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“Fucking hell! Are you—”

Train went back out the door, closing it.

Not letting up from screaming at him, she called him every cuss word she could think of and even made some up when she couldn’t think of anymore.

Frustrated at his lack of response, she finally shut up and sat back down on the bunk. Ten minutes later, when Train came back inside the cell room, she ignored him, continuing to read the wanted posters.

“Look at me.”

She pointedly laid down on the bunk, staring up at the ceiling.

Out of the corner of her eye, she saw Train lean against the cell, crossing his arms against his chest.

“I can stand here all night. I’m not leaving until we get everything straightened out between us.”

“There’s nothing to straighten out.” Still refusing to look at him, she started counting ceiling tiles.

“You know there is, and you running away to Knoxville won’t solve it.”

“I’m not running from you. Why should I run when I can just kick your ass?”

“Because you love me, and you would rather move to Knoxville and uproot your mama than admit it.”

“She needs to be uprooted. That tin can she calls a home will blow away with the next big storm coming our way.”

“It’s her choice to make, not yours. And that’s not why you’re doing it. You love—”

Jumping off the bunk bed, she screamed at him, “I do not love you!”

“You love me so much that it terrifies you.” Train turned toward her. “I got the present you sent me yesterday. I put it on my bike. That kick back whip you sent me is black and red—”

“I didn’t send you anything,” she denied.

“When Stud gives me the go-ahead, I’ll have to take it off. You’ll have to buy me another one with blue and black colors.” Train’s sincere eyes stared into hers.

She gasped. “You’re leaving The Last Riders?”

He nodded. “I’ve already told Viper. I can deal with the Destructors. They aren’t The Last Riders, and I’ll miss them, but I’ll miss you more.”

“I’m not asking you to give up the club. Why’d you tell Viper you’re leaving? Dude, I’m not getting back with you. I told you that when you tried to talk to me after Gavin left for the hospital.”

“Maybe not, but at least I’ll be able to see you at the Destructors’ club. I miss you, Killy.”

She started pacing. “I’m not doing this with you. We are not getting back together. I don’t even know if I like you.”

“You love me.”

“No, I do not. This is crazy! You had Knox lock me up just to convince me I feel something I don’t.” She sat down on the bunk. “Leave, and tell Knox to bring the key. I want out.”

“I haven’t had sex since the last time we were together. I can’t eat. I don’t drink anymore. I don’t even watch the brothers have sex. I even found some more grey hairs. I owe Rider a hundred dollars because he knew I was thinking about you, and I didn’t pay attention to my cards.”

“I don’t love you.” She bit her trembling lip, turning her head so he couldn’t see the telltale sign.

“I’m even willing to forget my rule about you lying to me. I’ll even let you drive my bike.”

“You going to ride bitch?” She turned back to stare at him.


“You had Rider hold me down!” She jumped toward the cells bars.

Train didn’t even try to move away, letting her strike at him, seeing the hurt she had felt when he had told Rider to hold her as he searched her pockets and bra reflected in her eyes.

Stopping, she gripped the bars between them until her hands turned white.

“I know, and I’m not sorry. All you had to do was ask me for the key, Killy. That was all you had to do, but you didn’t, because you couldn’t bring yourself to trust me.”

“I was afraid Crash would get suspicious and get the Road Demons to kill Gavin. It had nothing to do with trust. It had to do—”

“You couldn’t bring yourself to put your happiness over someone’s life. Do you know how rare you are? It’s why I love you so much … You fought like a wildcat to protect Winter, Lily … You’re a protector; you can’t help yourself.” Train pried her fingers from the bars, holding them in his hand. “If you had gone in the military, you would have had a uniform filled with medals.”

“Timothy didn’t want me to,” she admitted, watching his reaction. “My mother told you, didn’t she?”

“Yes.” He squeezed her hand. “She told me everything.”

Killyama sighed. “She doesn’t want to move.”

“I don’t want you to, either. Stay, Killy … please.”

“If I did like you …” She then added the end of her sentence hurriedly, “And I’m not saying I do. I don’t want you leaving The Last Riders. They might not like me, but they love you.”
