Page 63 of Carnal Fantasies

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The whip is pretty much just for show, it doesn’t really have a practical purpose in tonight’s proceedings but Mark’s eyes go wide upon seeing it. Which is exactly what I was going for. I wrap the whip around the back of

his neck and pull him inside.

Mark is a pretty physical guy, standing at a shade under 6 feet tall and almost 200 pounds. He’s not a pretty boy by any means, with a rugged face, a couple days worth of stubble and a standard barbershop haircut. He’s in his mid-thirties and has the body of a former college athlete starting to go soft around the middle. All in all not the kind of guy you’d normally associate with the sort of thing we have going on tonight. Which is a big part of the fun for me. Dominating a pretty little young man is one thing, but owning a big, manly-man type is infinitely more satisfying.

I lead him over to the center of the living room and order him down to his knees. He obeys without question. I wrap the whip around his neck a couple of times, pulling it tight enough that he can feel it but not so tight that it’s choking him.

“Are you ready for tonight?” I ask, looking down at him with an evil little smile on my face.

“I think so.”

“Are you sure? You look a little scared.”

“I am,” he says. “But that’s part of the fun.”

“I’m glad you see things that way,” I say. “Because I have a surprise for you. And it’s pretty scary. Do you want to see it?”

He nods.

I pull the whip tighter, choking him. Tilting my head to the side and flashing him a harsh look, I say, “What? I couldn’t hear you.”

“Yes,” he says, his voice softer due to the constriction of his neck.

“Yes what?” I say, pulling even tighter.

“Yes, mistress,” he manages to croak out. His face is starting to turn bright red.

“That’s better,” I say, unraveling the whip, allowing him to breathe normally once again. “You stay put. I’ll be right back.”

I head into the kitchen. I put the whip on the counter and pick up a strap-on with a reasonably thick, 7-inch latex dildo attached to it. It’s not the biggest dildo in my collection, not by a longshot, but it’s quite a bit larger than anything I’ve ever used on Mark before. Or any other man, for that matter.

I strap it on and head back out to the living room, where Mark is waiting, still sitting in the exact spot I left him, just like a good little sub. His eyes open wide when he sees the size of the cock strapped to my waist. I walk towards him, stopping once I’m just a couple inches away from him, the dildo practically touching his face, which is turned up towards me.

Standing over him, taunting him, I stroke my artificial cock. I’m not going to lie, it feels good to have a cock in my hands. Even if it’s a fake one made out of latex. It’s hard to keep my hands off of it. I don’t know how guys don’t stroke it all day long.

“Do you see what I have for you today?” I ask, staring down at Mark.

“It’s fucking huge,” he says, his voice brimming with both fear and excitement.

“You’re damn right it is,” I say. “And you know why?”

Mark shakes his head.

“It’s because I had a bad fucking week and I need to take it out on someone,” I say. “And you’re the lucky winner.”

Bending down until our heads are on the same level, I grab ahold of his chin and squeeze tight. He winces just a bit.

“You see, Mark, today is all about torture and pain and making you squirm and whine and cry like a little bitch,” I say, my eyes locked on his. “I’m going to tear you open. I’m going to stick this huge cock deep inside your asshole until you feel it all the way in your fucking stomach.”

Mark swallows. His throat makes an audible click. From the look in his eyes he’s either truly scared or he’s a great actor. I’m thinking it’s a little bit of both.

I slap him in the face. He takes it like a man, hardly making any sound at all.

“Do you like that?” I ask.

He nods.

“Then I guess I’m not doing it hard enough,” I say.
