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That fact caught his attention.

“Why wouldn’t they want me to know?”

Thinking fast, she tried to regain her composure. “I guess they didn’t want you to know they worked with a woman.”

Train stared at her skeptically.

“You know how He-Man he is …”

“I can’t say I’ve seen that side of him … or Jonas.”

“Well, he is. They both are.”

“I assumed he was your father.”

“Hell to the fucking no.” Lowering her lashes, she raised his mouth to hers.

“Do you know that you only kiss me when you try to change the subject?”

“I do?” She sighed. “Look, he’s not my father. He’s been in my life ever since I was a kid, and so has Jonas. They kind of became surrogate fathers.”

“Your father didn’t care that they took his place?”

“My father is dead.”

“I’m sorry, Killy.”

“I’d rather go back to making out than talking about it.”

“I can do that.”

He had continued rubbing her as they talked, not letting the desire inside of her die. Now she rode his hand harder as he finally gave her his mouth. Thrusting her tongue inside, she tasted heaven as she tried to clamp her legs together again.

“I’m not going to come,” she whispered against his mouth.

“Who you telling? Me or yourself?” Train murmured back.

Her body was stretched over his. There was no lying about it, even though she wanted to.

“Both of us.”

She brushed her hair out of her eyes. If he kept teasing her, she would be the one everyone was watching. He thought he could make her lose control and lay the foundation for more sexual experiences until she became as blasé as the other women in the room. Remembering the blowjob she had given him, she knew how she could get him to do what she wanted instead.

She deliberately wiggled her ass again. “You’re so hard.” She lowered her voice to a sensuous tone. Then, clamping her teeth on his lower lip, she nibbled it like a piece of candy. “You’re so strong.” She ran her hand over his bicep, feeling it flex under her fingertips. “Mmm … Rub me harder. Ooo, that feels so good, lover. You make me so horny. I could just eat—”

Train stood up so fast that Killyama almost fell to the floor. She hid her smile as he rushed her toward the steps.

“Killyama, have you had time to ask Sex Piston when …?” Beth started to ask as they passed her and Razer.

“She’ll talk to her later,” Train threw the comment over his shoulder as he kept walking, tugging her alongside him.

She laughed as they climbed the stairs. “That was a little rude.”

He kept walking.

Yanking his bedroom door open, he pushed her inside, and then pressed her back to the closed door. “I didn’t think you would want me fucking you in front of Beth. If she hadn’t been in there, my dick would have taken what you were begging to give me.”

“Dream on, lover. We gonna talk about it to death, or are we gonna do it?”

“Oh, we’re gonna do it.” Train tugged off her jeans, somehow leaving her stripper heels on. He slid a condom on, and then lifted her legs over his forearms as he raised her high up against the door. “I’m going to fuck you so hard, you’re going to think that door is tattooed on your ass.”

“Do it!” she whimpered, goading him on.

He positioned his dick at the opening of her pussy. With a lunge, he then buried himself halfway inside of her.

“God, that feels so good. Give it all to me.”

Train lifted her legs higher over his biceps then wrapped his forearms over her legs, flattening her tits with his hands. Using her to brace himself, he drove his dick so high that she came instantly.

“Faster!” She wanted to ride out her orgasm as he fucked her.

She bucked against him as he fucked her steadily, his hair clinging to the sides of his face, obscuring her from seeing him. Gently, she reached out to brush it away.

“You’re so tight … I’m afraid I’m going to hurt you.”

“I’m not Humpty Dumpty; I don’t break.” She moaned. “Like that, lover. That’s the way I want your cock … Deep and fast …”

She met each of his thrusts with one of her own. When he stiffened, he took her hands, lifting them over her head and locking them in place as he ground out his climax in her spasming pussy, giving her the weight of his body when he finally stopped moving.

“You’re a dangerous woman.”

She rubbed her cheek against his. “You going to let me down or keep me here all night?”

“Give me a minute. I’m trying to decide. I kind of like where you are, but I have plans for the bed and the shower.”

“Can you let me use the bathroom first?”

“Do I have to?”


“Damn.” He let her down, releasing her hands. “Hurry back.”
