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When Stud stepped down, they shook hands again. Then Train’s name was called to accept his first prize. The huge trophy was held by a buxom brunette with leather shorts.

He turned again to see if Killyama was cheering for him, only to see that the spot where she had been standing was now empty. He hadn’t expected Killyama to cheer for him, but he was disappointed that she hadn’t even watched him receive his trophy.

When the brunette would have kissed him, Train dodged her, turning to leave the stage.

Rider met him at the back gate, helping him load up his borrowed bike onto the trailer while Lily and Beth congratulated him.

“Wow, Train, I was terrified you were going to wreck when you came out of that last turn!” Beth hugged him before letting her sister shyly take a turn.

“I knew you were going to win! You were so awesome!” Lily was barely able to get her compliments out before Shade snatched her back to his side.

“Thanks. Where’s Razer?”

Beth laughed. “I made him go buy some of Stud’s T-shirts. Hopefully, the next time you race, we can buy one of yours.”

Train shook his head. “This is my last race for a while.”

“Why? You won.” Lily’s smile faded. “All of us were cheering for you to win.”

“Not all of you.” Train scuffed his boot as he kicked a rock.

Realizing that Beth and Lily were staring at him quizzically, he made an excuse to give himself time to bury the feelings of jealously toward the exuberant cheering Killyama had given Stud.

“I want to tell Stud I’m leaving to go back to the clubhouse. Rider, if you’re done tying the bike down, I’ll be back in a minute.”

“Take your time. I’m going to go buy myself a couple of T-shirts.”

Train stopped in his tracks. “You’re going to buy some of Stud’s T-shirts?”

“Hell no. I’m going to buy some plain ones. The women can paint my name on them. That way, all the brothers will see who’s their favorite. You want me to buy one for you girls, too?” Rider stared at them expectantly, missing the glowering frown from Shade.

“That’s okay,” Lily delicately refused. “We can wait until Train has some made.”

Shade stared down at his small wife with a gleam that promised retribution.

Rider loved to rile The Last Riders’ enforcer. One day, though, he would go too far. Train hoped he would be there to witness it when it happened.

He found Stud’s trailer where his bike was parked next to, but Train didn’t see him. However, Sex Piston was sitting on the hood of the truck, her legs hanging off the side.

When he approached, her eyes narrowed on him, making no effort to hide her contempt for him.

Braving the woman’s surly manner, he drew closer.

“I wanted to tell Stud I was leaving. Is he going to be back soon?”

“He’s busy. I’ll let him know you left.”

Another man would have cut and run from her attitude. Train wasn’t that man. He had dealt with women long enough to know what made them tick, and he knew what made Sex Piston tick. The bitches watched out for each other.

Train was determined to have Killyama, and Stud’s wife was just as committed to keeping her from getting hurt. What she didn’t know was that he had no intention of hurting her.

“I can wait.” Train stubbornly leaned against the truck door, crossing his arms over his chest.

Her mouth set in a hard line. “If you’re waiting for Killyama, you’re wasting your time. She already left.”

Train’s lashes lowered. He had hoped to see her before she left. “That’s fine. I’ll still wait.”

“Fucker, what are you not getting? Are you stupid? You think you can try to use my man to get back in my bitch’s panties?” She agilely hopped off the hood of the truck. “I’ll rip the pitchfork out of the devil’s hand if I have to, to keep you away from her.” She waved him away from her with a shooing motion. “Go back to those hos you keep your bed warm for.”

“The only woman I’m keeping a spot warm for is Killyama.”

Sex Piston rudely snorted her disbelief. “I’ll believe that when I see it.” She tried to shoo him away again. “You’re wasting your time getting Stud to help you. The only one who is going to talk Killyama into giving you another whirl is me, and that won’t be happening … no matter how many races you talk Stud into losing.”

Dumfounded, Train’s mouth dropped open. “You think Stud deliberately lost the race because I asked him to?”

“My man doesn’t lose.”

“I have news for you. He did today. I’m not ashamed to admit I wanted to win because I wanted to impress Killyama, but I certainly didn’t ask Stud to let me.”

“I can vouch for that,” Stud said, walking up from behind the trailer. “He beat my ass fair and square.”
