Page 44 of Carnal Fantasies

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He was in the kitchen disposing of the two empty bottles of wine, when Polly suddenly appeared right next to him. She was standing within a foot of him, their bodies practically touching, way too close for it to be an accident.

“Hey there,” Chris said, not wanting to presume too much. But from the look in her eyes he was pretty sure he knew what was coming.

“Hey yourself,” Polly said, offering him a loopy, more-than-a-little-drunk smile.

“Can I help you with something?” he asked, grinning back at her in the exact same way.

“Oh, I think you can,” she said, moving even closer to him. She was within inches now, her face directly in front of his, her tits brushing up against his chest.

“I don’t know if this is such a good idea,” Chris said.

“Come on, isn’t this what you want?” Polly asked. “What you’ve wanted since the day you first laid eyes upon me?”

“Maybe,” Chris said, trying to play it cool.

“Don’t give me that shit,” she said, rubbing her leg up against his. “After all the truth you’ve been dispensing tonight, don’t start lying now. It doesn’t become you.”

“Fine,” he said. “It is what I want. But I don’t know if this is a good idea. I’m not real good in relationships. They’re not my thing.”

“I’m not talking about getting into a relationship with you,” Polly said. “I just want to fuck. Maybe just tonight, maybe more often, depending on how it goes, but at least this one time. Right here, right now. What do you say?”

Chris laughed under his breath and shook his head. He couldn’t believe his luck.

“Is that a yes?” Polly asked, rubbing her hand along his chest.

“Of course it is. How can I turn down a request like that?”

“Wonderful,” Polly said, smiling up at him. “But before we get down to business, I have to warn you about something.”

“Let me guess,” Chris said. “You used to be a man.”

“How’d you know?” Polly said, playing along.

“Just a hunch,” he replied, trying not to smile. He was unsuccessful.

“Seriously though,” Polly said, pressing her body tighter against his. “I need you to know that I like to get a little crazy in the sack. I’m not really into regular, boring old sex. I hope you’re okay with that.”

“Oh, I think I can handle that,” Chris said.

“We’ll find out,” she said, grabbing ahold his cock through his pants and giving it a squeeze. “Not bad,” she said. “Not bad at all. But the real question is: Do you know what to do with it?”

“I’ve had a little practice.”

“I figured as much. With your looks and your body, you probably have to beat them away at the door.”

“I don’t know about that,” Chris said.

“Don’t be shy,” Polly said as she continued to stroke his cock. “I’ve seen that hot little blonde coming and going before.”

“You noticed her?”

“Of course. Why do you think I ventured over here in the first place?”

“I hadn’t really thought about it,” Chris said. “And I certainly

didn’t realize the two things were related.”

“Well they are,” Polly said. “I figured if that hot young thing keeps coming back for more you must be doing something right.”
