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“No, I know you’re not fucking her. If I thought for an instant you were, we wouldn’t

be having this conversation because you’d be dead and I’d be in jail. What I was saying was that if you were going to fuck her, you’d be sly enough to use the ‘We’re just meeting in the bar for business’ line so people wouldn’t think anything of you being seen together.”

“I see. So I’m not a cheater. I just have a devious mind.”

“You don’t get to be CEO of a successful business by playing nice in the sandbox.”

“This isn’t a damn sandbox.”

I put my hands on my hips. “And then you throw on me that you want to extend the time I’m collared and, oh, yeah, let’s do it right now.”

“Sit down and let’s talk this out like calm adults.” He turned and walked toward the couch, stopping on the way to pull the curtains closed.

“Why did you meet with her for lunch? What are you talking about tonight?”

He spun around to face me and his features were hard and cold. “It is business. We were talking about the nonprofit.”

“You refuse to tell me.”

“I just did.”

“I don’t believe you.”

We stared at each other for several long seconds, my words hanging in the air. Each judging the other, weighing what to say next, anticipating what might be done. We were so different in many ways, but so similar in others. Neither one of us changed our minds easily.

“I’m not pleased at all you just said that,” he said and by not pleased at all, he meant mad as fucking hell.

I thought about what I could say to diffuse the situation, but his phone vibrated and he reached into his pocket and pulled it out. He frowned at the display.

“Who is it?” I asked.


“Fuck diffusing the situation,” I said. “I’m going to bed. You sleep on the floor.” I stomped into the bedroom and slammed the door. I waited for a few minutes, staring at it, expecting him to bust in or knock or do something.

Surprisingly, he didn’t say or do anything. In fact, when I crawled into bed, he still hadn’t knocked. I strained my ears, listening for any sort of sound from the other room, but finally gave up and fell into an uneasy sleep.

Rough hands woke me up at some point, shocking me out of sleep. I flinched and struggled to get away.

“Damn it, Abigail,” Nathaniel said while I twisted out of his hands. He grabbed me again and turned me onto my stomach. “Go ahead. Fight me.”

His knee dug into the lower part of my back and I heard him rip his shirt off. The mattress bounced as he threw it to the ground. Fuck. He was angry. I tried to turn over, but he held me tight to the bed. He shifted again and his body was pressed along the length of my back.

“I should spank your ass for ever thinking I’d want anyone other than you. How dare you say you didn’t believe me. And I’ll be damned if I’m sleeping on the floor.” He grabbed me by the nape of my neck and bit my ear. “Do you understand?”

“Fuck you,” I said, fully awake and remembering every word of my outburst.

He jerked the hem of my gown to my waist and slapped my ass. Hard. “I’m mad as fucking hell right now, so you better watch your language.”

I tried to kick back at him, but missed. “You think I’m not mad?”

“I really don’t care how you feel right now.”


He slapped my ass again and shoved my legs apart. His erection pressed against my anus. “Speaking of assholes, what’s keeping me from fucking yours right now?”

Shit. He wouldn’t, would he? He’d never treated me like that when he was angry.

But he held my upper body and arms down, showing me he could if he wanted to.

“You wouldn’t dare.”

His laugh was evil. “No. No, I wouldn’t, but you’re walking a thin line. I understand you’re upset and angry, but you need to watch it.”

I struggled again to break away, but he held me fast. “Fuck you,” I said again.

He slapped my ass for the third time, even harder. “Only one of us is getting fucked tonight,” he said and lifted my hips to enter me with a powerful thrust.

“Fuck,” I said, because even though I was angry at him, it still felt good.

He shoved a hand over my mouth. “Don’t you dare disturb the hotel guests. Fucking you is the only thing keeping me sane right now.” He pulled his cock out and thrust inside again as if proving a point. “So you’re going to damn well take it. And don’t think for one minute this negates what’s coming tomorrow.”

I didn’t want to think about tomorrow just yet. My body yielded to his control, but my mind was still pissed. His hips moved in a punishing, violent rhythm and though I fought it, I craved it. There was freedom in his control. In his use of me.

“I’m busy tomorrow,” I said, like he wasn’t pounding into me and we were just having an everyday conversation.

“Like hell.” He lifted my hips so he could drive even deeper.

I couldn’t twist away from him even if I wanted to. But his hand rested near my face, and without giving it much thought, I turned slightly and bit his palm. He jerked in surprise and slid out of me.

Everything was a blur as he flipped me over and pinned my arms above my head. “Did you just bite me?”

“Damn straight, asshole. You think you can just come in here and shove your cock in me? Like you own me?” He lowered his head in a way that looked as if he was going to kiss me, but I turned my head. “Damn dominant men. You guys think every woman on the planet is just waiting for an opportunity to spread her legs for you.”

He whispered harshly in my ear, “I believe, Mrs. West, that the first time you came into my office, you were, in fact, waiting for an opportunity to spread your legs for me.” He held both my hands in one of his and shoved the other inside my thighs, pushing two fingers inside. “And look at this, you’re still wet at the thought of doing it again.”

I couldn’t deny the way my body reacted to him, so instead I said, “Sometimes, I don’t like you very much.”

His eyes were dark and cold. “Sometimes, I feel the same.”

We stared at each other for long seconds. We were similar in so many ways. Stubborn and hardheaded. I felt the anger and fear and relief rolling off him and I knew he sensed the same from me. Neither one of us could attack the person we wanted to, so instead we were taking it out on each other. With our emotions running so high, there was only one way to find release.

“Use me, then,” I finally said. “Make it hurt.”

This time when he moved his lips to mine, I let him kiss me. But even though his mouth was rough on mine, I was just as rough on his. He let go of my hands and palmed my breasts, squeezing them. I grabbed his ass, needing him back inside me, and dug my nails into him in the process. Neither one of us would get through the night unmarked.

He bucked against me, but still didn’t take me.

“Damn you,” I said, trying to reach his cock, but failing. “Do it.”

Breathing heavily, he sat up. Keeping his eyes locked firmly on mine, he took my upper thighs and pried them apart, his fingers so rough I’d have bruises in the morning.

“You see?” he asked, panting. “Just can’t wait to spread for my cock.”

“Bastard,” I spat.

He took his cock in hand, chuckling. “That might be the case, but it’s your pussy that’s getting wet just watching me stroke myself.” I opened my mouth, but he added, “Tell me I’m wrong and I’ll have you watch as I jerk off and come all over your stomach.”

I glared at him.

“Speechless, are you?” he asked. “Good. I hate it when chatter interrupts a nice hard fuck.”
