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a harder thud hit my backside. Then there were two, two floggers striking me over and over as his fingers caressed me, transforming the pain into intense pleasure. I was free.

“How are you doing?” Nathaniel asked in a whisper.

“Green,” I managed to get out. “Green, Master. Don’t. Stop.”

He chuckled. “A little more then.”

“Thank you. Thank you,” I replied, but wasn’t sure he heard.

The flogger tails landed faster and harder and carried me along on a pleasure-filled high unlike any I could remember experiencing before. And he was with me the entire time, his strength supporting me, his adoration protecting me.

“Beautiful,” an unknown voice said.

“Amazing,” said another.

“Stunning,” said a third.

But it was the voice I loved that I listened for and finally heard.


I could tell the minute he started bringing me down, carrying me slowly off the mountain peak I’d been on. And though I wanted to protest, I forced myself to remember that he knew best and that I had to trust him. I doubted our afternoon was over. Something told me he wouldn’t be going without his own climax today.

“Are you with me?” Nathaniel asked.

“Yes, Master.” I was still highly aroused, but the floaty feeling I’d had while he flogged me was wearing off.

He bent down to unbuckle my ankles from the spreader bar, massaging my legs as he did. Then he released my arms from whatever they were attached to, but left them tied together in front of me.

“I’m going to take you to the couch,” he said, gently rubbing my shoulders. “Are you able to walk?”

I stretched each leg. “Yes, Master.”

I’d thought the men were sitting on the couch, but I didn’t feel their presence when he led me to the plush sofa and told me to sit down. I listened, but didn’t hear any movement.

“You’re wondering if they’re still here,” Nathaniel whispered. “Or maybe you’re thinking you imagined the entire thing and they were never here to begin with.”

I’d long ago learned he could nearly read my mind, so it didn’t surprise me like it used to when he voiced what I was thinking. But it hadn’t occurred to me I might have imagined them. I hadn’t done that, had I? They had been here. I’d heard them.

“Maybe they’re here and they’re just being quiet because they’re concentrating on you. Part your lips.”

I obeyed and he put a finger up to my mouth, tracing my lips but not having me suck his finger.

“Maybe they’re watching and imagining this is their finger touching you. Better yet, it’s their cock and you’re getting ready to show them what a good cocksucker you are.”

My heart pounded and he continued to oh-so-easily tease my lips. “Does it make you wet thinking about how aroused you’re making them? You like it when people watch you. Don’t you, you naughty girl?”

It did. Fuck. It got me off.

His hands left me briefly and there was again nothing but silence until I heard him behind me.

“Let’s say the three gentlemen are, in fact, still here. Show them how wet you are thinking about them watching. Knowing they’re getting hard just at the sight of you.”

Still no sound from anyone other than Nathaniel.

He slapped my thigh. “Spread them. Now.”

I moved my legs apart, but since my hands were still tied in front of me, I don’t think they saw much.

“How forgetful of me,” he said. “Let me take care of that.” And with a snip of his scissors, my hands were free. “I want your hands on your knees. Keep your legs spread.”

I felt wanton and wild, but I did as he asked.


Apparently, it felt like they were wider than they actually were. I moved my knees apart until my position felt obscene.

“That’ll do. Stay still,” he said. “Gentlemen, how about some drinks?”

There was a general murmur and clinking of ice in glasses. I expected Nathaniel to say something to me, but instead I was simply ignored. Or at least it felt that way. The men in the room started chatting in voices so low I couldn’t make out their words.

I stayed in position and waited.

And they talked. And talked. And talked.

Eventually my arms grew tired and my legs ached. And still they ignored me. It was as if I wasn’t even in the room.

Someone put more ice in their glass. I felt like pouting. What point was there in being naked and blindfolded if I was going to be ignored? I briefly considered taking a nap. After all, who would know? I had a blindfold on.

“I think someone’s feeling neglected,” Nathaniel said and I jerked at the surprise of being addressed.

I heard him walk toward me. Something wet was placed on my upper right thigh.

“Don’t let the glass fall,” he said and walked away.

“Mind if I put my glass down?” the unknown person asked.

“Go ahead,” Nathaniel said. “Her other thigh looks bare. It’d be nice for it to be symmetrical.”

There was a snort of laughter from another man and I felt another glass on my left thigh.

“Don’t let that fall, girl,” the unknown voice said. His voice was smooth and seductive. “Though it would interesting to see what your Master would do.”

He didn’t touch any part of me, but I shivered at his words and immediately regretted it. The glasses wobbled, but didn’t fall.

“Now maybe you won’t zone out while we finish our discussion,” Nathaniel said.

Holy shit! They were going to keep talking? What started out as a hot scene had grown tiresome and boring. I was naked in front of a group of men and instead of doing naughty things to me, they were using me as a makeshift coffee table.

I wondered what my blog readers would think of this.

Could I safeword out of boredom?

“Well, Abigail,” Nathaniel said after what felt like hours later. “I hope you enjoyed your little rest. It’s time for the fun to really begin.”

I snorted.

I didn’t mean to snort; it just kind of came out. I blamed it on the time I’d spent on the couch doing nothing but balancing glasses on my thighs. Unfortunately, it did come out and it wasn’t soft. One of the men actually stifled a laugh.

“Was that a snort, Abigail?” Nathaniel asked.

It was probably a rhetorical question. After all, it really didn’t sound like anything other than a snort and even if I tried to pass it off as something else, there were three men other than Nathaniel in the room and they’d certainly heard it.

“Yes, Master. It was a snort.”

“Would you care to explain why you snorted?”

“Well, I was sitting here on the couch, trying to be good and not let the glasses fall and after a while I just got bored. Then I tried to imagine what I’d write on the blog about the last hour. I imagined an entry I would call, I was a coffee table. Probably wouldn’t get a lot of hits. Seriously, what’s hot about a coffee table?”

“I assume you’re getting to the part soon where you snorted instead of all this babbling?” he said.

“Right, the snort. It was just hearing you say it was time for the fun to begin. I thought, ‘Hell, anything would be more fun than this.’”
