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Shade’s lips curled in what Crazy Bitch thought was a smile. “Taco Hut.”

“I know why she quit.” Killyama leaned against Train tiredly.

“I don’t know why you hate it so much.” Fat Louise bit off another bite of her candy bar. “You hate the food so bad, you should tell Mrs. Carpenter.”

“Fuck… fuck…” Crazy Bitch wanted to hug her friend. “Devon goes there a lot. She says that way, they can keep quality control of the food being served. Not only do they own Taco Hut, but they own rental houses.” She was becoming so excited she could barely get the words out. “Shade, call Rider—”

Before she could get the sentence out, Shade’s phone rang.

She frantically went to the knife block, taking the kitchen shears out. Running to the couch, she tried to cut her monitor off.

“Stop. You’ll have the police coming if you don’t. Rider’s got the address. Devon has a new tenant who hasn’t been paying her rent. Mrs. Carpenter wants her thrown out. Devon doesn’t.”

“He’s her sugar daddy.” Crazy Bitch looked wildly at Shade. “Can you get this thing off or not?”

Shade grinned. “What do you think?”

She held her ankle out. “Don’t make me ask twice.”


Crazy Bitch sat in the front seat of Sex Piston’s van as she followed Shade. They pulled out of her apartment parking lot, going to the address that Mrs. Carpenter had given Rider. He was going to stay with her to make sure she didn’t tip Devon off. Shade had called Razer and Cash to keep Devon from doing the same and find out if he had been the one who had kidnaped Calder.

She didn’t know how he had done it, but she was sure he had.

As they passed the street the hospital was on where Lucky was at, Crazy Bitch saw one biker accelerate to ride in front with Shade. Then Moon and five other bikers waited until Sex Piston’s van had passed to fall in line, cutting in front of Hammer and Jonas’s vehicle.

As they passed the street the Destructors’ clubhouse was on, Sex Piston slowed down to a crawl to let the Destructors get in front of them.

They watched as the Destructors accelerated their bikes, weaving among each other until the Destructors were in the lead. Viper and Shade were in front of the van, but the Destructors led the way.

“If I ever hear any of you say you saw me crying, I’ll rip your hearts out.” Crazy Bitch reached into Sex Piston glove compartment for a baby wipe, knowing she kept a package there for her makeup repairs.

“I don’t see anything. You, Train?” Killyama said from the back.

“No, I’m hunched down so no one can see me in this van.”

“What’s it worth to me to keep my mouth shut?” T.A. asked.

“You get to live.”

“Sounds fair. I don’t see a thing.”

“Fat Louise?”

“You know me; my lips are sealed.”

“Can’t we go any faster?” Crazy Bitch wanted Sex Piston to put the pedal to the metal.

“You want me to get pulled over? I’m doing sixty in a thirty-five-mile speed limit.”

“I’ll pay the ticket.”

“With what? We gave all our money to the shelter.”

“Put your emergency lights on—”

“Too late.” The blare of sirens had Sex Piston putting on her blinker to pull off when the police car whizzed past them.

“It’s Knox.” Crazy Bitch reached for another baby wipe, seeing him pull in front of the Destructors, giving them a police escort.

Without having to worry about getting a ticket anymore, Sex Piston pushed down on the gas pedal, and they flew down the two-lane highway, everyone getting out of their way.

“Damn, Killyama, you might not be the luckiest of us bitches. Diamond might be taking your place.”

“Diamond isn’t in our crew,” Sex Piston snapped.

“She gets me out of all those charges, she will be.” Crazy Bitch reached for the door handle, getting ready to jump out when they reached the house.

“We’ll talk about it when it happens.” Sex Piston cursed as everyone in front of them turned down a tree-lined street. It was a cul-de-sac, and the circle already had several motorcycles parked in front a green one-story house.

As soon as Sex Piston stopped, Crazy Bitch jumped out, running toward the door that stood wide open.

If Candi was responsible for Calder’s disappearance, she would kill the woman.

Before she could run inside, Stud came out, his face filled with mixed emotions.

“Does she know where Calder is?” She wanted to brush past him to drag the answer out of Candi herself, but Stud gripped her forearms, holding her in place.

“He’s inside. He told us to get the fuck out.”

“He’s alive?” She fell against his chest, sobbing in relief, despite Stud’s bleak expression.


When she would have jerked away from Stud, he jerked her back.

“Didn’t you hear what I said? He told us to get the fuck out.”

Crazy Bitch remembered when Calder had told her, when she felt the crazy coming over her, to push the red button to stop herself. Mentally, she had to do it several times to keep herself from hurting Stud.
