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left until I wash.” His fingers inched closer, coming to rest on my inner thigh. “Show Jeff how fucking gorgeous you are when you come.”

With that, his hand slipped between my legs and he teased my needy flesh. He traced my entrance before dipping a finger inside me. I choked back a moan.

“Let me hear you.” Jeff was back at my ear. “I can’t touch you and I can’t feel you, but I can have your sounds. Let me hear your pleasure.”

“Oh, God,” I groaned when Nathaniel added a second finger. “So good.”

“Right there?” Nathaniel asked. “You like it right there?”

I sucked in a breath as he started pumping. “Yes, Master. I like it everywhere.”

His fingers went deeper, and behind me, Jeff kept whispering. “Damn, the sight of you being finger fucked with your legs spread and nipples clamped. Makes me so fucking hard. I bet you feel so hot and wet around his fingers.”

My only reply was an incoherent mumble. Nathaniel knew just how to touch me to make me come and he masterfully eased my body into a frenzy of sensations. With his fingers stroking me and Jeff’s wicked whispers, I was dancing on the edge of orgasm in mere seconds.

“Let me come, Master,” I panted.


“Not yet. I want to watch her like this. You can see everything she’s feeling. When you fuck her and hit that spot within her, her entire body responds.”

Nathaniel hit the spot again and I felt my toes curl.

“Oh, fuck. Please, Sir.” I steeled my body, afraid I was going to come. I couldn’t let that happen. Not after the figging with ginger.

His fingers stroked again and as they hit deep inside me, Jeff said, “Now.”

I came with massive gasp and at the same time, Nathaniel released the clamps. One right after the other came off, tearing a shout from my throat and triggering another orgasm.

I slumped forward into Nathaniel’s arms, surprised to find I was totally unbound. Nathaniel pulled me close, gathering me into his arms, removing the blindfold, and lifting me from the chair. He carried me to the couch, where Jeff was already waiting with a thick white robe.

Once I was wrapped up, Nathaniel sat on the couch, holding me in his lap and stroking my hair. Through the haze of my foggy, postclimactic mind, I realized neither man had experienced their own release.

Jeff passed me a glass of water. It took only one sip for my body to recognize how thirsty it was. My comprehension must have been obvious because Nathaniel smiled.

“Slowly, my lovely.”

I made myself take small, measured sips. With each swallow I felt more and more revived. Nathaniel kissed my forehead.

“I’m going to go wash my hands before I inadvertently touch something I shouldn’t with ginger on my fingers.” He looked over to Jeff, who nodded.

“I’ll stay with her.”

Without Nathaniel, I expected the silence with Jeff to be awkward. He was, after all, a near stranger who’d just seen me in a very intimate and private situation. I didn’t have much experience making small talk in such settings.

“I have to say, Abby,” Jeff said, breaking the stillness. “I misjudged you and I’m sorry. It’s not the first time it’s happened. You’d think I’d have learned by now.”

I’d been curled up against the arm of the couch, and at his words, I straightened. “Misjudged how?”

“That night at the club, when I brought you home and saw where you lived.” He shook his head. “It was damn judgmental, but I took you for a lightweight.”

“That’s rather insulting to Master.”

“And the fact that that was your first response further proves how wrong I was.”

“Why did you think I was a lightweight?” I pulled the edges of the robe tighter around my body and shifted closer to him.

“Wealthy, drunk, high-society wife who also happens to be the submissive of her CEO husband.” He closed his eyes, deep in thought; then he looked at me. “Like I said, it was wrong of me to judge you.”

“You said you did it before. Do you often run into drunk, wealthy, high-society submissives?”

He laughed, though there seemed to be a hint of sadness clouding his amusement. “Just once before. Though she wasn’t drunk.”

“The blonde with the skin you like to mark?”

All traces of joviality left his face, and I realized I’d guessed right on both accounts. There was a sadness in him and it was tied to the blonde.

“Yes,” he said simply. “Her.”


He spoke it quietly and though it was a small word, it held a lot of weight and I wondered how long he’d been carrying that particular burden. Still, I wasn’t one to pry and he didn’t seem to be the sort to chatter.

He turned his face to look out the window and I studied his profile. Such rugged and handsome features. What had happened between him and his blond submissive with the fair skin to put such sadness in his eyes?

I had a sudden urge to track whoever it was down. Jeff seemed like such a strong and steadfast man, plus he was a firm and commanding Dominant. But we all had our own stories and people saw only what we wanted them to see for the most part. Whatever had happened between Jeff and the blonde was between them.

“You’re a lot alike,” he said out of the blue. “Wealthy, sassy, strong.”

“I’ll admit to sassy and strong, but I married into wealth.” I shrugged my shoulders. “Though I’d have married Nathaniel if he were a pauper.”

“She used to say the same. That it was just money.” He snorted. “I always thought it was easy to call it just money when you had plenty of it.”


“I’m sorry.” He turned back to me and gave a half smile, though I saw right through it. “I didn’t mean to make the conversation about me.”

I leveled my gaze at him. “Does she know?”

“Know what?”

“That you still love her.”

He looked stunned, like he couldn’t believe I’d correctly nailed his feelings. But he was saved from having to answer by Nathaniel’s return.

“All traces of ginger gone,” he said, walking into the living room. “Jeff, can I get you something to drink?”

Jeff stood up and I wasn’t sure, but he looked relieved he didn’t have to reply to my question. “No, I better be on my way.”

I stood to walk with him to the door. Nathaniel came alongside me and put his arm around my waist. I sighed in contentment.

Jeff shook Nathaniel’s hand. “It was an honor being invited this afternoon. Thank you.”

“I’m glad it worked out for you to join us.”

Jeff smiled at me. “Abby, it was a privilege and thank you for the lessons you taught me.” He winked. “And by the way, you’re no lightweight.”

We said our good-byes to Jeff and Nathaniel led me to the bedroom. Apparently, when I’d been talking with Jeff, he’d been busy. Soft piano music greeted me when he opened the door. He’d pulled the shades so the room was dim and one of the trays that had been delivered earlier was in the middle of the bed.

“Looks like you did more than wash your hands, Master,” I said, taking note of the pillows piled on top of the bed.

“You never got to eat,” he said, pulling me forward. “And I wanted to give you time to talk with Jeff.”

“You never ate and you didn’t climax.”

He turned me so we faced each other and he pressed his forehead to mine. “You worry about me too much, Abigail. You need to focus on doing what I ask and leave the rest to me.”

“I love you; of course I’m going to worry.” I pressed my lips to his in a soft kiss. “Besides, you need to keep up your strength.”

He smiled against my lips. “Trust me. When it comes to you, I have enough strength for half a dozen men.”
