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“It would save time. If Viper and Winter have figured out the clue, they’ll just wait until we leave, and then they’ll have a start on the next clue. We can do whatever you want to do. I’ll leave the choice to you.”

She furtively glanced toward the other couples.

“Let’s do it. I can’t afford to miss more work.”

Calder gave her a searching look. “When did you miss work?”

“Stud is coming over.” She was relieved to be able to skate past the question.

Sex Piston stayed behind, talking to Viper and Winter. Crazy Bitch knew she was trying to distract them.

“The clue is under the rock.”

“No shit.” She was dying to get at the clue. That Stud and Sex Piston knew it was under the rock showed it didn’t take a genius to figure it out. If they knew, then Viper and Winter knew also. Giving a ragged sigh, she accepted the inevitable. “Unless either of you can pull a chain out of your saddlebags, we might as well work together.”

“I was hoping you two would be practical.” Stud grimaced. “She said to make sure that you know it’s not going to be a habit.”

“Same goes here,” she agreed wholeheartedly. “Let’s get this done before some other assholes come along.”

Stud didn’t look pleased that he was one of the assholes who had come along when they had already been there.

“They know it’s under the rock,” Sex Piston said as they drew closer.

The men immediately went to the large rock as the women followed excitedly behind them.

“If it’s too heavy to move, I have a towing cable.” Viper grunted as they tried to move the rock.

“Of course you do.” Crazy Bitch rolled her eyes.

“What does that mean? You don’t think we already knew where the clue was?”

Crazy Bitch had to give Winter props for defending her man’s honor.

“No, I meant it as a compliment, that he is always prepared.”

“That’s fine, then.” Winter gave her husband a look filled with pride and love.

They were trying to knock it over when Shade pulled up with Lily at his back.

Shade threw an arm over Lily’s shoulder when they got off. “Need some help?”

“No!” the women yelled out, but the men had already moved to make room for Shade.

Crazy Bitch stopped watching the men struggle with the rock and went to the overlook to see if she could see the road that led up the mountain. Squinting, she watched to see if others were coming, unconsciously moving nearer to the edge.

She felt herself lifted backward.

“We almost had it!” Stud muttered as Calder pulled her farther away from the edge.

“Stay here.”

“I was fine. There’s a chain—”

“Which you were leaning over! I catch your ass that close again, the only clue you’ll be getting are my handprints on your ass,” Calder warned.

She didn’t scare easily, but his angry visage had her tongue-tied, leaving her only able to nod.

Calder went back to the rock, his anger tangible as he and the others strained, finally turning the rock over.

Stud bent down and pulled out a plastic bag. Unzipping it, he took out a sheet of paper and unfolded it.

“Read it out loud!” Crazy Bitch demanded.

“It wouldn’t make any sense if I do. It looks like a grocery list. One pound of potatoes, two cans of diced tomatoes, an onion…”

Crazy Bitch snatched it out of his hand, reading it. “Did he put his grocery list there by mistake?”

“Give it to me.” Sex Piston snatched it from her hand, going toward Stud’s bike.

“Where are you going with it? I want to take a picture of it before we put it back,” Winter berated her.

“I’m going to shove it up Greer’s ass. You can have it back when he’s done shitting it out.”

Stud caught her around the waist, taking the letter away from her. Taking a picture with his phone, he then gave it to Viper, who was standing near him.

“I’ll text it to you, Calder,” Stud said as he walked his wife toward his bike.

“Viper!” Sex Piston shouted as Stud forced her onto his bike. “Tell Greer I’m coming for him.”

After the others took pictures on their phones, the men moved the rock back into its resting place.

“How did Greer do that by himself?” Crazy Bitch overheard Lily asking Shade.

“He didn’t. Tate and Dustin probably helped him.” Viper wiped the sweat off his forehead.

“He used that big truck he’s so proud off,” Shade disagreed.

“The brothers are going to be pissed when they realize the clue is hidden under the rock.” Crazy Bitch got on the back of Calder’s bike. “None of you better share. Make them move it themselves.”

“Why? It’s pointless.” Lily’s soft heart had her wanting to give the clue out.

“Shade?” Crazy Bitch turned her head toward him at the sounds of more motorcycles approaching.

“I’ll handle it.” He steered his wife away to his bike. Starting it, he gave Lily no chance to talk before riding off.
