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“It’s beyond that. It is a hit. It’s beat the next-highest story on WNN by nearly double the number of hits in its first twenty-four hours.”

I was stunned. My piece?

“You’re speechless. It’s okay. I was, too. Your idea to play up your husband’s wealth was brilliant. People are all about rich, good-looking Dominants.” She took a hasty breath. “If you keep generating this much interest, we’re going to have to rethink your role. But, hell, we’ll talk about that later. Let’s celebrate! Free tonight?”

I could hardly keep up with her, the way she bounced from one topic to the next. “What?”

“Let’s go to a club. Me and you. Tonight!”

“Tonight?” My mind calculated all the things I’d need to do. “Let me call Nathaniel and arrange for someone to watch the kids. What time and where?”

We made arrangements for her to come by the penthouse and then I called Nathaniel.

“I think it’s a great idea for you to go out and celebrate,” he said. “We’ll spend the weekend in the city?”

I thought that would be perfect and we arranged a time to meet at the apartment so he could watch the kids. I buzzed around the house, packing a few things and walking around in a general daze. I still couldn’t believe my piece had generated so much attention.

“You’re the real deal, Abby,” Meagan had said before we hung up. “You’re the wife and submissive of one of the wealthiest men in the city. Who just happens to be one of the best-looking, too. Of course, your readers don’t know what he looks like, but still.”

“And you can write,” Nathaniel had added when we talked. “Don’t sell yourself short or think it’s just because you married me. It’s what you’re writing that people are responding to.”

Once Elizabeth made it home from preschool, I loaded everyone into the SUV and we took off to our penthouse. After arriving, I sent Nathaniel a text letting him know where we were and he sent one back saying he’d be getting home early.

I tried to keep my mind occupied. Elizabeth and I baked cookies, and after Henry’s nap, we all went for a walk in Central Park. We would pass people and I’d wonder if they’d read my article. Surely the odds were good at least some of them had. I hid a smile as we left the park; it was like I had a secret.

Nathaniel was home when we made it back. I gave him a quick kiss before heading to the bathroom to get ready. It’d been a long time since I’d been out to a club. I sorted through my closet, trying to decide what to wear. I finally settled on a short, black, one-sleeved lace dress. I loved the way I looked in it and it would be perfect for clubbing.

I pulled my hair into a loose knot, put on some makeup, and slipped into my heels. On my way out of the bedroom, I twisted in front of the full-length mirror.

Not bad, I thought. Not bad at all.

Nathaniel was in the living room with the kids and he gave a low whistle when I entered the room. “You look incredible.”

“Thank you.” I leaned over and kissed him. “Maybe you and I should hit the town soon.”

“Mmm.” He ran his hand over my ass. “It’s a date.”

“You’re missing a sleeve, Mommy,” Elizabeth said.

“Oh no, baby. It’s supposed to be like that.”

She wrinkled her nose. “That’s silly.”

“I suppose it is a little silly.” I gave her a hug and kiss and told her to be good for her father.

“We’ll be fine,” Nathaniel said, as I told Henry good-bye. “Elizabeth is going to invite Henry and me to a tea party. She promised I could wear her purple boa and that she’d serve the cookies you two made earlier.”

“Sounds like a great evening.” My phone vibrated with a text. “Meagan’s downstairs. I’ll see you guys later.”

Meagan was waiting for me in the lobby. I was a bit surprised to see her wearing a trench coat.

“Is it supposed to rain?” I asked, after she gave me a bone-crushing hug.

“No, I just didn’t want to show off my outfit.” She raised an eyebrow at my dress. “Ready?”

“Let’s go.”

She hailed a cab and once inside, I leaned back and took a deep breath while she gave the address to the driver.

“Ready to have some fun?” she asked.

“So ready.”

The drive took a bit longer than I thought it would and when we pulled out of the city, I turned to Meagan.

“Where are we going?” I asked.

“A new club. Well, the club’s not new, but the management is.”

I looked out the window again. “And it’s where?”

“Almost there.” She pulled out a compact and checked her reflection and patted her hair. Satisfied, she looked up and gave me a grin. “I’m going to buy you a drink when we get there. I had a meeting this afternoon with the execs and they are over the moon with you.”

I relaxed a little. “I’m so glad it was successful.”

She nodded. “Here we are.”

I got out of the taxi and looked around. It was nothing like I expected. There was no music, no lights, no people. What we had pulled up to looked like a warehouse and there wasn’t even a name posted out front. What the hell kind of place is this?

As we approached the building, the door opened and a massive bald guy stepped out.

Meagan trotted up to him. “Derek.”

The bald guy nodded. “I’ll take the coat.”

“Thank you, Sir.” She slipped out of her raincoat and I couldn’t stop the gasp I made. Under the coat, Meagan wore only a tiny pair of underwear and a black leather corset.

The doorman gave a grunt of approval. “I’m working the front for another half hour, but I’ll reserve us a room for later if you’d like.” He glanced up at me. “Your friend can join us if she loses the dress.”

“We’ll see,” Meagan replied. “And no, she can’t.”

“Meagan,” I said, as understanding dawned. “What kind of club is this?”

“A BDSM club,” she answered without so much as blinking. “What did you think it was?”

Now that we were closer, I heard the rhythmic thump, thump, thump of a bass inside the club—and it matched the thumping of my head. I spun around to face Meagan.

“What the hell?” I asked.


“You’re a sub?”

She lifted a perfectly shaped eyebrow. “Actually, I only sub for men. I top women.”

Her matter-of-fact confirmation of being in the lifestyle didn’t surprise me. I couldn’t say the same for her role. “You’re a switch?”

“I suppose. If you have to put a name to it.”

“That’s awesome. I don’t know many switches.” I wondered if she’d let me interview her sometime. “Let’s get a drink.”

“I can arrange that.” She snapped her fingers at a scantily dressed waitress. “Michelle, bring my friend here a cosmopolitan.”

The waitress bowed. “Yes, Mistress M.”

I shook my head and looked around the club for the first time. It was dingy for lack of a better word and smelled like sharp arousal mixed with sweat. Everything was gray and had a general run-down look. Paint peeled off several walls and the concrete floor was stained. Red and blue strobe lights flashed in a corner serving as a dance floor. In the opposite corner, two men were setting up a demo.

Michelle returned with my drink and I finished it in four swallows. It burned going down my throat, but I found I rather enjoyed the sensation.
