Page 71 of Nauti Boy (Nauti 1)

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Dawg sighed heavily, a grimace contorting his expression.

“Now, son of a bitch, how did I know you were going to go and get all dog-eared fucking jealous?” he griped, his green eyes narrowed in irritation. “Hell, Rowdy, talk about blue balls going on here. ”

“Talk about too damned bad,” Rowdy muttered as his muscles bunched and flexed beneath his flesh in rising tension. Damn, this shit sucked. As though the possessiveness, the emotions he felt for her were a separate being living within his flesh and bone.

“Hell, we can argue over this later,” Natches finally grumped. “After I take out my mad on that son of a bitch stalking her. Then we can fight over sharing rights. ”

“No sharing rights. Period,” Rowdy snapped. The only thing that restrained him from taking his cousins apart limb by limb was the fact that he knew them. They weren’t pissed, at least not yet. But Rowdy admitted he was getting there fast.

And it was his own damned fault. He was mad at himself for letting this situation get out of control, for letting his cousins believe there would be more here than he was able to accept now.

“Chill out, cuz,” Dawg breathed out roughly. “Hell, it would have been nice, but no one’s pushing. Wouldn’t be worth a shit if both of you didn’t want it anyway. ”

Rowdy narrowed his eyes on his older cousin. There was a vague restlessness in his voice, and he realized it had been there for a while.

“What the hell do you two think you’re doing? Growing the fuck up?” Natches snapped then, disgust lining his voice and filling his green eyes. “If I wanted to grow up I would have stayed in the fucking Marines. ”

Rowdy rolled his eyes. Trust Natches to get to the heart of the matter.

“I guess it was bound to happen eventually,” Dawg sighed. “Come on, let’s get the little troublemaker hid out in the house and see what we can do to make her life a little safer before she takes on the resident grouch here. ” He flicked his hand toward Rowdy.

“This falling in love crap obviously sucks,” Natches commented as he turned and headed out of the room. “Remind me to steer clear of it why doncha, guys? God only knows what kind of fool I might end up making of myself if I made that mistake. ” His mock shudder had a grin pulling at Rowdy’s lips.

“Careful, Natches, you know what happens when we tempt fate. ” How many times had they assured themselves the fun and games would never end. And now look where they were.

“Fate can kiss my ass,” he grumbled. “Better yet, she can suck my dick. I’m footloose and fancy-free, my man. And that’s how I’ll stay. ”

Rowdy eyed his cousin warily. There was lightning striking somewhere, he was certain, and at that moment he decided he didn’t want to be anywhere around when Natches finally did manage to fall in love.

“Think about it guys,” he muttered. “Do you think I’d ever be able to touch another woman after Kelly? That she could ever bear the thought of it, even if I could? She’s my life—”

“All this sugar is just going to give me a toothache,” Natches growled as he threw him a dark look. “Get over it already. She would have gone along with it if she had spent awhile between the three of us. She’s a fair-minded person—”

“Well maybe I’m not,” Rowdy bit out, his tone guttural. “Keep pushing me, Natches, and you’re going to get the fight you’re aiming for. ”

Rowdy was aware of Dawg watching them both warily, sensing the tension suddenly whipping between Natches and Rowdy.

“None of you are going to fight. ”

Rowdy’s head whipped around as Kelly stepped into the room, her gray eyes glittering with temper, her face flushed with it.

She was dressed in a pair of those low-rise jeans he liked so damn well. It was paired with a little cami shirt with tiny straps that flashed abdomen and the belly ring that made his dick jerk in his pants. That curvy little body of hers was going to be the death of him.

Surprisingly, Natches backed down from the look in her eye, not that Rowdy blamed the other man—she looked ready to claw all their eyes out.

“Hell, Kelly, you know us. We fight for the hell of it. ” Natches flashed a smile at her, one that gave a hell of a pretense of friendly amusement, if you discounted the darkening of those pale eyes.

“Save it for someone you can convince. ” She frowned back at the other man.

Natches grimaced.

“Kelly, you know”—Rowdy leaned against the bar as he watched her—“I can take care of s

ome things myself here. ”

She was cute as hell as she watched them with a temper tantrum seething just beneath the surface.

“Where these two are concerned?” She flicked her fingers between Dawg and Natches. “Rowdy, I doubt a whole team of Marines could whip those two in line. ”
