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“I see how you are—doing sneaky shit to try to win. It’s just a game…” Feeling self-righteous, she was about to read them the riot act when Shade cut her off at the knees.

“You mean sneaky shit like when you and Calder hid behind the hay?”

The arrogant biker actually gave her a smile she had never seen on his cold face before.

Damn, if she wasn’t so into Calder, and if he wasn’t married, she would do him.

Calder snapped his fingers in front of her face. “See something you want?”

His masculine pride had been offended; she could tell by the hurt in his eyes.

Shrugging, she raised her arms to twine them around his neck. “FYI, I was just admiring Shade’s tattoos.”

“You weren’t staring at his tattoos.” Calder didn’t respond to her hug. “I have tattoos. I don’t see you staring at mine like that.”

“Don’t have to. I have yours memorized.”

“Really?” His face softened and he wrapped his arms around her waist.

“Sure, hot thang.”

“You okay, Sex Piston?” Stud asked in concern when she placed a hand over her mouth.

“I’m fine. I’m just trying to keep from barfing.”


“You going to pout all night? We could be getting it on instead of me watching you watch the news. I even packed my new nightie.” She bounced off the bed where she had been posing without success to get a rise out of the still peeved biker.

“Sex Piston was just joking. I never figured you’d be so fucking jealous-natured. You don’t see me all torn up because you looked at Lily.” She took off her sexy nightie, throwing it down on her suitcase before rummaging through the contents for her favorite shorts and tank top.

“I wasn’t looking at Lily like you were Shade. Why are you changing your clothes?”

“Because I was tired of waiting for you to notice that I was looking damn fine. You put me in a bad mood. I don’t want to fuck anymore.” She went to the side of the bed he was sitting on. “Roll over.”

“What if I want to fuck?”

“Then you should have thought of that before I changed my mind. You snooze, you lose. Roll over.”

Calder scooted over in the bed, giving her room to get in.

“I didn’t know there was a time limit.”

“What you didn’t count on”—she lay down, pushing the pillow under her head after giving it a hard whack—“was that I wouldn’t kiss your ass to make you feel better. Turn out the light.” She yawned. “I told Sex Piston I would have breakfast with them in the morning.”

“That’s another thing that hur—pissed me off. Why didn’t you include me when you mentioned having breakfast with Stud and his family?”

She gave a louder yawn. “She wants to eat at eight because Star and Harley wake up early. I had planned for you to be unable to move in the morning, much less drag your ass out of bed.”

The television was turned off, but the light wasn’t.

“I’m sorry.”

Crazy Bitch felt the bed dip as he slid closer to her, settling his chin on her shoulder.

“S’all right. Good night. Turn off the light.” She shrugged her shoulder out from under his chin.

“I mean it. I took the fun out of us finding the clue. Let me make it up to you.” He caressed his hand down her spine to cup her ass.

“I’m not in the mood anymore.”

“But I’m really, really sorry.” He kissed the curve of her shoulder that met her neck, sending goose bumps down her back.

“I even bought you a present when I bought my nightie.” She carefully poured more guilt on him. “I had planned for us to have a lot of fun with it.” She turned her head farther into her pillow to keep him from seeing her smug smile.

Men were such suckers. Give them what they want, and they don’t want it. Take it away, and they will beg for it. She had no intention of going to sleep without getting a little something, something.

“I really liked that nightie. Where’d you get it from?”

Her desire to play it cool hit a snag when he started massaging one of her ass cheeks through the soft material of her shorts.

“Shade’s sister Penni had a lingerie party when she came for a visit a couple of months ago.”

His hand stopped moving. “How did you buy me a present when you bought it two months ago?”

“I didn’t technically know it was you I was buying it for.”

“It can’t be called a present if you didn’t buy it for a particular person.”

Shit, he was getting angry again. Calder had more mood swings than a woman on PMS.

“Yes, it can, if it’s still brand-new and in the wrapper.”

“What is it?”

“Something you damn sure won’t be unwrapping tonight.” She jabbed him in the stomach to make him start massaging her ass again.
