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Train used the opportunity of Rider stopping to talk to Moon to slip away upstairs to talk to Sasha. He didn’t have to knock; she was standing by her bed, trying to put a necklace on.

“Need some help?”


Train moved behind her, gently maneuvering the two ends together before closing the clasp.

“The brothers will be keeping you busy tonight.”

The black halter accented the large swell of her breasts. It went around her neck, crisscrossing to dip in a deep V. Her midriff then tied behind her back, where he was treated to the sight of her ass cheeks peeking out from beneath her white shorts.

“That’s the plan.” She leaned back against his chest, giving him the cleavage she exposed.

“Is this the outfit Rider picked out?” Train let his hands rest lightly on her waist.

“How’d you know?”

“Lucky guess.” The clothes would take Rider a second to get her out of.

“I’ll wear the one you picked out next time.” She rubbed her back against his chest like a cat seeking affection.

“I’ll make sure you keep that promise.” He dropped his hands, stepping away, then giving her a pat on her ass.

“You’re leaving? I thought we could get the party started?”

“I can’t. I need to shower and get changed. I invited Killyama to the party tonight.”

Sasha gave him a friendly grin. “You going to leave your door open?”

“Not tonight. I want her to get used to us before I invite others to watch.”

“Scaredy cat. Stori says she’s fierce.”

“I’m not scared; just cautious.”

“Well, if you decide to let anyone join in, let me know. I’m up to the challenge. I miss being with you.”

“You’re going to have your hands full tonight without wondering what’s going on in my bedroom.”

“You never know. She might be into it.”

“I’ll keep that in mind. See you later.” Train left, hurrying to get his shower before Killyama arrived.

He had been undecided about her coming. But if he had any chance of convincing her to join The Last Riders, he had to let her see the parties. He hoped the night went well. Otherwise, it was going to be a hell storm of massive proportions.

He took a quick shower and dressed with his eyes on his watch. He didn’t want her to show up without him downstairs. The Friday night parties started anytime anyone wanted to fuck. With the hard week they had, they would be ready to blow off some steam soon.

Train was coming down the stairs when Killyama texted she was there. Opening the front door, he went outside to stand on the porch and wait for her.

He had to hang on to the balustrade when he saw her coming up the steps. The white jean top she wore was made to look like a bikini top that cupped her breasts lovingly. The material ended under her breasts, forming into fringes that gave him a glimpse of her waist. The fringes tapered to the hollow of her belly, which was exposed by her low-slung jeans that were so washed out they appeared almost white. There were so many holes, his eyes kept dipping to see the golden tan revealed through the frayed openings.

“Woman, I was already hard thinking about tonight. Now I could come just seeing you in that outfit.”

“Slow your roll, lover. We need to get a few things straight before we go inside.”

“Like what?”

“I know how this train ride goes. I’m telling you now, I’m not watching you fuck another woman.”

Train tried to douse the raging fire in his dick as he got himself back under control. Leave it to Killyama to put the brakes on before the party started.

“I told you, we don’t have to do anything you don’t want to do. We’ll leave the party and go upstairs to my room whenever it gets too much for you.”

“Dude, as long I don’t have to watch you fuck another woman, I can handle pretty much anything.”

He smiled. “That’s some brave words when you don’t know what you’re walking into. I’ve been with The Last Riders for a long time; they still surprise me.”

He opened the door for her. The clubroom was already crowded.

“You hungry?” Train took her hand, leading her toward the kitchen.

“No, but I’ll take a drink.”

He stopped his progression, turning to take Killyama to the bar.

“What can I get you?” He stepped behind the bar, grabbing a cold beer for himself.

“Got any bottled water?”

“We have tequila.”

“I’ll stick to water for now.” Killyama slid onto a stool, turning to study the faces around her.

Train shrugged, giving her the bottled water.

From her choice of profession, he could understand her trust issues. No woman, no matter how much she trusted a man, should ever lower their guards until they grew to know a man better.

“I didn’t expect this many Last Riders to be here.”

He slid onto a stool next to her. “They aren’t all Last Riders. Members can invite anyone they want on Fridays.”
