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They sat in silence. Kahlan rubbed her thumb on the side of her boot heel. She didn't know what to say. Fear was nibbling at the fringes of her mind. She flicked her eyes up for a glance at him. He was staring off into space.

"Richard," she whispered, "I love you."

His answer was a long moment in coming. "I love you too." He turned to her. "Kahlan, I'm afraid."

"Of what?"

"Something is going on. A screeling shows up, I have these headaches, you call down lightning, I do what I did today. Something is happening. The only thing I can think to do is to go to Aydindril and find Zedd. All these things have something to do with magic."

She didn't think he was necessarily wrong, but put some other answers to them anyway. "Me calling down the lightning has to do with my magic. Not you. Though I don't know how I did it, I did it to protect you. The screeling, I think, is from the underworld. That has nothing to do with us. It is just something evil. The magic with you today... well, that could have something to do with the magic from the sword. I just don't know."

"And the headaches?"

"I don't know," she admitted at last.

"Kahlan, the headaches might kill me. I don't know how I know that, but I know it's true. It's not just a simple headache. It's something else. I don't know what."

"Richard, please don't say that. You're scaring me."

"Scares me, too. One reason I was angry at Chandalen was because I fear he may be right about me. About me bringing trouble."

"Maybe we should start thinking about getting out of here. Getting to Zedd."

"And what about the headaches? Much of the time, I can't even stand. I can't stop every ten paces to shoot an arrow."

She swallowed past the lump in her throat. "Maybe Nissel can find an answer."

He shook his head. "She can help only a little, and only for a time. Soon, I don't think she is going to be able to do anything. I'm afraid I might die."

Kahlan started crying. Richard leaned back against the wall, put his arm around her shoulders, and pulled her against him. He started to say something else but she put her fingers over his lips. She pressed her face against him as she cried, clutched at his shirt. It seemed as if everything was slowly starting to unravel. He held her and let her cry.

Kahlan began to realize she was being selfish. It was him these things were happening to. He was the one in pain, in danger. She should be comforting him, not the other way around.

"Richard Cypher, if you think this is going to get you out of marrying me, you had better think again."

"Kahlan, I'm not... I swear..."

She smiled and gently touched his cheek as she kissed him. "I know. Richard, we've solved problems a lot bigger than this one. We will figure it out. I promise. We have to; Weselan has already started my dress."

Richard put some of Nissel's leaves in his mouth. "Really? I bet you are going to look beautiful in it."

"Well, if you want to find out, you are just going to have to marry me."

"Yes ma'am."

Savidlin, Weselan, and Siddin returned a short time later. Richard had closed his eyes and rested as he chewed the leaves, and he said his head felt a little better. Siddin was excited. He was a local celebrity, having ridden on a dragon. He had spent the better part of the day telling other children what it had been like. Now he wanted to sit in Kahlan's lap and tell her about how he had been the center of attention.

She listened with a smile while they all ate stew and tava bread. Like her, Richard didn't want any cheese. Savidlin offered him a piece of smoked meat. Richard politely declined.

As they were finishing their meal, a grim-faced Bird Man, ringed by men with spears, showed up at the door. Everyone set their bowls down and stood. Kahlan didn't like the look on his face.

Richard stepped forward. "What is it? What's happened?"

The Bird Man took in everyone with a sweep of his eyes. "Three women, strangers, have come on horses."

Kahlan wondered why three women would bring men with spears around the Bird Man. "What do they want."

"They are difficult to understand. They speak only a little of our language. I believe they want Richard. They seemed to say they want Richard and they want to see his parents."

"My parents! Are you sure?"

"I think that is what they were trying to say. They said for you not to try to run any more. That they have come for you, and you must not run. They told me I must not interfere."

Richard unconsciously loosened his sword in its scabbard, his brow taking on a hawklike set. "Where are they?"

"I had them wait in the spirit house."

Kahlan hooked some hair behind her ear. "Did they say who they are?"

The Bird Man's long silver hair gleamed in the light of the setting sun coming from behind him. "They called themselves the Sisters of Light."

Kahlan's breath caught in her throat, goose bumps rippled up her arms. Her insides felt as if they had been twisted into an icy knot.

She couldn't make her eyes blink.


Richard frowned. "Well? Who are they? What did he say?"

Still, she couldn't make her eyes blink. She could only manage a wh

isper. "He said they are the Sisters of the Light."

He stared at her a long moment. "Who are the Sisters of the Light?"

Finally, she blinked and looked over at him. "I don't know a whole lot about them. No one does. Richard, I think we should leave." Kahlan clamped both hands on his arm. "Please? Let's go. Right now."

Richard's gaze glided over the men with spears, stopping on the Bird Man. "Thank him for coming to us. Tell him we will take care of it."

After the Bird Man nodded and he and his men left, and they had told Savidlin they would go alone, Richard led her outside by the arm. They went around a few corners and he pushed her gently up against a wall, holding her by her upper arms.

"All right, you may not know a lot about them, but you know something. Tell me what it is. I don't need to be a mind reader to tell you know something, and you're afraid."

"They have something to do with wizards. With those with the gift."

"What do you mean?"

Kahlan put her hands on his arms like he had his on hers. "One time when I was traveling with Wizard Giller, we were sitting around talking. You know, about life, dreams, things like that. Giller was a wizard by calling. He didn't have the gift, just the calling. Being a wizard had been his lifelong ambition, his calling. Zedd had taught him to be a wizard. Only, because of the wizard's web Zedd put over everyone when he left the Midlands, Giller didn't remember Zedd. No one did. No one even remembered his name.

"Anyway, I asked him if he ever wished he had more than the calling. If he wished he had the gift. He smiled and daydreamed about it a minute. Then his smile went away. His face turned white, and he said no, he didn't wish he had the gift.

"I was puzzled by the look of fear on his face. Wizard's don't often get a look like that over a simple question. I asked him why he wouldn't want to have the gift. He said because if he had the gift, he would have to face the Sisters of the Light.

"I asked him who they were, but he wouldn't tell me anything about them. He said it was best not to even mention their name aloud. He begged me not to ask him any more on the subject. I still remember how much the look on his face scared me."
