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Star was staring up at Stud like he had hung the moon.

He then watched as she opened the next present, unwrapping a pink blow-dryer.

“I love it, Crazy Bitch!”

Calder noticed Crazy Bitch wave from the crowd while her date took their empty plates, carrying them toward the kitchen.

Calder squeezed through the crowd until he was standing next to Crazy Bitch. “She’s almost finished opening her presents. Let’s go for a ride.”

“I’m here with a date.” Crazy Bitch didn’t turn her gaze away from watching Star.

“That lame dick isn’t a date. He’s an experiment.”

“An experiment?”

He finally managed to get her attention on him.

“Yeah, to see if he can make you as horny as I can.”

“He might not make me as horny, but at least he doesn’t leave me hanging.”

Calder crushed the empty paper cup in his hand, wanting to throw it at the man who was heading in their direction. “I was fucked up back then. I’m not anymore. Ask anyone. Hell, I’ll even take a drug test if you want me to.”

“I don’t.” Coldly, she curled her arm around the man who came to stand next to her.

“Sam, this is Calder.”

Crazy Bitch’s date held out his hand, but Calder ignored it, moving away through the crowd to the door. Outside, he unrolled his pack of cigarettes from the sleeve of his T-shirt, took one out of the pack, tapped the tobacco down, and then lit it. Sucking in the smoke, he then blew it out, watching it swirl lazily upward.

Why did he care who she fucked? Because it isn’t you, he answered his own question.

A headlight turned into Stud’s driveway. Coming to a stop, the biker turned off his motor, and Calder squinted through his smoke to see Train getting off his bike, striding to where Calder was standing on the porch.

“Catching a break from the kids, or the bitches?” Train asked as he drew closer.

“The bitches. I take that back—just one of them.”

“I hope it wasn’t my old lady?” Train’s smile faded.

“No. Crazy Bitch. That woman makes me want to run headlong into a rose bush. It would be easier to pull the thorns out.”

“I’ve been there.” He gave him a sympathetic look.

“What’d you do to piss Crazy Bitch off?” Calder asked.

“Not Crazy Bitch. Killyama. Hell, all the Destructors had a front seat when I tried to give us a chance.”

“I don’t have to ask if you thought it was worth it. You married her.”

“Killyama might be my wife now, but damn, there were times I could have strangled her. I still want to sometimes. Sex Piston’s crew knows how to push buttons that no reasonable man would put up with. Stud, Cade, and I joke that we must be masochists.”

“How’d you finally get through to her?”

“Same way Cade and Stud did—let them think they’re the boss in the relationship.”

“That’s not going to work for me.”

“I had a hard time with that, too, until I took Stud’s advice. Let her think she’s getting her way, then show her who’s boss in the bedroom.”

“My brother told you that? I’m surprised you listened.”

“Why not? I figured a man who can tame Sex Piston is a man I’d listen to.”

Calder laughingly agreed with him.

“I better get inside, or my new wife will be showing me who’s boss for being late. You coming?”

“No. I’m going back to the Blue Horsemen clubhouse.” Calder flicked his bud into the dark. “Tell Stud I’m leaving for me?”

“Will do. Take it easy.”

Calder was walking toward his bike when he heard Train shut the door. Gripping his handlebars, he swung onto his bike before turning the key. He backed up then rode off, seeing the lighted windows of Stud’s house in his rearview mirror.

The wind cooled his temper as he thought about Train’s words, but soon, the ride to the Blue Horsemen took his concentration, the road narrow and winding.

He had taken over as president of the Blue Horsemen, since Stud lived closer to the Destructors and to his bike shop. Although Calder still had an hour ride back and forth from the bike shop, he didn’t mind. He had finally earned Stud’s trust back. His brother had to see him early in the morning, and therefore could see for himself that his hands were steady and his eyes were clear.

The lights were still on when he got to the clubhouse. A few of the brothers were sitting around drinking, while two women were keeping them entertained. Calder hadn’t seen the whores before and didn’t care.

“You got any ones on you, Calder?”

He stopped as he was about to go to his room, taking out his wallet and taking out what singles he had, handing them to Fender.

Fender grasped the bills. “You want to give her one?”

“No, thanks.” With disinterest, he watched as Fender pulled apart the woman’s ass cheeks to smash one of his bills into her crevice. Her muscles clenched, nearly making it disappear from sight.
