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Then she remembered she didn’t have to wonder. She knew.

The wizard ignored what the sorceress had said. ‘As soon as I help Abby, I’ll send her back, too. I don’t want anyone near when I unleash the spell.’

Delora gripped his collar and pulled him close. She looked as if she might be about to give him a heated scolding. Instead she drew him into an embrace.

‘Please, Zedd,’ she whispered, ‘don’t leave us without you as First Wizard.’

Zedd smoothed back her dark hair. ‘And abandon you all to Thomas?’ He smirked. ‘Never.’

The dust from Delora’s horse drifted away into the gathering darkness as Zedd and Abby descended the slope towards the river. Abby led him along the path through the tall grasses and rushes, explaining that the path would offer them better concealment than the road. Abby was thankful that he didn’t argue for the road.

Her eyes darted from the deep shadows on one side to the shadows on the other as they were swallowed into the brush. Her pulse raced. She flinched whenever a twig snapped underfoot.

It happened as she feared it would, as she knew it would.

A figure enfolded in a long hooded cloak darted out of nowhere, knocking Abby aside. She saw the flash of a blade as Zedd flipped the attacker into the brush. He squatted, putting a hand back on Abby’s shoulder as she lay in the grass panting.

‘Stay down,’ he whispered urgently.

Light gathered at his fingers. He was conjuring magic. That was what they wanted him to do.

Tears welled, burning her eyes. She snatched his sleeve. ‘Zedd, don’t use magic.’ She could hardly speak past the tightening pain in her chest. ‘Don’t—’

The figure sprang again from the gloom of the bushes. Zedd threw up a hand. The night lit with a flash of hot light that struck the cloaked figure.

Rather than the assailant going down, it was Zedd who cried out and crumpled to the ground. Whatever he had thought to do to the attacker, it had been turned back on him, and he was in the grip of the most terrible anguish, preventing him from rising, or speaking. That was why they had wanted him to conjure magic: so they could capture him.

The figure standing over the wizard glowered at Abby. ‘Your part here is finished. Go.’

Abby scuttled into the grass. The woman pushed the hood back, and cast off her cloak. In the near darkness, Abby could see the woman’s long braid and red leather uniform. It was one of the women Abby had been told about, the women used to capture those with magic: the Mord-Sith.

The Mord-Sith watched with satisfaction as the wizard at her feet writhed in choking pain. ‘Well, well. Looks like the First Wizard himself has just made a very big mistake.’

The belts and straps of her red leather uniform creaked as she leaned down towards him, grinning at his agony. ‘I have been given the whole night to make you regret ever having lifted a finger to resist us. In the morning I’m to allow you to watch as our forces annihilate your people. Afterwards, I am to take you to Lord Rahl himself, the man who ordered the death of your wife, so you can beg him to order me to kill you, too.’ She kicked him. ‘So you can beg Lord Rahl for your death, as you watch your daughter die before your eyes.’

Zedd could only scream in horror and pain.

On her hands and knees, Abby crabbed her way farther back into the weeds and rushes. She wiped at her eyes, trying to see. She was horrified to witness what was being done to the man who had agreed to help her for no more reason than a debt to her mother. By contrast, these people had coerced her service by holding hostage the life of her child.

As she backed away, Abby saw the knife the Mord-Sith had dropped when Zedd had thrown her into the weeds. The knife was a pretext, used to provoke him to act; it was magic that was the true weapon. The Mord-Sith had used his own magic against him – used it to cripple and capture him, and now used it to hurt him.

It was the price demanded. Abby had complied. She had no choice. But what toll was she imposing on others?

How could she save her daughter’s life at the cost of so many others? Would Jana grow up to be a slave to people who would do this? With a mother who would allow it? Jana would grow up to learn to bow to Panis Rahl and his minions, to submit to evil, or worse, grow up to become a willing party to the scourge, never tasting liberty or knowing the value of honour.

With dreadful finality, everything seemed to fall to ruin in Abby’s mind.

She snatched up the knife. Zedd was wailing in pain as the Mord-Sith bent, doing some foul thing to him. Before she had time to lose her resolve, Abby was moving towards the woman’s back.

Abby had butchered animals. She told herself that this was no different. These were not people, but animals. She lifted the knife.

A hand clamped over her mouth. Another seized her wrist.

Abby moaned against the hand, against her failure to stop this madness when she had had the chance. A mouth close to her ear urged her to hush.

Struggling against the figure in a hooded cloak that held her, Abby turned her head as much as she could, and in the last of the daylight saw violet eyes looking back. For a moment she couldn’t make sense of it; couldn’t make sense of how the woman could be there when Abby had seen her remain behind. But it truly was her.

Abby stilled. The Mother Confessor released her and, with a quick hand signal, urged her back. Abby didn’t question; she scurried back into the rushes as the Mother Confessor reached out towards the woman in red leather. The Mord-Sith was bent over, intent on her grisly business with the screaming wizard.

In the distance, bugs chirped and clicked. Frogs called with insistent croaks. Not far away the river sloshed and burbled as it always did – a familiar, comforting sound that this night brought no comfort.

The gentle fingers that had once gentled Abby’s brow finally found the woman in red leather. For an instant, Abby feared the wicked woman might pull away fro the touch and reel around to unleash her violence on the Mother Confessor.

And then there came a sudden, violent concussion to the air. Thunder without sound. It drove the wind from Abby’s lungs. The wallop nearly knocked her senseless, making every joint in her body burn in sharp


There was no flash of light – just that pure and flawless jolt to the air. The world seemed to stop in its terrible splendour.

Grass flattened as if in a wind radiating out in a ring from the Mord-Sith and the Mother Confessor. Abby’s senses returned as the pain in her joints thankfully melted away.

Abby had never seen it done before, and had never expected to see it in the whole of her life, but she knew without doubt that she had just witnessed a Confessor unleashing her power. From what Abby’s mother had told her, it was the destruction of a person’s mind so complete that it left only numb devotion to the Confessor. She had but to ask and they would confess any truth, no matter the crime they had previously attempted to conceal or deny.

‘Mistress,’ the Mord-Sith moaned in piteous lamentation.

Abby, first staggered by the shock of the soundless thunder of the Mother Confessor’s power, and now stunned by the abject anguish of the woman crumpled on the ground, started when hand gripped her arm. It was the wizard.

With the back of his other hand he wiped blood from his mouth. He laboured to get his breath. ‘Leave her to it.’

‘Zedd... I... I’m so sorry, I tried to tell you not to use magic, but I didn’t call loud enough for you to hear.’

He managed to smile through obvious pain. ‘I heard you.’

‘But why then did you use your gift?’

‘I thought that in the end, you would not be the kind of person to do such a terrible thing, and that you would show your true heart.’ He pulled her away from the cries. ‘We used you. We wanted them to think they had succeeded.’

‘You knew what I was going to do? You knew I was to bring you to them so that they could capture you?’

‘I had a good idea. From the first there seemed more to you than you presented. You are not very talented at being a spy and a traitor. Since we arrived here you’ve been watching the shadows and jumping at the chirp of every bug.’

The Mother Confessor rushed up. ‘Zedd, are you all right?’

He put a hand on her shoulder. ‘I’ll be fine.’ His eyes still held the glaze of terror. ‘Thank you for not being late. For a moment, I feared...’
