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“Thank you,” I muttered in response to the kick she gave me under the table.

A waiter brought champagne and poured us each a glass. I noticed that Cain didn’t even take a sip of his other than the toast. He didn’t drink or womanize, according to Cass. He did invite my mom on our date, though! I still wasn’t sure how I felt about that. I was planning on getting down and dirty tonight, not getting critiqued on my table manners!

“I wanted you to know exactly where your daughter was and that she’s in good hands.”

She nodded, clearly under his spell.

“Thank you. I feel extremely comfortable with this.” I rolled my eyes as my mom giggled. Giggled! “The champagne might be helping with that.”

“It is a lovely place.” I said, looking around. It was elegant, with cream-colored curtains and dark wood furniture. The high ceilings were set off with ornate trim and several chandeliers. “I’ve never been here before.”

“I’m glad you like it. We are booked for the next three days.”

My jaw dropped. Literally dropped.


“Cain told me you two were ready to take your relationship to the next level.”

I stared at my mom, then back at Cain. She had signed off on this? This . . . love nest? There was no doubt what we would be doing in that hotel room. I swallowed, suddenly feeling very warm.

“The limo will take you home after dinner. With an escort, of course.”

She smiled and nodded.

“I am not familiar with motorcycles, but your men did seem like responsible drivers.”

“They are, at least when there are ladies present.”

The first course came and my mom started grilling Cain. He didn’t even bat an eye as she leaned on her folded hands, watching him intently.

“So, Cain, what do you do?”

“I was in the service. Marines. I specialized in tactical operations, led my own team. Now I run the club and I have a security firm. Most of my employees are ex-military, and lots of them are in the club.”

I looked at him. I hadn’t realized he owned his own company. I had to admit it, I was impressed. I felt a bit guilty about it too.

Like I was using him for his body.

“I want you to know my intentions toward your daughter are serious.”

I almost dropped my salad fork.

“That is very good to know.”

“I have a steady income and a solid house, though I am happy to move if Kelly wants something different.”

I was staring at him in shock. Cain looked at me with the hint of a smirk and took a sip of his champagne. I was at the bottom of my glass and he’d had two sips. Meanwhile, he was planning our life!

“I take it you don’t believe in marriage?” I said in a challenging tone.

Yes, I was testing him. If he was going to go this far, I might as well take a poke at him. See if he would seriously tell my mom he just wanted to shack up with me.

“It was never on my radar before. Now, it’s clearly the best course of action.”

Wait, what?

I choked on my champagne. Cain patted my back and handed me a glass of water when I finally stopped sputtering.

“Your mother suggested that we wait a few months to make any formal arrangement.” I stared at the two of them in shock. Cain was smiling benignly at the look of utter stupefaction on my face. “Otherwise, I would have taken you to Vegas this weekend.”

He wants to marry me? He wants to marry me right now?

“I thought you would enjoy planning your own wedding, sweetheart. That takes time. And I know I would love to have a say in it as well!”

Cain nodded at my mother and looked at me.

“I’ve agreed to wait. But I won’t wait long.”

There was a warning in his voice. I heard it clear as day. What the heck did that mean, exactly? He was going to leave me if I didn’t put on a white dress? Or . . . more likely, he’d just swoop in and drag me to the altar?

He knew I was ready to sleep with him. Was he planning on throwing me over his shoulder and forcing me to marry him like the character out of some sort of historical romance novel?

I saw Cain in a suit of armor, galloping over green hills with me.

I was slung over his saddle as he rode through the countryside. I wore a full-length blue wool gown with one of those funny Conical hats and long braids. I winced as the horse jumped over a fallen tree and my funny hat fell into the dusty road.

Yeah, no.

I huffed out a breath in annoyance that sent my bangs fluttering. Mom was too busy with her champagne and dinner to notice, but Cain did. He noticed everything.
