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Killyama linked her hands with his, using the leverage to raise herself on his cock. “What are you waiting for …?”

Seeing her eyes widen, he turned, rolling over to thrust inside of her so deeply that it had her screaming his name out loud. Immediately, his climax took over at the bright emerald gaze staring back at him.

“I was waiting for you.”


“You all believe in getting the parties started early around here,” Killyama joked to Jewell as she came down the steps from upstairs.

“Ember is just the appetizer.” She gave Killyama the first truly friendly smile since she started seeing Train. The polite smile was now gone, and so was the usual wariness.

“Where’s Train?” She looked around the room at the rapt faces of the men, not seeing him among them.

“He’s in the backyard, grilling the steaks. I see the top Sasha let you borrow and my jeans fit.”

“Yes.” The black Harley tank top had been sung, but the low neckline looked bitching on her, and the low slung jeans made her ass look like a million dollars. Suckers didn’t know it, but they wouldn’t be getting them back.

The two women walked outside together where Killyama saw Train at the grill with Razer. The other members were standing around, drinking beers and talking.

Nabbing a beer out of the cooler, she strolled up to the grill, handing it to Train.

“Thanks. It’s hot as hell next to this grill. King was supposed to do the grilling, but he started talking to Lily and never came back.”

“It’s hot as Satan’s dick out here.” Looking toward Lily, she saw her drinking a soda. “I thought Lily didn’t drink anything with caffeine in it.”

“She doesn’t. She must be celebrating because it’s Rider’s birthday.”

“Hmm, so she didn’t have anything to do with you getting Knox to arrest me?”

“Lily couldn’t lie if she had to.” He flipped the steaks, avoiding her knowing gaze.

She shook her head at his lie. They needed to have a long chat about his propensity to lie to her.

“Which bitch is supposed to come out of that cake Willa made for Rider?”

Train and Razer started laughing.

“No one. It’s not that big.”

Downsizing Rider’s cake was another lie she would have to remind him about.

She patted his ass, deciding to give Beth and Lily the pleasure of her company. She needed to get away from the heat of the grill.

She sat down with them at the small table someone had set up. Lily was talking to Beth, blushing scarlet when she saw her.

“Are you mad at me? Do you want your check back? I haven’t cashed it yet. Technically, I didn’t lie. I really did promise the clothes to Krista.”

“I’m not mad at you. I got my man, and I’m going to file a lawsuit with the city. So it’s a win, win for me.” She casted Knox a retaliatory look. He had gone to stand by the grill as soon as she had left.

“I would think twice about suing him. He is Sex Piston’s brother-in-law, and you said you were going to ask Train to make him, his replacement when he said Shade wouldn’t.” Lily frowned unhappily.

“I changed my mind when he locked me up in his jail. Besides, Train isn’t ever going to need a replacement. I’m going to keep that man alive so long he’s going to make the record books.”

“That’s sweet. You must really love him.”

“Lily, don’t get on my nerves. I’m in a good mood.”

“Come on; let’s go make our plates before I tell Knox you’re threatening me.” Lily tugged her up to her feet.

Killyama let Lily and Beth get in line first. Train slid a big T-bone on her plate when it was her turn.

“Save me a place at the picnic table.”

Killyama nodded, finding a spot where they could sit. Moon, Rider, Willa, and Lucky were on the other side of her. She waited until Train sat down before starting to eat, letting the talk flow around her.

“You’re being quiet.”

She finished the bite she was chewing. “I’m enjoying my steak,” she complimented him.

“I aim to please.” He grinned.

Despite herself, she leaned closer to him, but then straightened when she saw Willa glance at them.

“If she says we make a cute couple, I’m going to puke,” she whispered out of the corner of her mouth.

Train squeezed her thigh under the table.

Relaxing, she finished the rest of her meal.

“You ready to cut your cake, Rider?” Willa asked.

“Hell yes.”

Sasha and Jewell got up to clear the empty plates, and Beth and Lily joined them. Killyama lifted her plate then started to lift Train’s.

“I’ll do that.” Stori stopped her, taking her plate and Train’s before she could get up. “Just stay. We can handle the cleanup.”

The other women all nodded.

Hurt, Killyama tried to keep it from showing. Even Lily and Beth hadn’t wanted her help.
