle up for safety.”

“We’re almost to your house anyway. And guess what?” Constance paused for maximum effect. “My period is officially over. I’m yours to...” She made the famous finger-in-a-hole sign.

He got a suggestive gleam in his eye. “I might have to stay home then, rather than go into work.”

“I’ll put you to work, big boy,” she signed with her own suggestive leer.

He threw his head back and laughed. They were only a mile or so away from his property. He took her arm and pulled her against him, and this time his kiss wasn’t chaste at all. It wasn’t even passionate. It was just plain dirty. Constance felt it in her breasts and her pussy, a heavy, horny ache. She twisted her fingers in his hair and felt his hand working its way up her fitted skirt. He plunged his palm down the front of her silk panties while he bit on her lip. God, she wanted to pull the skirt up to her waist and straddle him, and rub her clit right against the rigid rod she could feel through his pants.

Kai pulled away with a gasp as they drove through the gate of his house. “Stop for a minute.” He took her face in his hands, forced her to focus in the haze of her arousal. “Wait. We’re almost there.”

They both turned to look at the front drive at the same time. A silver sedan was parked to one side. A woman in a black suit with short dark hair stood with a portfolio in her hands, waiting for the car to pull around.

Chapter Ten: Please, Please...

Ms. Dresden closed the door to the odella and had Constance undress. Constance knew why. She was grateful she had nothing to fear in her owner, no abuse to hide. She hung up her blouse and shimmied out of her skirt, then took off her panties. Ms. Dresden smiled softly and ran her hands over the light marks remaining from her spanking a few nights ago.

“Come sit beside me, and we’ll have a candid talk.”

Constance sat across from the older woman and curled her knees under her. She hadn’t known Ms. Dresden very long. She’d met her the first time on the flight across the Atlantic. But they’d had plenty of time to become friends on the plane, and Constance loved that she knew ASL. It would be fun to have a conversation without all the starts and stops and missing words she’d become accustomed to with Kai. And it was nice to see someone from Maison Odalisqu

e. Constance sometimes missed Bastien and the other girls. Although her current situation was certainly fulfilling...

“How are things, Constance? Has Mr. Chandler adhered to the contract between you? Have you been kept in comfort? You haven’t been made to work or keep house for him?”

Constance shook her head. “I haven’t done a thing. And I couldn’t be more comfortable.”

“There is adequate chemistry between you and your owner?”

Constance couldn’t help the broad, wicked smile that spread across her face.

Ms. Dresden chuckled. “That wonderful, is he? I’m glad to hear it. And has he used you anally thus far?”

Constance nodded, biting her lip. Oh yes, he did.

“He was cautious? He lubricated you adequately?”

She thought about the itching, warming lube tormenting her asshole and shifted slightly on the bed. “Yes, he used plenty of lube.”

Ms. Dresden seemed very pleased to hear that. “And I perceive you have already engaged in some sado-masochistic play. How did it go?”

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