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“How are the boys doing?”

A small sparkle lit Lisa’s eyes. She loved her boys. “They’re with their dad tonight. ” She finally sighed. “With Joe and Jaime’s deaths and Grandma’s illness, I had to beg him to help me with them. There’s just not enough hours in the day. ”

“If you need anything, you’ll let me know?” Rogue asked.

“I will,” Lisa murmured, but Rogue knew her. Lisa wouldn’t tell her if she was starving; Rogue had to guess at it. She had to buy groceries and get someone else to deliver them or face Lisa’s anger. She had to slip in when Lisa wasn’t around and pay home health for Grandma Walker’s medicines and hospital bills. Lisa was proud as hell and she hated taking money from anyone, especially family.

Her head turned as Zeke moved back into the room. She fought her response to him, fought to keep her expression clear of the need and the hunger that burned inside her.

He was dressed in jeans again and his uniform shirt. A black official sheriff’s hat perched on his head. His badge was clipped to his belt and he looked so damned sexy it made her mouth water. Her hands itched to touch him, her lips felt swollen, inflamed for his kiss.

Rising to her feet, she watched him expectantly. She wanted him until she was consumed by it, but she also remembered why he was there.

“Had the boys told her anything?” Rogue asked as Lisa stood beside her.

He shook his head, his eagle-fierce gaze going between her and Lisa.

“Nothing,” he breathed out roughly. “If forensics or the coroner’s investigator doesn’t come up with anything, I’m going to have to close this case. ”

He knew something, she knew he did. She knew that closed little look, that official expression, and she hated it.

“I need to head out,” he told them, heading for the door. “If the two of you think of anything, then don’t hesitate to let me know. ”

With a slight little nod of his head he walked to the door. Rogue let him get outside before she gave Lisa a quick good- bye, grabbed her backpack, and followed him.

“Sheriff?” She kept her voice casual, composed.

Show no weakness, she warned herself. No familiarity. Stay distant. Zeke didn’t like public displays of anything from women, and she knew it.

He paused by the Tahoe, watching her curiously as she moved toward him.

“We need to talk,” she told him, keeping her voice low despite the fact that there were no neighbors.

“About what?” he asked carefully.

“Joe and Jaime. ” She propped her hands on her hips as she faced him. “What have you really learned?”

His arms went over his chest, his gaze became hooded. “Nothing conclusive,” he said.

“What do you have that isn’t conclusive?”

His eyes narrowed, his jaw bunched, and for a second she saw lust blaze in his eyes.

He grimaced as he glanced over her shoulder to the house. “Are you busy this afternoon?”

Surprised, Rogue shook her head. “I’m off the rest of the day. Why?”

“Follow me to the house,” he stated, opening his door and stepping into the Tahoe.

“We’ll talk there. ”

Follow him? To his house?

Rogue knew his farm wasn’t far from Grandma Walker’s. It was sheltered, private.

Hidden. Just as his relationships and his women stayed as hidden as he could manage.

She nodded slowly before moving away. He started the Tahoe as she moved away and was backing out of the drive as she straddled the Harley and started it with a flick of her wrist.

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