Page 22 of Odalisque

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But when he actually asked her to do something distasteful, like perform sexually for his friend, she was one hundred percent fine with the idea.

Duh. Because she’s an odalisque.

“When is he coming?” she signed.

Kai looked at his watch and rolled off the bed. “In an hour. There’s takeout for dinner. I’m going to go change.”

*** *** ***

Constance breathed in and out, slow deep breaths, drawing on her training. He’s just a mega-movie star, girl. No biggie. Even if he has a massive dick.

Constance lounged against some pillows in the saray while Kai gave his friend Mason Cooke a tour of the facilities. Kai didn’t bother to sign any of what he was saying for her benefit, and she couldn’t read their lips since they kept turning their heads. She could easily read their expressions though, and their relaxed body language.

And their erect cocks--they were hard to misunderstand.

It was clear to her from their manner--and the fact that they were unfazed by one another’s huge erections--that they were good friends. Constance would be happy to serve any friend of her Master’s. There was actually something exciting about handling more than one man at once. It was more strength, more brawn, more cock to deal with. More passion and more lust. She wasn’t nervous. Kai used all her holes regularly, to the point where she wasn’t uptight at all about penetration.

Kai was showing Mason his cabinet of toys now, and Mason’s cock stood up even stiffer. So it was to be one of those types of nights. Constance let her legs fall open and fingered her pussy as she watched the men. It was about to get painful--and erotic. Her favorite combination. She was ready to go.

Kai turned to her and smiled while Mason pulled out an armful of implements from the cabinet. Strap, crop, paddle, tawse, whip, another strap, another paddle. Balancing them in one arm, he also grabbed a pair of nipple clamps and some lubricant. Thankfully, it appeared to be the non-stinging kind.

She raised her eyebrows at Kai as Mason jogged across the room to dump all the stuff on the bed. Kai laughed and signed, “Mason is a BDSM noob.” He fingerspelled noob with a hilarious look of forbearance on his face. “He wants to try just about everything. He’s maybe a little overeager right now.”

Constance made one lone sign. “Ouch.”

Kai shook his head and threw some condoms on the bed beside the toys. “It’ll be okay. On your feet, beautiful.”

Constance stood and presented herself to the two gentlemen. She waited with one hip cocked slightly, her breasts thrust out and displayed to full effect. She wanted to touch herself again, just from the hungry way they looked at her. Kai had brought Mason straight to the saray, rather than having them all meet somewhere else in the house and have a drink first. She hadn’t even really been introduced yet to Mason. She preferred it that way. She liked that she was here to be their toy, their pleasure vessel. She didn’t want to be their friend, not at moments like these.

Kai looked at Mason, who, having just pulled every toy out of the cabinet, seemed unsure of his next move. “You want to make some marks on her?”

Mason nodded. Kai led Constance over to the lattice side of the iron bed. He turned back to his friend. “Do you want her restrained or unrestrained?”

Mason only took a second to answer. “Restrained. Yes!”

“Go get some cuffs.”

Kai turned her then and pressed her forward against the cool metal structure. Without hearing, she habitually wanted to turn her head to see, to watch. To know what was coming. She was trying to train herself out of it, to just trust in Kai to manage things. It was harder now, though, with another man in the room. She leaned her forehead against the lattice and took more deep breaths.

She jumped a little when she felt warm, rough hands stroking and parting her ass cheeks. With great effort, she didn’t spin around to see who was touching her. She just let the feelings of subservience and submission sink into her mind. The hands left her and her arms were pulled behind her. Cuffs were attached to each wrist. Her wrists were then pushed forward and fixed to either side of the lattice. She was caught now. Powerless. Well, she could still kick...

No, maybe not. She felt a tug at her ankles and looked down to see Kai with a spreader bar. Her pussy gave a little throb as he nudged her legs apart. It was harder to dodge blows in the leg spreader, and damn impossible to kick, although she would never really do any of those things during a scene. But knowing she had the power to do them if she chose was somehow soothing. Kai liked to take her power--and choices--away.

She moaned weakly at that provocative thought. Kai placed a hand under her hips, forcing her ass out. She scooted her tethered feet back and arched her spine, and watched Mason come around the bed and pick up the crop. The noobs always loved the riding crops. She braced for impact as Mason disappeared behind her, but all she felt was the soft, dull thud of the handle across her ass. She looked back over her shoulder. Kai shrugged as if to say, “What can you do?”

