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Claire snapped her mouth shut and stared at her plate. That was . . . interesting. She listened to her granny, which was all the better for me.

I wonder if that tactic could get her all the way into my bed. Not out of politeness, of course. I didn’t want that. I wanted her totally at my mercy. I wanted her hot and bothered. Ready and more than willing.

I wanted her to beg for me.

And just like that, my cock went back to full mast.

Miss Ellie insisted that I take a second helping, and I didn’t argue. But I refused the third she offered, even though she was right. I could have easily put it away. I wanted the girls to have leftovers. I felt pretty crummy when I saw how much was left.

Claire stood to help clear the table but her granny put a stop to that.

“Why don’t you two go for a walk around like the block while I get dessert ready?”

I grinned. It was the perfect chance to get some alone time with the object of my affection. My extremely hard, aching, and eager affection.

My cock had her name written all over it and I hadn’t even touched her yet. I had a feeling once I got into her panties, I would never want to come out again. I couldn’t even imagine wanting another woman. Not if I had someone like her warming my bed.

Claire shrugged and gracefully turned toward the door after pressing a quick kiss to her gran’s cheek. I followed her closely, not wanting to scare Miss Ellie with my obvious arousal. I kept my eyes on her narrow back, forcing myself not to admire her perfect ass and legs. I didn’t need to get more riled up.

Down, boy. Pace yourself. Get a kiss. Don’t push it.

I knew I was more than likely to get a slap across my face, but I didn’t mind. I needed a slap. I needed something.


We stepped out onto the sidewalk. It was the time of night when the sky was still purple but the streetlights all came on. The neighborhood wasn’t rich, but people showed pride in their homes. Well, some of them, anyway.

It was the start of a perfect night.

A night I’d like to spend wrapped up in those silky thighs, I thought, stealing a look at the girl walking beside me.


“I didn’t say anything.”

But I had. I’d make a sound of pure male appreciation. And she’d heard me.

Unfortunately for me, Claire did not miss a trick. At least she isn’t a mind reader, I consoled myself silently. Because she would definitely slap me.

We walked in silence for a little while, turning the corner to another quiet street. This one had a small park with a playground set up. I took her elbow to guide her inside and gestured to the swing set.

“Want to swing? I’ll push.”

She laughed in surprise. It was an unexpected sound that broke the awkward tension between us. Everything seemed possible with the soft tinkle of her laugh.

Fuck me. That sound went right through me. I suddenly realized how badly I did not want to fuck this up.

You are in big fucking trouble, my friend.

“I don’t need a push, thank you very much,” she said pertly, sitting on the swing and pushing off with her feet. I stood to the side watching her, unable to look away. She looked almost as happy as a child in that moment. Her face was lit up with pure joy. No worries or disapproval in sight.

Something came over me. I couldn’t have stopped myself if I tried. And I didn’t want to.

I pulled her off the swing and into my arms.

“What—” she asked breathlessly a split second before my mouth crashed down on hers. Not just my mouth, either. I pulled her entire body against mine. And damn, but she felt good.

Not just good. A-fucking-mazing. Having her in my arms was the best damned thing I’d felt in my godforsaken life.

I kissed the hell out of her. I could taste her surprise. But then she was kissing me back.

A blissful minute or two passed with our tongues tangling and our hearts beating in time. I could have kissed her all night. My body roared at me to get closer, to pull her leg up and wrap it around me, to reach for the curve of her breast . . .

And then she pulled back.

Just far enough to slap me.

“What was that for?”

“You mauled me!”

“You were kissing me back,” I said, rubbing my cheek.

“You are imagining things,” she said with a scowl.

“Oh, I know I have a good imagination, sweetheart,” I said with a wolfish grin. “But that was real.”

I didn’t mind the slap. It was a good thing she’d slapped me because I’d been on the verge of fucking her standing up in the middle of a playground. It wasn’t even fully dark out yet.
