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When he began using his teeth to graze her swollen clit, she trembled, unable to hold the tremors that rocked her body.

“Poor baby, how long have you been holding that in? I was just getting started,” Train crooned as he used his body to roll her over, positioning them until their heads were at the top of the bed and he was on top of her.

“Maybe I was faking it.” Killyama tried to keep her face impassive as he loomed over her.

“What did I tell you about lying to me?”

“You said you would walk away, but I don’t think you’ll be going anywhere with that stick poking me.”

Train laughed, burying his face in her neck. “I never know what you’re going to say next.”

His laughter brought back the time they had spent in her car. At first, she had blamed the joint for making her feel carefree and relaxed with him. Now she realized it was him. He wasn’t hard to talk to, and he was tender in how he touched her. It made her feel special.

Killyama shook the thought away. She wasn’t special to Train. No woman was, not unless she was a Last Rider. Then she would become one of many. She didn’t get in line for any man. She didn’t care how big of a stick he was carrying.

She licked her bottom lip. “Is that a good or a bad thing?”

Train tangled his hand in her hair, lifting her mouth to his lips. “It can be a little frightening. Most of the brothers are afraid of you. You can rip a man to shreds with your mouth. I can get used to it as long as it stops at the bedroom door.” He tugged her bottom lip into his mouth, nibbling on it, almost making her forget what they were talking about. Oh, yeah, she remembered; the pussies in his club were afraid of her.

“I like to keep men on their toes.”

“You definitely do that. I wanted to strangle you when you told me that you had ‘Fuck You’ tatted on your ass.” As he said that, he rose up then flipped her over onto her stomach, brushing his lips over the curve of lower back. “Another lie?”

“Technically, it wasn’t a lie. I was thinking about getting a tattoo there, but I hate tramp stamps. I might be a tramp, but I don’t need to advertise it.”

“My name would be perfect tatted there.”

“I don’t tatt men’s names on my body.”

“Why?” Train whispered into her ear, making goose bumps rise on her arms.

“Same reason I don’t see any woman’s name on you.”

“I used to have one. I had it covered.”


“On my arm.”

“Why get it covered?”

“She lied to me.”

Train reached into his nightstand, taking out a condom. She felt him lift away as he opened it and put it on before she felt his weight drop down on her again.

“That feels good,” she moaned.

“I haven’t done anything yet.”

She bunched up the pillow beneath her cheek to lay more comfortably. “I like the way you fit against me.”

Killyama felt him pause, then his cock dipped between her thighs. She was so aroused he easily slipped inside of her with a hard thrust.

She was surrounded by Train’s body, his thick cock taking her an inch at a time as she quivered under him. She stayed still, letting him do all the work. Truthfully, she was worried she would come again too soon.

She liked everything he was doing to her—his groans, the way he wasn’t too rough yet forceful, the overwhelming buildup of giving herself to him. This was the only time she let her feminine side come out, a time when she could be all sweet and girly. She always had to look out for herself, but in bed with Train, she felt safe and protected, when usually she was the one who had everyone else’s back.

When she felt Train’s cock throbbing inside of her, she allowed herself to come again, holding the pillow and burying her face in it to keep from screaming out loud. She was not going to let any of the other Last Riders hear her. A woman had to have some pride.

Train heaved himself off her, settling down beside of her. She turned to her side so she could stare at him. She couldn’t see his dark eyes under his lashes, but she could see that he was breathing heavily. Killyama reached out, smoothing her hand over his corded waist.

“Poor baby, how long have you been holding that in?” Killyama mocked his words back at him.

From the look on his face, he had enjoyed the sex as much she had.

Giving him a small pat on his waist, she raised up, slipping her legs off the bed.

“Where are you going?” Train grunted out, trying to grab her and pull her back to the bed.