He took the crop from Mason, demonstrating in the air how to flick the whippy end of it. He gave it back and Constance turned away, wrapping her fingers around the metal bars. Mason landed a blow correctly this time, right on the sweet spot of her left ass cheek. Before she even had time to react, he whapped the other cheek--way too hard. Constance pulled at the cuffs, wanting to cover herself. She looked pleadingly back at Kai. He came toward her and took her chin in his hand.

“I know it’s scary playing with someone new. Some of it’s going to hurt, and he wants to leave marks, but this is nothing I haven’t done to you before. I won’t let him really hurt you, okay?”

Constance let out a breath and turned away. She wanted this. She wanted it. She was just a little scared. She was used to Kai hurting her, but Mason was something new, an unknown quantity. She closed her eyes and steeled herself to take the pain. She thought Kai must have taken over the crop for a moment. She was given a series of stinging, rapid slaps that had her dancing on her toes. Each time she tensed and drew her ass forward, she’d feel that patient tap on her hip. He liked for her to keep her ass thrust out at all times, as if she craved the punishment of the various implements. It was sexy, yeah. But it was hard to do.

After Kai got her ass and inner and outer thighs all warm and tingling, Mason took over for a while. His shots were more random--some light, and some a fierce, stinging shock. His rhythm was slower than Kai’s. Constance imagined them consulting between blows. Finally, Mason put down the crop and picked up one of the paddles. He seemed to have no great difficulty using that. The first one Mason used was a long, principal’s-office-style slab of wood that gave more thud than sting. He soon abandoned that--probably at Kai’s urging--for a smaller, sleeker red paddle with what Kai liked to refer to as “pain holes.” The little holes drilled in the wood increased the sting and heat fifty-fold from the large, thuddy instrument.

Oh, God! It was so hard to stand still, helpless, with her legs spread and her ass arched out, and take each blow. The paddle would connect, which was painful enough in itself, but then that pain would bloom into a torturous, flaming heat she couldn’t soothe or rub away. She didn’t know if it was Kai paddling her, or Mason, or both. She hoped to God Mason would lose interest in it soon. She lost count of the blows, but she was sure her ass was angry red by now. She was making begging sounds, instinctive, uncontrollable noises that she knew probably sounded awful. She couldn’t help herself.

Finally, the paddling stopped. Constance sagged, drawing her aching ass in as far as she could without stumbling from the damn spreader bar. Please, let me go. Fuck me now. Fucking is awesome!

Constance was overjoyed when Kai released her feet. He kissed her on the neck, on the shoulder. She breathed in his familiar scent and let her body relax back against him. She rubbed her ass against his erection with needful, blind intent. He turned her head until she was looking at his lips, and then he said, “Not yet.”

Not yet? Damn, Mason was on the bed in fro

nt of her, nipple clamps in his hand. Kai soon joined him. Her owner reached through the iron latticework to pinch her nipples. She blinked, watching them talk through the metal barrier.

“So, these are called clover clamps,” Kai explained to Mason. “Pulling on them tightens them. They’re a really nice torture device. You can’t leave them on too long, but they’re really fun for getting a reaction. So...put one on this tit first.”

Constance bit her lip as Kai released her nipple with a painful pinch, only to have Mason take over and pinch it again. The concept wasn’t difficult. Mason closed the biting clamp over the soft, vulnerable flesh, his face breaking into a wide smile as she writhed in reaction to the pain. Another fine sadist in the making, she thought with a groan.

“Now,” Kai said, angling his head toward her so Constance could read his lips. “We’re going to thread this chain through the bars and over to here.” He took her other nipple in a ruthless grip. “And then every time she jerks or pulls away from the bedframe, she’s going to get a nice dose of ouch.”

Sadist! Both of them were grinning like maniacs as Mason applied the other clamp. Constance wrapped her fingers around the metal, as far as the cuffs on her wrist would allow, and thought about her predicament. Sure, it was easy to stand still at the moment and bear the rollicking ache at the tip of each breast. But once they started hurting her again--Mason was already palming Kai’s leather tawse--it was going to be really hard not to move.
