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“Let me make this clear, Langley. I might be the one person in your entire life who doesn’t give a shit about money. I make enough now to be happy. My brother is here. My team is here. My camp is here. There is nothing in that envelope I want.”

“Okay, then what do you want?” she asked as I walked out the door.

“I already told you!” I shouted back as I headed for my room. Let her stew on that one for a while.

* * *

The next day I swam laps in the lane pool that ran alongside Lukas’ house. I’d already had practice this morning, then skated with the kids, and was now actively avoiding the contract waiting for me in the kitchen.

Sure, it was a ton of money. But when was the last time money made anyone truly happy? My parents had been happy with next to nothing. I’d raised Tage on a meager salary until I got bumped to a higher one, and we’d done just fine. Yeah, I liked my new Rover, but it wasn’t like I needed it. Luxury items didn’t do it for me.

What I wanted was Langley. Admitting that didn’t bother me. Knowing it would never happen? That bothered the shit out of me. She’d walk out of this house without a contract, and I’d only see her when I went to visit Lukas. Even then it would be chance encounters at the rink or a party or some other bullshit.

It wasn’t even about sex—not that I wouldn’t sell my soul for a night where I could put my hands on her. A night where I could show her what it felt like to be with someone who worshipped her. Someone who knew exactly how to make her body sing without making her cry the next day.

She’d actually been engaged to that dick. She’d agreed to be his wife, to spend the rest of her life with him. Someone who couldn’t see past the end of his own erection to notice the incredible, driven woman who had chosen him. Instead, he’d thrown her away over a job.

Wait...was I doing the same thing? I reached the end of the lane and came up for air, resting my forearms along the cool stone of the pool’s edge. If I signed that stupid contract, then I’d live in South Carolina, close enough to see her often.

But I knew in the marrow of my bones that she still wouldn’t give me a chance if I lived there. She wasn’t going to give anyone a chance, not with how tight she had her heart locked up.

“Hey, Axel, I was getting ready to make some lunch. Did you want anything?”

Think of the Devil.

“Thank you, but no,” I answered, looking out over the bay.

“You okay?” she asked, walking around the pool to where I stood.

“Yeah,” I lied. The thing about Langley being here for three days was that I realized just how many more days I wanted. Days she wasn’t going to give me.

She dipped her bare foot into the water. “That’s nice,” she noted, then sat at the edge of the pool, knee-to-toes in the water while her thighs rose soft and bare to her jean shorts.

Langley was exquisite when dressed for work. She was class and sophistication and beauty. But, l liked her in this better. Soft and touchable. Home.

“He won’t give me back my cat,” she whispered, gripping the pool’s edge. “The asshole claims that because he bought Hufflepuff, she’s his.”

My gaze snapped to hers, only to find that she was staring at the water. “Your cat’s name is Hufflepuff?”

“You’re missing the point. And yes, I love Harry Potter.”

“Never watched them.” I shrugged. “And I know the point. You’re offering me something personal so I’ll do the same.”

Her eyes widened under those thick lashes. “It’s read them, and yes, that’s exactly what I was doing. God, do you always have to call me out? Can’t you just let me win something?” She splashed water in my face.

I gripped her ankles and pulled her in.

“Axel!” She shrieked as the water rose to just above her breasts. “You ass!” She backed herself against the wall.

I caged her in between my arms, leaving her more than enough room if she really wanted to go. “I personally like to read Stephen King, Dean Koontz, anything about the things that go bump in the night.”

“I bet you like to bump in the night,” she muttered.

“Look at me.”

“No.” She crossed her arms under her breasts, but they were beneath the water, which killed some of the intended effect.

“Look at me, Langley,” I ordered.

She slowly brought her eyes up, and I didn’t miss the way they traced over the lines of my abs and chest, then my neck, my lips, and finally my eyes. Good thing there was a lot of space between us, or she’d feel exactly how much I wanted her.
