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Smiling, she couldn’t help feeling like life was good for once. She had a hot-ass man at her back, and she was surrounded by her bitches, who, by the looks of it, were also planning on fucking their men tonight. All of them were on the dance floor, getting their groove on, when she saw T.A.’s face start to drop when Ginger came up behind her and Bear dancing, trying to garner his attention.

It was obvious Bear had already downed a few too many drinks when he began trying to dance with both women. When his hand landed on Ginger’s ass and he began giving more attention to Ginger, a hurt T.A. backed up.

“That bitch!” Crazy Bitch muttered to herself. That was when she saw red, and she could feel everyone in this room was about to be reminded exactly how she had gotten this nickname of hers.

It was like the music had stopped as she moved away from Calder and snatched a bottle of beer out of a brother’s hand. She had grabbed it by the neck, flipping it over and making the contents spill onto the floor and shoes of the people dancing nearby. She held it, ready to use it as a lethal weapon.

“Shit.” Calder realized too late what she was about to do. Before he could do anything to stop her, Killyama had shoved him back, and the rest of the bitches started backing her up.

Gripping the bottle, she swung it at the head of her target, hoping she just might get lucky and nail the two-timing fucker with one blow.

“Ow! What the fuck?” Bear grabbed the back of his bleeding head, turning to see his attacker. It was clear he was puffed up and ready to fight until he saw her backed up by Sex Piston, Fat Louise, and Killyama. The fight in his eyes was slowly replaced by fright.

The clubhouse went silent, until Ginger was the first one dumb enough to speak when she went to check on Bear’s wound. “Why the hell would you do that to him? You poor bab—”

Crazy Bitch grasped the neck of the bottle tighter. The broken bottle was now thankfully fully capable of killing someone.

Reaching out, she grabbed a handful of Ginger’s hair, yanking it to expose her throat and placing the jagged edge of the bottle there.

“You ginger-ass, hoeing bitch, give me one good reason not to kill your ass, other than the brothers for your mediocre dick-sucking skills, or so help me God, I’ll shove this bottle right into your throat.”

Calder had somehow made it up close to her. “Remember the flashing thing on your ankle? I’d say that’s one hell of a good fucking reason.”

“He’s right; let me shove it down that bitch’s throat.” Sex Piston stepped forward.

“No, you got kids.” Killyama glared at a terrified Ginger. “Let me.”

“I would offer, but I think one of you has this.” Fat Louise didn’t step forward.

Bear put his hands up. “Okay, let’s all calm down. I didn’t do nothin—”

“Shut up, you little fucker!” Crazy Bitch snapped at him, not knowing if the “little” or the “fucker” part was what hurt his feelings when he cowered back.

Putting the bottle closer to Ginger’s stretched-out neck as she pulled her hair even harder, she looked at a now happy T.A. “You want her? I’ll give her to you.”

“All right. Enough.” Calder motioned for the bitches’ men to start grabbing up their women while he grabbed the bottle out of Crazy Bitch’s hand and started to place it in T.A.’s hand, but then gave it to Dozer instead.

Crazy Bitch then saw Calder grab a wooden bowl of nuts from a nearby table. Spilling them out, he handed the bowl to T.A. “Go fucking crazy.”

The men were still struggling to grab their women, while Calder unsuccessfully tried to un-pry Crazy Bitch’s fingernails from Ginger’s hair. She snapped at him with her flashing pearly whites. It was only when he smacked her on the ass did she finally release the skank’s hair.

The asshole swung her over his shoulder. Thankfully, the tequila she had earlier was finally starting to get to her, slowing her crazy-ass down. Otherwise, she would have taken the fucker out for spanking her.

“I wasn’t done with her!” She smacked at the big man for taking her away from the fun.

Sex Piston had cold-cocked Bear for trying to pull T.A. off Ginger.

“Why can’t they be normal bitches when they get drunk? Most bitches strip, and put on shows or fuck you to death. Ours turn into bloodthirsty psycho’s that would make Dexter run for his life,” Looney complained, dodging a fist Crazy Bitch aimed at him as he stood innocently watching the commotion. “Who in the hell taught you to fight? I’m going to fuck him up.”

“I’m self-taught,” she bragged, raining her fists down on Calder’s back. “You deaf? I told you I wasn’t done with that two-bit excuse for a woman!”
