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“You two-bit fucking cunt, I will fucking strangle you to death with my bare hands if you don’t tell me what you’ve done to him!”

None of the men or women tried to stop her as she waited until Candi started to turn blue before loosening her grip.

“I ha-haven’t done anything,” she gasped out. “I saw him at the ceremon—”

Crazy Bitch tightened her grip again, this time waiting until the slut’s eyes nearly rolled backward before loosening it again.

“Dev… hit him… and brought him to me.”

Crazy Bitch heartlessly tightened her grip again. “What did you give him?” She gave her enough air to answer.

“Whatever is in the bottom drawer of my nightstand,” she sobbed. “I stole them from Dev and his mother.”

Crazy Bitch itched to snap her fucking neck. “If you ever come near him again, I’ll kill you. You won’t be the first fucker’s blood I’ve spilt.” Candi tried to nod, but couldn’t. “I don’t give a frog’s fart that you fucked his brains out. I don’t care that he smells like your nasty cunt. I don’t care that he called out your name when he came. That man is mine. And if his dick rots off or he loses every hair on his head, he’ll still be fucking mine.” She shook Candi so hard her head banged against the back of her chair.

Letting her go, she gave Knox a warning glare. “Don’t let her move.”

Seeing him place himself next to Candi, who was holding her throat and crying, Crazy Bitch walked back toward the bedroom.

“Move!” she yelled, sending her friends and the brothers moving out of her way.

Calder had rolled onto his stomach, giving everyone in the room an eyeful of his ass.

She went around the bed to pull out the drawer. “Get me a bag!” she snapped.

When Stud left and returned a minute later with a plastic bag, she threw at least ten different prescription bottles into the sack.

She was about to tie it closed when she noticed one with a brand she recognized. That bitch had to use a seventy-year-old’s medication to get a hard-on out of Calder.

She wanted to go back into the other room and shove the whole bottle of pills down the bitch’s throat, bottle and all.

Mentally, she pushed that red button in her mind again. Tying the bag closed, she tossed it to Stud. “Give that to the ambulance drivers.”

She went to the other side of the bed where Calder was facing, hearing the ambulance sirens grow louder. Kissing his cheek, she rubbed hers against his. “I’m going home to put my monitor back on, and then I’ll be at the hospital in a few. I love you, hot thang.”

“Crazy Bitch, you need to hide until we can sneak you out,” Shade said from the doorway.

She stood up, trying to find a place to hide. Assuming a door in the room was a closet, she started toward it.

“I… need… her.”

She had almost reached the door when she heard his whimper.


She turned back toward him.

“A-Anna-Ka… Need… her.”

“Breathe, breathe…” she told herself as tears slipped from her eyes, uncaring who saw.

“Crazy Bitch,” Shade warned.

“I’m not leaving him.” She sat down on the bed, taking Calder’s hand. “I’m here, hot thang, I’m here.” She lovingly covered his ass.

“I… need… you.”

“Baby, you’ve always needed me, and I’ve always needed you. You told me you’d catch me if I fall remember? Well now I’m here ready to catch you.”


Calder sat on his bed, watching Crazy Bitch unpack his clothes. He fidgeted with the bracelet that had just been snapped onto his wrist, wanting her to leave.

“I can do that. I’m not an invalid.”

“You will be if you use that tone of voice with me again.”

He jerked his gaze away when she looked over her shoulder at him. Calder couldn’t bear to have her look at him.

It was all still a blur to him. The last thing he remembered was coming out of the bathroom to have an elderly man asking him to lift a case of bottled waters out of his truck, and then following him out of a side door to a car with the trunk already open. When he bent to lift the case out, he remembered feeling a sharp pain. He didn’t remember anything after that until he woke up in a hospital room with Stud and Crazy Bitch sitting on chairs beside his bed.

He had numbly tried to wrap his mind around what had happened to him the two days he had been under Candi’s sick control. That she had conned an old man into kidnapping him was bizarre. That she had also used the promise of sex and marriage to get a rent-free home and money showed that the time she had spent in prison had taught her how to up her game.

“Why didn’t you tell me you were an informant?”
