Page 16 of Perverted Fantasies

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“I’d like you to meet my good buddy Jose Cuervo,” Brandi said, extending her hand towards the bottle.

Ashley nodded towards it. “Hello there, jose.”

“Have you two met before?”

“Once or twice,” Ashley said.

“Jose is one of my best friends,” Brandi said, picking up the bottle. “He’s helped me through many hard times over the years. Most of my friends are into wine or mixed drinks, but not me. Nope, when I want to get good and trashed I prefer my good friend Jose Cuervo. He always treats me right. Unlike most of the men I know.” Brandi held the bottle up to her face and gave it a kiss. “Ain’t that right, Jose?”

Ashley eyed Brandi wearily, wondering what she’d gotten herself into. And whether or not it was too late to get herself out of it. Or if she even wanted to. Ashley had been with a couple of women over the years, but they’d mostly been brief experiments, and always with good friends. Nothing like this had never happened to her before, not even close. And while she wasn’t opposed to it, Ashley certainly didn’t feel real comfortable right now.

But before Ashley could settle on a course of action, Brandi took matters into her own hands. She filled the shot glasses, then grabbed the nearest one and held it up for a toast. Ashley grabbed the other one and clinked it against hers.

“Bottoms up,” Brandi said, effortlessly shooting the tequila.

Ashley did the same, grimacing a bit as it went down.

Brandi laughed. “Are you all right?” she said, grabbing the bottle and filling the glasses up once again as she talked.


“You sure? It didn’t look like Jose treated you all that nicely.”

“I’ll be fine,” Ashley said. And to prove it, she grabbed the glass and threw another shot down, grimacing only slightly this time.

“Not bad,” Brandi said. She shot her glass and started filling them up yet again. Brandi eyes had a psychotic little tilt to them. Ashley wasn’t sure if the butterflies in her stomach were due to excitement or fear. Or perhaps both.

Oh well, Ashley thought, nothing a few more shots couldn’t cure.


Six shots later and Ashley was starting to feel the effects of the tequila. Nothing too serious yet, but she knew from experience that it took a little while for shots to fully kick in. Within a few minutes she would undoubtedly be buzzing hard, if not outright drunk.

Brandi was feeling it too. Ashley could see it in Brandi’s eyes, could smell it on her breath, could taste it on her lips when she suddenly stepped towards Ashley and clamped them onto Ashley’s own. Brandi’s tongue darted into Ashley’s mouth and she replied in kind, all the while trying to keep from thinking too much about what was going on.

Just go with the flow, Ashley told himself. And she did, following Brandi’s lead on everything, from the rapidly increasing intensity of their kissing, to touching, to groping each other. Ashley was just starting to wonder if she should take the lead into the next phase when Brandi pulled back, grabbed the bottle of Cuervo, and took a swig straight from the bottle.

“So what do you say, Ashley? Do you think you can give me what I need?” Brandi asked in a drunken tilt, handing the bottle over to Ashley.

“That depends on what it is, I guess,” Ashley said.

“I need to get fucked.”

Ashley smiled took a drink. “I don’t think I can help you out with that.”

“Oh, I think you’re mistaken about that. I think you can help me. If you want to.”

“I seem to be missing one important piece of the puzzle,” Ashley said. “You know, like the most important piece of the puzzle if you want to fuck someone else.”

“What? You mean a cock?” Brandi asked, smiling.

“Uh, yeah,” Ashley said, smiling back despite herself.

“Oh, the cock is the easiest thing in the world to replace,” Brandi said. “I’ve got a strap-on with your name on it in my room right now if that’s the only thing holding you back.”

“Well, it’s not the only thing,” Ashley said.

“So you don’t want to fuck me?” Brandi asked. “Is that what your saying?”
